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Mooer has been hit or miss for me.  

Hit - phaser (I may even prefer it to my MXR phase 100, which is often mentioned as the best of the phasers)

Miss - trelicopter.  tremolo is too abrupt, and pedal is noisy.  

21 hours ago, Paul Wesley said:

Mooer has been hit or miss for me.  

Hit - phaser (I may even prefer it to my MXR phase 100, which is often mentioned as the best of the phasers)

Miss - trelicopter.  tremolo is too abrupt, and pedal is noisy.  


I dig the Phaser. Thought about the Trelicopter but reviews weren't great.

Do you have the Blues Crab? That's the one I've been thinking about lately.

2 hours ago, Paul Wesley said:

No, never heard it.    It's a Blues Driver clone?

Supposed to be a Marshall Blues Breaker clone. The Blues Driver clone is the Blues Mood.


Watching a Mark Tremonti rig rundown he said he turns the tone knob all the way down on his tube screamer and turns the drive and level knobs all the way. Been trying the Shag Screamer like that and I have to say I like it.


This is apparently coming out this year. One of us sick fucks is probably going to buy this. 



CIOKS OVERKILL is not for small pedalboards… This enormous power house will power huge rigs with its 25
isolated outlets. Each of the six 400mA outlets will power any Eventide, Strymon or Empress pedal. All 24 DC
outlets can be set to deliver the standard 9V DC but also voltages 6, 12 and 18V are obtainable from a single
outlet. Two outlets are with SAG feature for e.g. fuzz pedals. By combining two outlets using the included
Series adapter Flex you can also power Radial Tonebone pedals with 15V, vintage EHX pedals with 24V or
other needing these voltage values. The included Parallel adapter Flex can make an 800mA source out of
two 400mA outlets if you need that for say a Kingsley pedal or other that needs more than 400mA. A seventh
400mA source can be made from the two 200mA outlets. For AC pedals use the last outlet with 9 or 12V AC.
Using the included Split Flex or 3-way daisy chain Flex you can power 2 or 3 pedals of a single outlet.



Any of y'all have a pedal you can recommend that adds some bottom end (maybe drops an octave) that I can plug my acoustic into?

The set up is a four piece, with three guitars and a harmonic.  One of the guys just bangs out chords, one can play some lead, but mostly plays rhythm.  I play lead and bass lines.  Trying to get some depth to the sound, rather than just three guitars banging away.

Me, then I'm linking 25 OD pedals and turning them all on at once.
My 4 yr old granddaughter likes to turn all of my pedals on at once. You just move the guitar and it is a mess of glory.

I just got the Mooer Blues Crab today, supposedly a clone of the Marshall Blues Breaker pedal. This is exactly the kind of overdrive sound I've been looking for. It's full and warm, not screechy. Breaks up fat without getting hairy. I messed around using it in different ways, from balls to the wall to a lower gain blues tone and it hits on all of them really nicely. It's got some nice harmonics to it, good sustain. Great for classic rock tones, really makes the humbuckers sing. Even more when I put a little bit of clean boost after it. It's one of those small pedals, which I like, every well built. Paid under $60 with a 10% coupon. Seems like a great consolation prize for the poors who don't want to spend the money for an SL Drive or some schmancy $200 boutique pedal with hipster art on it.

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I've been hemming and hawing over transparent clean blend ODs and thought to myself last night, fuck it. Went to guitar center and played the Tumnus, Sugar Drive, and Soul Food.

All three of them had the functionality right - the grit is added into a clean boost through a process of magickal Finngen-MIT secret. I thought the Tumnus won easily over both. It's clarity and boost were exceptionally better. The overdrive was also really responsive like my Blues Driver. The Soul Food and Sugar Drive were flatter, muddier I guess. So it must have been something in their tone knob functions, frequencies and function. Could be materials. Regardless, it's somewhere in this pornhub circuit orgy:



If I were just testing these out as clean boosts, the result would be the same so I guess the Tumnus just had that extra crisp, better foundation 

Final results: The Tumnus wins. Soul Food didn't impress me despite the fact that they cost nothing. Sugar Drive was kind of in the middle.


Also, I bought this cable. It's dope.

25' Braided Straight / Angle Instrument Cables Neon Orange Front

Posted (edited)

Also - I avoided investigating this pedal forever simply because I thought the name was dumb. And I still don't know how I feel about Brian Wampler. Seems like he insists upon himself. That despite the fact that his Ego Compressor will never leave my board.

Edited by Grandioso
Posted (edited)

There just aren't that many Centaur/half-man themed names to choose from.  Blame Bill Finnegan.

Does "Tumnus Deluxe" sound better?  :)

Side note: I also have no intention to have that dumb name on my pedalboard.  #priorities


Edited by BoomMF
On 4/16/2018 at 5:42 PM, Grandioso said:

Just upgraded to the BD-2 Waza. Things are falling into place.


Given how things are going on the Shag, maybe the Shaggy screamer needs to be sent off for the brown/vintage mod.


^^^ For me it is, even with the nearly $100 jump from the standard Boss choruses. I think it's Boss' coolest waza offering. For one, settings 1 and 2 are all analog, totally faithful recreations of Boss' first two Chorus offerings. The vast majority of that great shit with chorus from 1975-1985 - Pretenders, Blondie, Talking Heads, Television, U2, the Smiths, The Cure - is coming from this Roland/Boss circuit. (There were others though, e.g., EHX Small Stone). My band plays a lot of this and I love it to sound authentic. I had the CH-1 which is too shimmery and got blown off my board by this thing. The third "vibrato" setting, which I didn't even care about when I bought this, is a tits rotary sound. I mean, I could justify that as an $80 purchase just on its own.

