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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Lurch said:

Btw I don’t have a super strong feeling against your approach, I just don’t think it would be ideal for me. I’m open to it being OP and I just haven’t seen the math behind it.

You and me both. Not saying I’m right. It is a significant win pre but I like to be greedy w these hands.

Edited by Dropout
Posted (edited)

played 3 times in the last week. on Sunday played for about 2.5 hours, bought in for $400, cashed out for $590. $20 in tips meant a +$170.  obviously 1-2 decent hands that held up but nothing really worth reporting. 

Played yesterday, bought in for $250, lost $100 on the very first hand. rebought $100.  lost another $100 pretty quickly where I made a bad call.  got another $50. so I am in for $420 at this point. i do make a decent comeback and after about 90 mins I leave with about $320.  so a negative $100 day.

went back today, bought in for $250. I mentioned in my last report about the guy I call the complainer... hes playing on the table, when I sit down hes got at least $900 in front of him.  I do make a mistake on my first hand in the cutoff when I call an all in by a short stack with only $22 . Ive got KJo, The BB is an old white guy who does the old white guy move of raising to $65. It folds to me, and I know its a mistake to call here. old white guy making it $65 here is almost never bluffing with a guy all in.  But I call. flop is a complete low brick,  he takes a while, and bets out $70.  It really seems like a go away bet rather than a strength bet, but I know my only 2 moves are shove, or fold.  I fold, he shows AKo, which holds up without any pairs... of course the poker gods toss a J on the river to kick me in the nuts for not being aggressive there.  2 rotations go before I get the next hand, its a bomb pot. I am the BB.  Ive got 55 and the top board is 7-6-4 all clubs. bottom is Ax-Kx-5c rainbow.  before I can act, 2 folks go all in for less than $70 each ahead of me, I call, I miss the open ender, but take half the pot with the set.  Im sitting with around $250

very next bomb pot I still have around $240 in front. flop comes 5s-4s-3s up top, and Ah-6h-8d on the bottom.  First to act bets $30, gets a caller, and a short stack shoves for $77.  folds to me in CO, and Ive got AsKh.  so top top on bottom, nut flush draw on top, and if it comes running hearts on the bottom, the nut flush there.  So I do something I dont do too often in a bomb pot, I bet on the come.  I go ahead and shove for a total of $238.  complainer  immediately gives a grand speech about how he really should fold here, and then calls.  the old white guy calls for less than my bet as well.... oh fuck, what have I gotten myself into.  turn puts a K on the top board, and another 8 on the bottom.  river is a spade up top, and miss on the bottom.

I show the nuts for the top, and complainer goes into full blown bitch mode as he shows A5o.  "I flopped top, top and had a flush draw as well as a straight draw"  not sure what the fuck hes talking about because he has no spade and the 5 is a heart meaning he needed running hearts like I did as well, yes he had me on the top pair on the top board, but his 5 kicker wasnt good on the bottom. old white guy shows he flopped the 9 high flush. and I scoop the whole pot. The other all in mucked.  roughly $790 in front.

I play for another hour, last big hand is another bomb pot where I am 3rd to act with A3o.  top board is A-x-x, bottom board is A-x-x.  I check to see what happens. small bet by complainer of $20 gets called by 3 other before I just call. kicker sucks obviously and Ive got no other draws to hope for.

 the turn pairs both boards, this time it checks around and I think theres a chance the A is good. river looks like a total brick, and I check, it goes to the button who takes a while before betting out $85.   Im not going anywhere, so i just call, everyone else clears out, and my A is good for both boards. 

finish at $935. bought in for $250  $15 in tips, a nice +$670 day.   When I left, complainer had less than $175 in front of him. 


Edited by AUS-97HORN
Posted (edited)

I have definitely been on a bit of a heater.  last 3 reports covering 5 sessions  show me at +500 , +200, +170, -100, +670.

played twice over the weekend.

Although in the hot streak, I have a trend I really want to stop repeating, I keep starting off losing around $100 on my first few hands.  That trend held for both visits.

Sunday I went in at 11am since its the last Sun I can play and take advantage of the play 4 get 2 hour deal, after this its football every Sun, not playing poker while thats going on.

buyin for $250 lose something like $150 in the first 15 hands with 1 bad call for $70 and then losing around $80 in pre flop calls with strong hands that completely wiff the flop and action on the flops.

I end up rebuying for another $150, finally get some flops, sneak back up to around $300 after 2 hours. And catch a T9ss on the button where UTG made it $20 to go and almost the whole table calls.  flop is 8s-Jh-7d, so I flop the nuts, and UTG bets out $75  it folds to me and i just smooth call.  Turn is As.  UTG jams for more than I have, he is snap called by a weak player who has less than me, and I obviously call.  they both flip over AK, one has the Ks, but obviously I scoop.  played for another 1.5 hours, closed out at $870.  $30 in tips, $420 in buyins,  +$430 for the day.  I turn around and immediately pre-pay $250 of that for 25 hours of time, as I get 5 free hours by paying that much.   so $+180? 


played for less than 90 mins yesterday,  bought in at $250 lost $150 early on pre flop against an aggresive guy who straddled several calls until I am on the button with TT,   I make it $50, BB calls with only $50 behind. and straddle jams.  I snap call. BB.... folds, claims she had AK.  if so.. thats a bad fold.  unfortunately  hes got JJ  board thows a K on it, but I miss and pay.  addon for another $100, and I get 2 full rotations of absolutely nothing to play with. 

