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On 1/6/2019 at 12:33 PM, yaqdum said:

not one on one.  the bulldog we see today is a caricature of the animal in the wild.  the features that gave the dog its weapons are grossly exaggerated today.  the dog in the wild had a short, wrinkled face, long flews and powerful, undershot jaw, a muscular build up front, and long sinewy back legs like today but not so exaggerated.  today's dog couldn't hunt like the old bulldog packs hunted.  much too heavy today.

bulldogs are naturally sociable, so they teamed and schemed to bring down big prey.  they set traps for big animals and would attack with lead dogs leaping to grab onto loose skin in the head region.  they just wouldn't let go, and others would join in.  the big animal would sling its head but just couldn't free itself.  the dog was perfectly configured to play this game.  the short face allowed it to breathe and the wrinkles and flews channeled fluids away.  the tight, muscular body was not so heavy that the bull's tissues would give way.

it might take half a day or more, but the pursuing pack would keep swapping out antagonists and keep the big animal from being able to eat or drink.  eventually it would stumble and the feast would begin.

actually that isn't a bad metaphor for what happened the other night, though the other way around.


What is their native range "in the wild"???


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19 hours ago, Nivek said:

I don't think that is true.  They hyped up Baker being out and downplayed Sterns being out.   Our team is a bad match-up for Georgia and their first, second, and 3rd string RBs were limited.  We ran our first and second RBs at them.   


Basically you can cut and paste the reasons Cal deserved to be in the Rose Bowl in 2004 over Texas for Georgia and their post game excuses once they had the shit kicked out of them by Tech. 

At least that Cal team had a transcendent QB in Aaron Rodgers. Jake Fromm is no Aaron Rodgers.

18 hours ago, El Squared said:

The SEc and the subordinate sports media have bought the SEC narrative that if the SEC team is not in the CFB playoffs, it doesn't matter and they don't mind at all if they lose.

Essentially these games "don't matter" to this superconference.

Advertisers, sponsors, and Joe Public should be made aware of this "fact"  before purchasing ad time, donating money, or buying tickets, if the SEC is merely going to lay down in these contests. Yet surprisingly, they don't. 

The money bags schemers for the SEC and ESPN have programmed this built in excuse for the last few years to preserve and protect SEC fortunes and recruiting. This is a relatively new scheme. It has occurred since Mickey Mouse became their new pimp.

No other conference or team or conference  uses this pathetic pre-programmed device except SEC, and no media barking rectums have called them out for it. 

The SEC literally has very little if you take away an out-sized football reputation. Other than Vanderbilt and Florida, the conference is made up of a bunch of average to below-average state schools in some of the most backwards parts of this country. The SEC will do anything in its' power to keep the reputation -- 8-game conference schedule, November "layup" week, gerrymandering bowl match-ups, etc.

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10 minutes ago, C-Man said:

The SEC literally has very little if you take away an out-sized football reputation. Other than Vanderbilt and Florida, the conference is made up of a bunch of average to below-average state schools in some of the most backwards parts of this country. The SEC will do anything in its' power to keep the reputation -- 8-game conference schedule, November "layup" week, gerrymandering bowl match-ups, etc.

In many ways, Alabama and Oklahoma are very similar on that front.  Most of the rest of the SEC is OU without the football achievements.

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35 minutes ago, Tex Long said:

Ol' Aaron won't let y'all pack his fudge khakis?



"We'll take out all our frustrations on the Texas Tech team," Gutierrez said. "You'll see a team that's extremely pissed off."


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For everyone talking about how the #5 team always loses in the CFP era and Georgia had no motivation, I just ask them how many millions they made betting against Georgia -13 in Vegas. It is a totally after-the-fact rationalization.

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3 hours ago, Teamdirtyleg said:

What is their native range "in the wild"???


beats me.  we're talking a long time ago, before the peninsula that became england/scotland completely broke free.  i've seen it said that the little spit of connection became dangerously slim and then collapsed in a storm coming down from the north sea.  assumption is the peninsula and mainland probably had similar wildlife.  i'm guessing dog packs of whatever breeds could roam free sort of like feral hogs do now in these parts.

in relatively recent times the bulldog became very unpopular and mostly survived as guard dogs and such.  as a rule they are gentle and sweet with people unless provoked, and that's not easy to do.  they were used in sport to fight various large animals, but not one on one.  baiting, they called it.  eventually they became 'discovered' as great family friends, and most have easy lives now.

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