TLDR: Kinda depends on your nerdiness and record collection. If you go play it side by side with a regular version at Guitar Center, I think you'll know within like 10 minutes. You'll either say, "I must have this" or stay in the "why is this $199 again?" camp. 

  • 3 weeks later...

I’m just an unfrozen caveman idoit. Your pedals confuse and frighten me. But I can’t believe my avoidance of this thread made me miss a Shaggy Screamer. Sad banana.


Any recs for a pedal for my son’s percussion director? I hadn’t even realized he plays as well as he does and I want to repay him for not just putting up with my kid, but also for being an amazing and selfless instructor and being such a class guy for four years. Anyway, was thinking maybe a Q-Tone. Something funky and out of the ordinary. Thoughts?

Posted (edited)
On 5/12/2018 at 7:28 PM, hullabelew said:

Keeley Compressor B Stock sale. Reg. $180......sale for $100

Ok, that is a STUPID deal, especially since it's the newest one with all the bells and whistles. I'm happy with my Ego Compressor, but shit maybe I need two compressors. 


Edit: They gone. You gotta move fast on crazy deals like that I guess. 

Edited by Grandioso
5 hours ago, the idoit said:

I’m just an unfrozen caveman idoit. Your pedals confuse and frighten me. But I can’t believe my avoidance of this thread made me miss a Shaggy Screamer. Sad banana.


Any recs for a pedal for my son’s percussion director? I hadn’t even realized he plays as well as he does and I want to repay him for not just putting up with my kid, but also for being an amazing and selfless instructor and being such a class guy for four years. Anyway, was thinking maybe a Q-Tone. Something funky and out of the ordinary. Thoughts?

You talking like an auto wah? Since we were talking about envelope filters in the guitar thread, I'll recommend a few. (This isn't for the idoit as he'll probably know all this stuff).

First - the background. Anything called a Mu-Tron, or derivative like "Q-Tron," Auto Wah, Auto Filter, Envelope Filter, Dynamic Wah, and such are all the same type of pedal. While some do more than others, they all automatically cut off and/or amplify a frequency based on input.

I'll look at the Maxon Auto Filter because I used to have one and it did fucking everything. Wish I still had it.

It has threshold and peak sliding controls to adjust what picking intensity is needed to create the effect. Then it had switches to sweep up or down. Think of a slide whistle. 

Fuck it, I'm just going to post a demo.

Shit was Jerry in a box. There was nothing this couldn't do that a MuTron could. I don't know how many times I played this stuff:


  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I shopped around for an auto-wah last year, and this was where I landed.   I mentioned it in the other thread... company is called 3Leaf Audio.  

It's essentially a meatball clone (meatball heard on U2 "mysterious ways" and Edie Brickell "what I am" solo).  Except it's a modded meatball, so it takes the same circuit and makes some very clever tweaks for additional control.  BTW, "meatball" is one of those crazy expensive old pedals... like $600 for an old one.

This video is version 1 of the lovepedal.  There's a version 2 that has an input for an expression pedal, so instead of the auto-wah, you can control the filtering the old-fashioned way, but you can set it up to have exactly the right amount of quack/sweep/resonance/release/tone, plus you can add back some dry signal... and that makes a big difference, because when you get to big sweeps with lots of resonance, the signal gets thin and nasal-ish.  So you can bleed back in some dry signal so you get something very "effected" that still retains some low-mid heft.  

I really liked this company.  Pedal built very solid, had really slick paint job, etc.  


Edited by Paul Wesley
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Here's a good pedal for your percussion director unless he is a pussy and totally sucks.

There's actually a deluxe model now with a more family friendly graphic of two chainsaws decapitating a guy.

  • Like 1

Wow. Thanks for the replys. I should’ve prefaced it by saying that although I love the guy I don’t want to break the bank. Was thinking in the $150-175 range. He’s a respectable player. Covered Sweet Child... at the school drum kit recital including most of the lead while playing kick, snare and high hat with his feet. Pretty cool but I was hoping for another stellar drum cover. Hah. 

9 hours ago, Grandioso said:

Ok, that is a STUPID deal, especially since it's the newest one with all the bells and whistles. I'm happy with my Ego Compressor, but shit maybe I need two compressors. 


Edit: They gone. You gotta move fast on crazy deals like that I guess. 

That sucks.  I bought a B stock from them a few years ago and I never found a blemish on it.  I love that pedal and it really loves my tele.  Gives it that great 'quack'.  On humbuckers it really helps with the sustain.  


I just became aware of this. I have to say I like the new one much better based on this demo, but I've never been a big tube screamer fan. But it seems too different to have the same name. And they should have put some funky artwork and made it look less like a 1960s electric can opener. Or is it New Coke? I wouldn't mind having one of these, but I probably won't buy one.




On envelope filters:

Money no object:  TruTron 3x

Money sort of important:  Trutron/Mutron Microtron or Analogman Envelope Filter (early run used NOS MXR boards).  I'd include the 3Leaf stuff, but I have no experience with it.

Less expensive but sound good:  80s Boss T-Wah


Any of these will get you that Jerry Estimated Profit quack. 

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