That changes in 2 hands.  First hand is me on the button with KsJh,  HJ opens to $25, and I call (longterm bad call here I think), 7 people call the $25, so $175 in the pot. flop is Kh-Js-7s, checks to HJ who bets out $80, Ive only got $139 behind- again thats why I think the call of $25 is bad, thats a huge chunk of my stack being committed to, but I was in position, so I guess that matters a bit.

So I jam, old guy in LP tanks and calls, HJ calls.  I know I dont want to see a spade, and probably no ace either.  turn and river go brick brick, and top 2 takes it down (old guy showed A9ss).  And I come damn close to quadrupling up.

Very next hand is a bomb pot.  top board is Kh-Qx-4h.    Bottom board is 7s-2s-5d.  checks around to same old guy who called with the flush draw, he shoves for $22. He gets 2 callers, and then its my turn in the CO.  I look down at 3h-5h. I very rarely chase in a bomb pot with a flush draw unless I have the nut draw and something else on the board.  But for $22 it seems worth it.  I call, button calls. everyone else folds.  Turn is pretty decent. Top board throws up a 3, bottom board puts out the 5s.    

So now I have a pair and flush draw up top,  and trips on bottom, but there is a flush possible on the bottom now.  It checks to me, I bet out $50 to push out some of the callers so I can possibly split with the old guy.  I figure a flush on the bottom would have already bet.

Button calls, others fold.   River  was pretty good.  Top board throws up a heart, bottom board is a Jx.  So flush & trips.   There is a chance I can scoop now.   So I bet out $100.   Button takes forever and finally calls.   old guy shows AKo, button called with a random Q.    Scooper.    win about $260 that hand.   i win another mid-range pot for +$50, play for another round, and leave at $855.  in for $425 in buyins & tips. 

So those 2 days after action show me up another $610 (total) plus another 30 hours paid for. 

Im not claiming greatness, obviously I need to have the best hand a lot of the time on these boards because they really dont fold too often unless its a large bluff bet. But then again, I am patient and can and have folded for more than an hour at a time without getting any playable hands. plus I really dont fuck around on the bomb pots unless I really have either the nuts, or a piece of both boards. 

I think thats where I do the best, bomb pot with a 4 card on board straight where I have nothing on other board, and folded the 5th card to complete the straight several times knowing I would be quartering or worse.  That seems to be the point where the folks playing just cant think big picture.  Cant tell you how many times I see 2-3 folks calling when one board throws up TJQKx no flush and they all have the straight and nothing on the bottom, and bob the builder who has pocket 9's takes a whole board himself, and the others pay him and then split with each other.

Edited by AUS-97HORN

Dropping $1-200 early has been happening to me a lot, too. Much of it is just natural variance and I simply notice it more because I have to top off. Some of it, though, is acting without enough info on opponents because I just recently sat. I’m working on being much tighter in the first hour.


absolute lunacy on my table today. played 2.5 hours,  bought in for $515, cashed out for $540.   so basically, dead fucking even.  but I was sitting on a table with 2 guys who everyone told me play at the Lodge a shitton and have history with each other.  mid 30's very fit black guy whos probably 6'2-3", mid 30s hispanic male, no more than 5'7", tattoos on most of his arms including a tat of the State of Texas with some writing on his left hand.  

these guys were betting $75 blind, calling each other, getting a caller or 2, and fucking showing absolute dogshit, but having enough to keep winning.  at one point black guy had $1500+ in front of him, hispanic guy had over $1100,  and they proceeded to donate the fuck out of the money back to the table.... black guy fell down to $300 and still ended up leaving with more than $2200.  Hispanic guy easily dropped $1200 of that on the table, he kept shoving $300 blind.  getting called... and then either winning or losing.   

