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MP opens to $7. I call SB w A4o. BB joins.

Tc5c5s. I think about buying this one. It’s pretty standard. I pass and check to BB. He bets $15. Yep. MP calls. They get to river before BB gives up and MP flips quad 5s. Well played, lurch

Some decent stacks on the table now is the time to limp in with 4-4 and flop a set in a 6 way pot and crush a big one.

Inb4 we get set-over-setted
  • Like 2

I miss that guy straddled and I open to $10 w Q9dd in MP. 4 callers then straddle goes all in for $180. Damn. My bad. Fold that shit


I should have made it $15



Three limps to me w 43ss on BTN. I make it $15 and get 4 callers. $62 pot.

J85s rainbow. BB leads out w $20. Two fold then I call.

Kc. He checks, I $55 and he snap shoves $125.



Two limps then HJ makes it $12. W AJo, I go $35 in CO. Others fold, he calls. $75 pot


567. He checks, I $50, he folds and says good hand. No sir, I’m not showing




Three limps to me w J8o on BTN. I’ll try this limp strat again. $12 pot.


T64 rainbow. Checks around


8. First limper makes it $10. Only I call.


7. Chk chk and he shows T4. Oh.


Shoulda raised my BTN pre



UTG+1 (new 30ish white guy reg w $300) limps. I $12 in UTG+2 w KJo. Only he calls. $28 pot.


TT5. He checks. I decide he won’t buy a cbet and would rather see a free turn. Chk.


8. He checks, I $15 and he folds.



4 limpers to my KJo BTN. I $16 and get 5 callers. Hmm. $98 pot


K85 rainbow. UTG+1 makes it $17? I $50. Only he calls. $200 pot.


J. He checks w $125 behind, I $50. He folds.


Next hand


Straddle. UTG+1 (seat 9, old Asian reg) calls. Folds to me in CO w KQo. I $20. Others fold and they call. $64 pot.


K54. Checks to me. I $30, UTG folds and UTG+1 makes it $60. Says ‘good fold’


4. He $80. I call.


2. He $140 w $200 more behind.


I’m thinking he doesn’t have AK. K5 is unlikely, K4 even more so. 55? There was a flush draw on the turn that missed.


What do you do?



UTG+1 limps. I make it $10 w 88 in CO. BTN was already reaching for chips and snap calls. BB and UTG call. $42 pot.

K95. I’m a bit suspicious of BTN and check through. He also checks.

4. BB and UTG check so I’m probably good. Bet $20 and they all fold.

Posted (edited)

I call with the KQ but what an ugly spot. I just can’t imagine villain has AK and didn’t raise though.  

Are the tables usually this tight? You are right about how often you are winning pots with Cbets. I’m not used to that with any low limit tables. No fold ‘em hold ‘em is more what I’m used to.  You might be profitable raising nearly any 2 on the button if the table is over folding to this degree. 

Edited by Irieguy

l/c, x/min raise dry board screeeeeeems huge hand. But old Asian regs can be random as shit imo. Does he really do that with K8-KJ??


HJ opens to $7. I $20 w AQo. BTN calls and HJ calls. $64 pot.

Ks4s2d. HJ chk, I $35, BTN folds. HJ calls. $130 pot.

Qc. Chk chk

5s. He bets $60 and I don’t have a spade. I fold but don’t love it.

l/c, x/min raise dry board screeeeeeems huge hand. But old Asian regs can be random as shit imo. Does he really do that with K8-KJ??


No. It’s either a monster or a total bluff. He and I have a lot of history, so I give weight to total bluff.


He’s also one of those super nice guys capable of taking it easy on me by all but showing me his cards when he has a monster.

12 minutes ago, Lurch said:

HJ opens to $7. I $20 w AQo. BTN calls and HJ calls. $64 pot.

Ks4s2d. HJ chk, I $35, BTN folds. HJ calls. $130 pot.

Qc. Chk chk

5s. He bets $60 and I don’t have a spade. I fold but don’t love it.

Depending on stack sizes I would bet the turn. He can easily have a middle pair here or a draw. As played I would probably fold the river there also. 


1 limper, MP makes it $12. I $30 w KK in CO. BB calls, MP jams $200ish. I call w my last $80. BB folds and MP says ‘your Kings are good. Runout is clean. He never shows but says jacks

I’m down $35 for the evening, but did have that killer grilled cheese, so...

Depending on stack sizes I would bet the turn. He can easily have a middle pair here or a draw. As played I would probably fold the river there also. 

I want to say we both had $200ish. He’s one of the guys I respect and he could have a pretty wide range, but I could see him check raising and decided to just check back.