I cant get any fucking hands to play with, and when i finally do, Ive got 99 on a J-T-8 rainbow board and hispanic guy jams  covering my $250.  I call. J on turn, blank river.  Hes got J3o. 

rebuy for $250.   have about $185 behind when I get AcAx in early position. hispanic guy bets $10, I smooth call, guy to my left shoves for $60, black guy snap calls. hispanic guy takes a while and announces $300, I call, black guy debates, and folds.   flop is KQ7 all clubs.  turn blank, river club.  I have the nuts and take down the pot.   Lose about $200 of it with QQ later where I try to trap the 2 idiots again, and instead I get trapped and let another guy flop a set. 

get back down to $200.  These guys are now pre-announcing $165 bets.  its nuts, and I cant find a damn hand worth a shit.  finally get AQo in CO, but both guys shove for $300 each pre, before me and I just cant call 2 guys with a literal anything hand here.   tourney, sure, heads up, sure, but I fold, and 9-4 & T-7 go to the mattressess.... and both get 2 fucking pair.  jesus. 

it goes one more round for a bomb pot where I am the CO,   top board is K-J-4  rainbow, bottom board is Jc-Tc-3x.  It checks to hispanic guy... who tosses out $5.  1 caller, and I look down at KK.... holy shit.   I want to build the pot and I seriously expect hispanic guy to re-raise, so i make it $10, and do a little play acting that I didnt see the $5 bet. it works, 4 other callers ... including black guy.   unfortunately, hispanic guy only calls.   Turn is a 4 up top giving me the boat, bottom is a 5x.  checks to me, I bet out $25.  get all 4 callers again  (guess I should have bet $40?) River puts a J up top, and a 3 on the bottom.  I am fucking begging someone has the case J. but it checks around to me.   Ive only got $160 left and I jam.    Hispanic guy  hesitates and calls and I announce ive got the nuts,  he says theres no way... and show KK... and yes, its the nuts, he had a random T. 

That gets me back up to about $570.   thats the last hand I win, and these guys are making it $100 per hand to go, I dont have shit, lose about $40 in calls/ bomb pots and after hispanic guy has dropped at least $1500 on the table, he finally goes and plays Big O, black guy leaves at the same time, and I leave as stated with basically a dead even fucking day.   which I guess considering I was down $300 at one point is a solid result


That sounds fun lol. I’m in Reno for a golf trip and may have some fun pokah stories this week, prolly won’t match that though!


I don’t see why you folded the AQ when they have literal random hands. You also say “tourney, sure” but you could actually justify folding in a tourney (kinda, depending on all factors) bc tourney life is a thing, but in a cash game it’s just pure cold EV (presuming you aren’t underrolled and have cash on hand).




23 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:

That sounds fun lol. I’m in Reno for a golf trip and may have some fun pokah stories this week, prolly won’t match that though!


I don’t see why you folded the AQ when they have literal random hands. You also say “tourney, sure” but you could actually justify folding in a tourney (kinda, depending on all factors) bc tourney life is a thing, but in a cash game it’s just pure cold EV (presuming you aren’t underrolled and have cash on hand).




I only brought $700 with, and had already committed $500 of that.  so only $200 behind, so yes, lower cash than normal.   It was a 5pm-7pm session on a weekday, I wasnt expecting the table to play like 4am on a Saturday night.    But there was a fuckton of money on the table as a result of those 2.  I was in seat 3, black guy was in seat 9, hispanic was in seat 1  guy to my left tripled early and didnt do much else, he easily had $650 in front when I left, 3 to my left was willing to gamble more with the idiots, but he had $800 or so in front when I sat down. He doubled up through the fit black guy and had at least $1700 in front.   

The guy to his left was the one who caught a set on me and I doubled him up to $420.  He wins another larger pot so hes sitting with $650 or so.  He then proceed to call a $80 pre flop by the other  2 crazies  with T2o. 

nutso part is the flop is 2- 6-7, black guy bets $75, hispanic guy calls.. and T2 shoves.  black guy folds, hispanic guy snap calls.   asks the T2 guy "what would you like to do"  T2 says "take my bet back?"  pretty funny.

anyway, they agree to run it 3 times.  T2 knows hes toast.    except.... HES NOT.    hispanic guy snap called with the open ender.  He only hit the straight on the last run, so T2 gets 2/3 of the pot!     holy fuck  - I guarantee I never win that hand with just 2's  so he's sitting with about $1200  (except he misread another board later on and hero called the black guy on a board with 4 hearts.... black guy had 7h, and he lost $600 on that hand).  But yeah, money was everywhere, and im just sitting there only playing when I have the nuts.   sucks but it is what it is.

Also even if you caught something on the flop, you knew you were going to have to go all in by the river because black guy bet $175-350 every river.... but like most lunatics, he had it once every 3 hands or so. and by "it" I mean a final holding of 2 pair, trips, straight, or flush, or rivered Top pair.  Never the nuts on any of those, but still a strong enough hand that if you hero call, you are going to lose.   The other 2 times hes got total fucking air.    So very tough to decide if you wanted to run it all with just 2nd pair.


Been awhile since I’ve played cash with total lunatics at the table. Last I can remember was in Vegas at Planet Hollywood at like 7 or 8am. Funny enough I’m in Vegas now, haven’t donated yet but thinking about where I want to play this trip.


I’ve done it enough to know I’m better off leaving the table. They’re too difficult to play correctly against, so I tend to get sucked into playing poorly with them.

  • Like 1

Pretty sure proper strategy is to tighten up massively to like TT+, AQo+ and then bet huge pre. If only the crazys call, plan on jamming a ton of flops. What you have to be careful to recognize is when the rocks join in your hand, as they likely are only playing their best hands too and the bottom of your range may be in trouble

  • Like 1

Have a hand from tonight on which I'd appreciate your thoughts.

Sat down at a $1/$2 table tonight with tons of action. 80% of pots were getting raised preflop, initial raises were $15-$30, and half the hands had a button or UTG straddle of $5-$10.

Three players to the right of me was loose aggressive Asian dude looking the part, shuffling his chips, and getting into a $300+ pot every time he played. Lots of raises. He'd call you down with middle pair and he was right half the time. Two to the right of me was aggressive abuelita, who had a $700 stack and maybe folded once. She called just about every bet and raise, and played 75% of hands. She ended up losing everything, by the way. To the right of me was short stacked donkey Indian guy whose VPIP was 65% and was willing to stack it off with top pair shitty kicker.

To the left of me was a complete loose passive lady in her sixties. She would buy in for $100, promptly lose it, and then re-buy for $100. If she had two Broadway cards she was playing and was willing to bet it all chasing that straight -- but by calling, not by raising. To the left of her was loose aggressive Hispanic dude who was constantly raising/re-raising/straddling and every time he showed down he had a decent hand. He was was willing to get into $300-$400 pots with top pair decent kicker, especially against the Asian guy.

Everyone else seemed pretty standard, except one guy who's not in this hand.

Anyway, I had crap cards for the first two hours and had folded everything except one free look I got from the BB. I had a tight image. Asian dude commented on it, and I assume the table was paying attention. I had literally played one hand.

LAG Hispanic, the villain, UTG straddles to $5 and with three callers I have Ace of diamonds Queen of hearts in the SB. I call expecting LAG to raise his straddle, which he had done about half the time, with the plan to call an expected raise to $35.

He didn't raise, so five to the flop, with me, donkey Indian, and two guys who were playing straightforward. $52 in the pot.I'm the effective stack about $300, which was my buy-in.

Flop was Q-9-6 two diamonds. check, check, bet $10, call fold call call. $67 in pot.

Turn was Q of diamonds, so three diamonds on board and I have the Ace of diamonds. check, check bet $15 call call, LAG Hispanic raises to $75 everyone folds and I call. I have about a pot sized bet left. I'm never folding.

River was a blank. I check and he checks, and shows Q-4 with the 4 of diamonds.

Did I leave value on the table? I thought he was bluffing or had a 9 with the King or Jack of diamonds or something. Maybe he had a flush. I just didn't see what would call a river bet that I could beat, considering my table image.

Should I have raised preflop, especially since I was out of position? I would have gotten at least two callers. But then I'd be playing AQ offsuit out of position to a madman.

Should I have check-raised the flop? 

I think the call on the turn was correct.

I'm really working on trying getting more value from my big hands and I can't tell if I played this incorrectly. And for the life of me I can't imagine what the other players had. Straight draws? Flush draws? K-9?




I’m never thrilled w AQo in SB, but generally want to raise here to thin the crowd and also to protect my range. Given how you’ve described your play so far, I get just calling because you think straddle will raise as long as your plan was to 3 bet him if the other limpers called him.


In a limped pot, I will absolutely open betting on the flop if I have top pair. Given that we have top pair, top kicker, and there’s a flush draw out there, I’m betting something over half pot. I’d probably go $30. Next best option would be to check raise his $10 to maybe $50. I’m never check calling here.


As played, I get checking turn, but would be planning to check raise once he bet. If he has Kd or maybe second pair you could get action. It’s hard to put someone on the case Q, but obv that would hang in too.


As played, I agree you have to check river and hope he bets. This is why we needed to be more aggressive on flop and turn.




I’m starting to open my game up to a few limp-behinds. Felt like I was too boxed in to raising with hands like KTs in HJ or A8s in CO. I’m not doing it a ton, but certainly seeing a lot more flops than typical for me. Not sure it’s wise long term, but it’s opened the door for a few big pots this week that I might have previously folded out of, or raised others out of.


Have KJ on a KKJ flop. Don’t get much action and take down a small pot, but it’s the high hand ($300 every 20 mins) with 2 minutes left. Should hold but there are 10 tables so it’s certainly not a lock.


Very next hand, dealt KK. Wild guy opens to $8, I make it $25. He and one other call. $75 pot.


K66. Bingo. As I let it check through we hear the table behind us yell “High Hand!” with Aces full of threes. Damn.


Q. Wild guy bets $40 and other guy calls. I decide to just call for max value.


K! Wild guy bets $40 again. Other guy folds, I make it $140 but wild guy doesn’t bite with 64o. No worries, though, as I locked down the $300 high hand with my quads.



nice read from the New Yorker on the state of Texas social poker clubs, the rise of and in the case of Houston, the fall of as well.




although our favorite former Austin Police chief has a heckofa quote in the article.