Straddle. UTG+1 makes it $10. I $25 in UTG+2 w AKo. Only he calls. $54 pot.

883. Chk chk.

7. He $25 I call.

Q. Chk chk and he folds to my Ace high


Two limps to SB who goes $10. I take it to $25 w AQo. One limper and SB call. $77 pot.

K98. Check, I $40, limper folds, SB calls.

4. Chk chk

4. He $50. I call and he shows AA. It’s time to call it a night.

  • Like 1
15 hours ago, Lurch said:

Several hands later, I check my option in BB w K9o.

6 way w $12 pot

K98 ssx. UTG seat 3 leads out $20. Here we go. Shorty in seat 7 shoves his $27. I call and UTG calls. $93 pot

Qd. I check, UTG makes it $60. I shove, he snaps.... also K9. We chop the remaining $40. Dammit

Thanks for doing this!! Fun read, well played. My comments on several hands. As always, just as my perspective for discussion, rather than some grading/critique lol. Always feel the need to give that disclaimer. Except for that QQ hand that was your first one. That was an abortion ha.

K9 hand above, I actually prefer raising flop. It's funny, because you raise a bit more often for protection/value than I do, but I'm definitely raising this flop. Too many turn cards we hate, too many opponents. Given that it was a limped pot pre, I'm leading from the BB here, unless I know I have an aggro behind. Make a note that UTG is limping K9 UTG, that's pretty ugly. Also that he bet 1.67 pot with top 2. 

15 hours ago, Lurch said:

4 limps to my BTN w QhQd. I make it $15, BB and all four limpers call. Oh.

6 way to flop w $90 pot.Ts 8s 4d. Checks to CO who makes it $12. I just saw him do this earlier but don’t know what it means yet. I make it $45. HJ and CO call. $225 pot

7c. Checks to me. HJ has $55 and CO has $130. I go $75 thinking CO may shove. HJ calls but HJ folds.

Kc and HJ says I win.$430 stack now

I prob raise a bit bigger on flop. Him betting $12 into $90 feels like someone going for a cheap draw. I assume HJ has a spade draw, lol at check-coldcalling 45 of his 100 on the flop. When I play this hand, HJ tables K2ss.

15 hours ago, Lurch said:

One limp to me in CO w AKo. I make it $10. SB and limper call. $30 pot.

789. Check to me. $15, they fold

I'm usually checking this one 3 ways, as anyone with a card between 5 and J is usually calling our bet, but you won the pot where I may not have.

14 hours ago, Lurch said:

Rough run. River the nut flush but it also gave shorty a boat. Then run AK oop into KQ on a Q high board. He called my cbet then bet turn and river low. Had to pay him off

Will talk about this a bit more later, but not knowing the actual board or villain, I will say calling two bets with ace high after someone called the flop is often torching money here. An exception could be a runout like 9h8h 3c 3s 4s where there are so many draws villain could have. Also if he's making smaller bets, those tend to be value bets unless your opp is savvy enough to go up a level and bluff small b/c he knows you will think it is value.

14 hours ago, Lurch said:

UTG w 22. I.... limp? 2 more limp then BB makes it $15. We all call. $60 pot. 992. Hey-ooooooo

BB makes it $17, I call, others fold. $94 pot.

5. He checks w $100 behind. I make it $25 and he just calls.

8. He checks and I start counting chips. He holds his stack over the table so I know he’s ready to call my shove. I do, he does. He steam shows his AA when I flip the boat.

I would actually open this, ha. I will limp behind other limpers, but I basically never open-limp. I'd go a tiny bit bigger on turn to make calling a river jam a bit easier for him. We should def jam river even if he doesn't telegraph (I'm actually kind of surprised he called after that move, usually the show of "OH I AM SO READY TO CALL" is weakness trying to get you not to bet).

14 hours ago, Lurch said:

Two limpers, I follow w 33 in MP. HJ makes it $11. First limper and I call. $36 pot.

567. Checks to HJ. He $20, only I call.

K. Check to HJ. He confidently fires $50 and I fold. On flop call, I thought maybe AT+ and hoped he’d check turn allowing me to bluff river if I missed

Yeah, I like this. We can also steal the pot a lot if an 8 or 9 turns. 

13 hours ago, Lurch said:

4 limps to me w 8c5c on BTN. Sooner says limp! We go 7 way to $14 pot. Qh7h2d. MP makes it $10. Sooner says fold! We do

WP! 🤣

13 hours ago, Lurch said:

Two limps to me in CO w A5o. I make it $12. Only first limper calls. $27 pot. 889. He checks, I $20, he folds 33 face up. THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE

Ni han ni han.