Art Acevedo, the chief of the Houston police department, denies any connection between the licensing scheme and the targeting of Prime and Post Oak specifically. “We have limited resources,” he said. “We believed these were the two largest operations in Houston. You can’t catch every speeder on the freeway at one time, but, if you continue to speed, we’re going to catch you.” He continued, “There’s other investigations into other clubs.

We’re going to shut them all down.”



I’m going to play on the bestbet Live stream again tonight if anyone is interested. $2/5 deepstack ($1500 max buyin) though I’m just bringing two $500 bullets.

I’ve been KILLING it at $2/2 the last week so I need to be careful with recognizing what works there may not work so well at $2/5, especially on camera where some of these guys play outside their normal strategy.

Assuming cards are in the air in 15 mins, we should be streaming on delay by 6pm Central


its not all sunshine and rainbows for me, went and played on Sat night after the UT game to take out the drunks.   tl;dr  felted 3 times. 

bought in for 250, played pretty well guy to my direct right was a bluffing fool, and had almost 2k in front. on at least 2 occasions I picked off a large bluff by him, plus several smaller ones.  Ive got about $575 in front when the first felt happens.  I flop a high top pair, he bets 30, I raise to $75, folds to him, he calls, turn gives me a gutter as well as the top pair, I bet out $100,  dude shoves,  I dont think very long at all because I give him almost no credit for anything.... except hes got KK and no help for me. 

rebuy for 200,  a few hands later on a bomb pot Ive got AcKd.  On a  Ah-2x-9h flop up top and Kc-7c-9c flop on the bottom.  Im in LP and it goes $30, and FOUR callers.  I shove for $205, guy to my direct left who hadnt acted yet shoves for $400 and everyone folds.  Hes got Ks-2h.  Top board goes running hearts and I miss all the outs on the bottom board, and he scoops with the 2 pair and whopping 2h flush. 

rebuy again for 200, 1 round later, bomb pot,  ive got 8c-5c.  Top board is 8 high with 2 clubs (plus a gutter straight) , bottom board is 7-6-T rainbow  So a pair   flush draw and 2 gutter straight draw.  I bet out $20 old asian guy makes it $40. everyone else folds, I call.  no club up top, but I get a 5 on bottom, so now pair on both boards and draws.  I bet $50, old guy shoves and has me covered.  I call.   miss both boards entirely, hes got AA.....  thanks for playing everyone. 

played tonight, bought in for $300, was ahead from hand 1, and chipped up nicely to $650 when this hand happens.   as usual most of the table keeps making it $12-20 to go pre flop, and i get KK UTG, and limp to trap.

It goes 4 callers until a kid from Spain who just got coolered a few hands earlier, shoves for $44.  mid 40's black guy who coaches baseball  is getting ready to call the $44 (hes only got $157 total)   when the guy to his left throws out 4 green chips.   black gentleman still just calls the $44.  But this time, the house made a fucked up ruling, they made the guy  who threw out 4 greens just call the $44 (he had ~$500).  folds to me and I am trying to figure out why the fuck the full $100 isnt in play. 

Yes he acted out of turn, but the action DIDNT CHANGE. The call by the old guy doesnt change the fact that 4 greens put out more than double the all-in raise, so in my mind it should have counted as a raise, but was ruled a call.  I want to be tactful here and get what I perceived to be dead money in the pot, but house made the ruling. If I protest too much the hyper strength of my hand is pretty obvious. 

So after the ruling is made,  I announce Im all in.   Coach says, and I quote "ive got money, I didnt come here to fold to big bets".  Side note Ive won maybe and I mean MAYBE 2 pots against Coach that are bigger than $100 bucks. I keep losing to him.  he obviously calls.  then the other guy tanks for a long time saying he really doesnt want to get into a $500 flip. But he wont fold or call.  takes forever, and I finally break,  I tell him at this point if hes taken this long I want the call so either shit or get off the pot.   he still takes at least another 30 seconds before folding JJ faceup.   all of that is for naught though, spanish kid didnt have shit and insta mucked on the flop, which of course had an A. turn is a Q, river blank and no surprise I get shown AQ.    GRR.

still up, but only about $200, play a little longer win a really decent flop as the button with AJ where I made it $15, The BB was the aggressive raiser to $35 pre. I call.  QJ4  2 spade flop.  he bets $20, I raise to $45, he calls, turn is a 4, he checks, I bet $50 he calls,  river is a 3rd low spade.  he checks again, and I cant bet here.  Other than KJ/JT there is nothing out there that he could have where I bet and he calls and I am good.  so I check and show AJ, and he mucks. 

end the session at $596, no tips purchased  (bought the tip chips from others at the table).   so still neg $355 for the last 2 trips, but  basically cut the 3 felter day loss in half. 

21 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

nice read from the New Yorker on the state of Texas social poker clubs, the rise of and in the case of Houston, the fall of as well.




although our favorite former Austin Police chief has a heckofa quote in the article.






Houston Police Department’s Tilman Fertitta Family Tactical Training Center to break ground

On 9/10/2019 at 10:07 AM, AUS-97HORN said:

nice read from the New Yorker on the state of Texas social poker clubs, the rise of and in the case of Houston, the fall of as well.




although our favorite former Austin Police chief has a heckofa quote in the article.





That should be a big red flag to every single dealer/club owner in Houston not that Prime won't stop pretending like their legal battle legalized poker in town.  LOL

MUG 10/2 at Texas Card House Houston for those Neeme/Owen fans.

what's the story here?

I limped in from SB w 93o like a dumbass. Flop like 994. Checks through. Random turn I bet pot and get a caller. He all but tells me he has the other 9 but I’m too stubborn to listen. Random river I bet $25 and he snaps $50. I have to call to see his better kicker.

Fucking 93o cost me $80.
Posted (edited)

A little what would you do here.  1/2 NLHE


Ive got ~$275 in front of me, 3rd to act.  Brand new player comes to the table on my direct right, certified lunatic, his heavy accent has a strong hint of slavic in it, so enter random ex-soviet Eastern European country here.

Bets anything calls anything, everyone knows hes capable of dumping everything on the table, and very quickly.  he plays the first hand hes dealt, and starts with a $20 pre-flop raise, $40 flop bet, and $200 turn bet with air, gets the two callers to fold to the $200, shows the bluff, and hes sitting around $420

Directly to my left is the guy I have named the complainer, who lives up to his name again this session (no need to give details), and then 4 crazy asian regs to his left who will call a lot of action pre-flop with anything.  

Lunatic starts out this hand by betting out  out $17 to start  I look down at AA, and decide to slow play it because complainer to my left is a calling station combined with a random raiser, so there is a chance hes raising, and if he doesnt all 4 of the asian regs are more than capable of raising it with air, especially if there are more than 2 calls of a early position large-ish 1st raise.

So i just call the $17 hoping to trap since Lunatic is the raiser and get some extra action.  Complainer calls, all 4 Asians call, and the BB calls.  So thats 7 of us to the flop (all of us have at least $200 in front) . Thats normally ominous....


Flop is 6-6-6 .   yeah, spooky. but also pretty much yahtzee

BB checks, lunatic bets $45.    What do you do?  bet size is normal considering pot size.


I mean the standard answer is to just call, and see if anyone else at the table calls.  But with that flop, anyone else who has a pocket pair of 77+ is probably going to want to raise, no matter what I do.   They might do that if I just smooth call. or they might do that if I min-raise as well.

do you just smooth call with the best possible boat at the time and let the lunatic keep firing? Maybe hope that any of the other 5 in the hand can call $45?  Or do you min-raise to make it look like you have a pocket pair and are scared of overcards and/ or bluffing $90 at a chance to win $160?

Edited by AUS-97HORN

Absolutely just call. Beautiful flop and spot. Raising just drives out low to mid pocket pairs. You are literally never raising this flop 7 handed as a bluff, so no one will buy that. If you raise, hands like 77-99 would be suicidal to 3-bet. Are they value-raising or kamikaze bluffing? They are WAY more likely to fold to your minraise than to reraise.

Fun hand from Reno - I limp behind K5cc on button, 6 to flop, AT9cc. Checks to me, I bet $10, 3 calls. Turn Ac. Checks to me, I bet $30, 3 calls. River offsuit 7. Check to me, I jam $105, one guy jams for $80 total, another tank grumble-folds.  He shows 7h7d for the rivered boat. Flop call is horrific. I can't imagine a possible world where it goes $30-call on AAT9ccc and a player is still live behind you, and you toss in 30 bucks with two red sevens. Obv rewarded. Tank-folder had trip aces, and confirmed he's paying off my river jam if dumbass 77 guy isn't in there. 

I swear to Christ, 75-80% of the time when there's a wait how the fuck did that happen hand at the table, I'm on the losing end of it.


Agree, just call AA-666 flop. I would never have just called pre precisely because I don’t want to go to a 7-way flop. I would have told myself before the flop came out that I was considering myself behind on almost all flops to come.

However, on that flop I suddenly want to see this one go 7-way to the river! Perhaps if the turn puts a straight or flush draw out, we might try and get some money in the pot then because those guys are going to bail when they miss the river and even if they hit they’ll be timid about betting it.

27 minutes ago, Lurch said:

So fucking tilting.


he might be trying to lay claim for that much area to spread himself out in his seat. my number one poker pet peeve is now players who don't pay attention to where their area at the table is and crowd me. maybe it is just bad in San Antonio because how big everyone is. I was in Cripple Creek, Co Friday night and the tables were huge. it was glorious.


So back to my 666AA hand.   I ended up making the wrong move, that actually turned out to be  the right move. 

I took a while to act, kept thinking I should just call here, but I min-raised.  get one LP caller besides lunatic, who calls. 

I am not even looking at the board when the turn card comes out, I just look at lunatic and he- insta shoves, i dont even bother looking at the board, Ive only got about $155 in front, and theres already more than $300 in the pot, I call.  Other guy folds....... and I look at the board.... turn was an A.   I show the AA, and lunatic stops the dealer from dealing and just tosses his cards in the muck.... dude didnt even want to have the 1 in 34 chance that the case 6 hits the board to chop. 

finished that session up $525.  

However, session before, I lost $400 (lost last $175 on a bluff with AJ  vs AK, and he called after a while).   



todays session was a range of emotions, bought in for $250,  first 30 mins I am up and down until Ive got a tiny bit over $250 on this hand.   

I am on the button.  almost the whole table limps, including the famous Mr Lee.  I look down at AKcc.  I make it $22.  4 callers including Mr Lee, who is 2 seats to my right.

flop comes JT6, everyone checks except Mr Lee who bets out $25.  He literally could have anything but this is a very normal "I dont have it" bet, so I call the $25 everyone else folds.  turn is a 4, puts 2 to the flush out there as well.  Mr Lee again bets out, this time $75.   which again, is totally his standard 2nd barrel bet.     I know that if I call here, hes going to shove on the river no matter what it is.   I really think hes got something like KQ for the open ender,  so any A or 9 and I pretty much have to fold. 

I call the $75, and the turn is an offsuit 3, without hesitation, Mr Lee shoves.  and I have to make the decision.  Ive got right at $130 left. and I put him on a total miss. and I take at least a minute before I make the call. 

hes got 7-8, and the whole table goes HOLY SHIT. 

I scoop that fucker, feeling pretty good with myself.  lose around $90 in the next hour.  

BTW Mr Lee goes full tilt after- shoves on 5 of the next 10 hands, he loses 4 of them, felted twice and he keeps rebuying for $300


next hand of note, I get JJ in the HJ, multiple limpers ahead of me, I make it $25, button calls, SB calls, BB calls, MP calls... Mr Lee folds. 

Flop is A-A-T rainbow, It checks to me and I check as well (the BB has a history of check raising when he hits a flop hard and he's the one I am most worried about having an Ace). Button checks as well.   

Turn is low card that brings in a backdoor diamond flush draw. It checks to me, and I am almost positive I am ahead here. 

So I bet out $20 as a feeler bet,  button immediately raises to $40, everyone else folds.  Button has been playing some goofy shit, and has a large stack because he doubled up on a hero call vs Mr Lee, and then promptly felted Mr Lee with a top pair flush draw flop vs Mr Lee having an open ender. 

I am positive he doesnt have an Ace here, Ive got him on pair of Ts and possibly having the flush draw.   So I re-raise to $95.    He takes a long time, makes the act like hes about to muck..... then rechecks his hand (which guarantees he doesnt have an Ace here- you fucking know if you have one in this position).  and he eventually calls. 

turn is an offsuit Q, and I bet out $100 immediately as a value bet to get the T to call.     He snap calls and shows......

Q80, no diamond!    OMFG.  I cant even.   I never even thought there was a chance in hell that he had a Q in his hand and he gets the fucking 3 outer to take a huge pot.  I have no fucking clue what he is doing in that hand, let alone staying after I 3 bet his ass on the fucking turn.  Hes got no draw, no nothing and I was the pre flop big bet raiser.  fuck.


I eventually get down to $225 and I addon another $80.  finally get a hand where UTG has just rebought for $100, and makes it $20,  folds to the CO on my right, he calls the $20.  I look down at AA on the button.    I know that UTG is going to probably rip it here if I raise,  so I make it $75, and he shoves.  The crazy part is the CO calls the $100??  fuck, I should have make it something like $55 and had a live raise available to reshove.

Flop is 22K,  CO checks, I bet out $50... CO takes a LONG time and complains about the K. finally folds.  board runs out K-3,  I show the AA and its good.   I can only guess he had JJ or QQ, if I make it $55 and he calls the $100, Im going to shove and i think he has to call there.  fuck. 

I do win another $75 on a bomb pot where I have QQ in SB, I check, it checks around to the same old guy who folded before, and he bets out $40, I re raise to $125, folds too him and he eventually folds. 

cash out at $495, so in for $340,  book a $145 win.  but dammit that fucking JJ vs Q8o hand. 

Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Lurch said:

1 in 44

there were 7 of us to the flop.  14 cards.  obviously if anyone had a 6 they would have called, so we can eliminate those 14 cards, plus the 4 on the board = 1 in 34 ;)

Edited by AUS-97HORN
14 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

todays session was a range of emotions, bought in for $250,  first 30 mins I am up and down until Ive got a tiny bit over $250 on this hand.   

I am on the button.  almost the whole table limps, including the famous Mr Lee.  I look down at AKcc.  I make it $22.  4 callers including Mr Lee, who is 2 seats to my right.

flop comes JT6, everyone checks except Mr Lee who bets out $25.  He literally could have anything but this is a very normal "I dont have it" bet, so I call the $25 everyone else folds.  turn is a 4, puts 2 to the flush out there as well.  Mr Lee again bets out, this time $75.   which again, is totally his standard 2nd barrel bet.     I know that if I call here, hes going to shove on the river no matter what it is.   I really think hes got something like KQ for the open ender,  so any A or 9 and I pretty much have to fold. 

I call the $75, and the turn is an offsuit 3, without hesitation, Mr Lee shoves.  and I have to make the decision.  Ive got right at $130 left. and I put him on a total miss. and I take at least a minute before I make the call. 

hes got 7-8, and the whole table goes HOLY SHIT. 

I scoop that fucker, feeling pretty good with myself.  lose around $90 in the next hour.  

BTW Mr Lee goes full tilt after- shoves on 5 of the next 10 hands, he loses 4 of them, felted twice and he keeps rebuying for $300


next hand of note, I get JJ in the HJ, multiple limpers ahead of me, I make it $25, button calls, SB calls, BB calls, MP calls... Mr Lee folds. 

Flop is A-A-T rainbow, It checks to me and I check as well (the BB has a history of check raising when he hits a flop hard and he's the one I am most worried about having an Ace). Button checks as well.   

Turn is low card that brings in a backdoor diamond flush draw. It checks to me, and I am almost positive I am ahead here. 

So I bet out $20 as a feeler bet,  button immediately raises to $40, everyone else folds.  Button has been playing some goofy shit, and has a large stack because he doubled up on a hero call vs Mr Lee, and then promptly felted Mr Lee with a top pair flush draw flop vs Mr Lee having an open ender. 

I am positive he doesnt have an Ace here, Ive got him on pair of Ts and possibly having the flush draw.   So I re-raise to $95.    He takes a long time, makes the act like hes about to muck..... then rechecks his hand (which guarantees he doesnt have an Ace here- you fucking know if you have one in this position).  and he eventually calls. 

turn is an offsuit Q, and I bet out $100 immediately as a value bet to get the T to call.     He snap calls and shows......

Q80, no diamond!    OMFG.  I cant even.   I never even thought there was a chance in hell that he had a Q in his hand and he gets the fucking 3 outer to take a huge pot.  I have no fucking clue what he is doing in that hand, let alone staying after I 3 bet his ass on the fucking turn.  Hes got no draw, no nothing and I was the pre flop big bet raiser.  fuck.


I eventually get down to $225 and I addon another $80.  finally get a hand where UTG has just rebought for $100, and makes it $20,  folds to the CO on my right, he calls the $20.  I look down at AA on the button.    I know that UTG is going to probably rip it here if I raise,  so I make it $75, and he shoves.  The crazy part is the CO calls the $100??  fuck, I should have make it something like $55 and had a live raise available to reshove.

Flop is 22K,  CO checks, I bet out $50... CO takes a LONG time and complains about the K. finally folds.  board runs out K-3,  I show the AA and its good.   I can only guess he had JJ or QQ, if I make it $55 and he calls the $100, Im going to shove and i think he has to call there.  fuck. 

I do win another $75 on a bomb pot where I have QQ in SB, I check, it checks around to the same old guy who folded before, and he bets out $40, I re raise to $125, folds too him and he eventually folds. 

cash out at $495, so in for $340,  book a $145 win.  but dammit that fucking JJ vs Q8o hand. 

Mr. Lee is the best.  Love having him at my table.  It can go wrong, but it is awesome when it doesn't.


Yeah, can go good or bad.

Seen him win $10k and get up and leave, and I've seen him dump $10k in less than an hour.

At Big O one night he was playing his usual self and the board was Q2Q and I had Q2. I had about $1500 in front of me and he had a similar amount.

He pots, I call. Turn 2, He pots, I call. River 4. He pots, I think for a minute but there's over $3k in the pot and I only have about $500 left so I call and he announces Boat, Q4.

I almost mucked my hand but just placed it up in front of me. I look over at his hand and don't see a 4 but one card is partially covered and it looks like it might be a 4.

It's actually an ace and I scoop the pot.

He goes nuts and acts confused and buys back in for another $1k.

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On 9/16/2019 at 12:28 PM, Lurch said:

Agree, just call AA-666 flop. I would never have just called pre precisely because I don’t want to go to a 7-way flop. I would have told myself before the flop came out that I was considering myself behind on almost all flops to come.

However, on that flop I suddenly want to see this one go 7-way to the river! Perhaps if the turn puts a straight or flush draw out, we might try and get some money in the pot then because those guys are going to bail when they miss the river and even if they hit they’ll be timid about betting it.

Plus, complainer or asians may think your raising light v. lunatic to isolate and be more aggressive pre-flop.  I wouldn't get cute there and call even though I understand the line of thought as well.

Plus, complainer or asians may think your raising light v. lunatic to isolate and be more aggressive pre-flop.  I wouldn't get cute there and call even though I understand the line of thought as well.

You mean you wouldn’t call pre right? You’re calling the flop bet, not raising, yes?

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