13 hours ago, Lurch said:

MP opens to $7. I call SB w A4o. BB joins.

Tc5c5s. I think about buying this one. It’s pretty standard. I pass and check to BB. He bets $15. Yep. MP calls. They get to river before BB gives up and MP flips quad 5s. Well played, lurch

I actually haaaaaate this preflop call. I can tolerate it on BTN, or if this is suited. But calling raggedy offsuit aces out of position is eccckkk. Fold >> 3b to $24 >>>>> call imo.This is a pretty sweet flop to try to rep tho, good job not doing it!

13 hours ago, Lurch said:

2 limps to me in CO w 53hh. I make it $12 and get 5 callers. Oops. $72 pot. Tc7c6s. Checks to me. $40 and they all fold.

Another pot you won that I don't. Pre is generally marginal, but good given the right opps which it appears you did. I'm nevvvvvvvver betting this flop here into 5 opponents. It smashes their calling ranges, and I just never would expect to get through, plus if we check back and peel a 4 that's some Yahtzee. 

12 hours ago, Lurch said:

Three limps to me w 43ss on BTN. I make it $15 and get 4 callers. $62 pot. J85s rainbow. BB leads out w $20. Two fold then I call. Kc. He checks, I $55 and he snap shoves $125.


Don't like this. Pre is whatever, we can pop it or limp, cool. But when BB leads out into 4 players on this board, what are we calling with? We have a backdoor 4 hi flush board and a draw to 4th pair. Calling here to take it away later on a board where not that much is going to scare him off I can't see as possibly profitable. I'd much rather call with something like A7s with a backdoor flush draw, where we can turn top pair, turn an OESD, turn a NFD and actually have some equity in the hand. On the turn, I do like the bet when he checks. Oops.

12 hours ago, Lurch said:

Two limps then HJ makes it $12. W AJo, I go $35 in CO. Others fold, he calls. $75 pot

567. He checks, I $50, he folds and says good hand. No sir, I’m not showing. $345

I love the 3b against HJs who like to iso limpers. I don't like the 3b against HJs who are just playing their own cards.

12 hours ago, Lurch said:

Three limps to me w J8o on BTN. I’ll try this limp strat again. $12 pot.

T64 rainbow. Checks around. 8. First limper makes it $10. Only I call. 7. Chk chk and he shows T4. Oh.

Shoulda raised my BTN pre

So that guy wasn't a blind? He limped T4o voluntarily? Make a note! And you saved some cheddah, I am value betting $12-15 on river when he checks.

12 hours ago, Lurch said:

UTG+1 (new 30ish white guy reg w $300) limps. I $12 in UTG+2 w KJo. Only he calls. $28 pot.

TT5. He checks. I decide he won’t buy a cbet and would rather see a free turn. Chk.

8. He checks, I $15 and he folds.

I often use a "delayed c-bet" so you don't have your opponents see your c-bet range as 100% and start playing back. This guy has no image of you, so I'd just bet this specific flop, since he has not much continuing range, but this is good too.

12 hours ago, Lurch said:

4 limpers to my KJo BTN. I $16 and get 5 callers. Hmm. $98 pot

K85 rainbow. UTG+1 makes it $17? I $50. Only he calls. $200 pot.

J. He checks w $125 behind, I $50. He folds.

Next hand

Straddle. UTG+1 (seat 9, old Asian reg) calls. Folds to me in CO w KQo. I $20. Others fold and they call. $64 pot.

K54. Checks to me. I $30, UTG folds and UTG+1 makes it $60. Says ‘good fold’

4. He $80. I call.

2. He $140 w $200 more behind.

KJ hand - I would just call flop here. As opposed to the K9 hand above: 1) our hand is weaker; 2) less scary turn cards. By raising, we are getting him to fold a lot of the stuff we beat, but he's never folding anything that beats us. Trying to figure out WTF he called the 50 on the flop with but folds turn? 

KQ hand - you mention that y'all have history, and you put a decent amount of bluffs in his range. That's fair, but I feel like calling KQ here is the same as calling like 99. He's just not doing this with less for value, so it's a question of how much he's bluffing. And what hands is he check-minraising flop with as a bluff? Exactly 67? If he is doing this with other bluff hands, one likely candidate is A3 which got there. I don't see him limp calling K5 or K4 (oops), but would think 44, 55, 45 are all very reasonable value candidates. If we think he is able to check-minraise on flop as a bluff, hands like A4 or 43 are also possible, and they also get there. I think we have to fold river unless we really think villain is both capable of check-minraising flop as a bluff, then continuing with two more barrels, and is overbluffing river.  You went $20 pre, then called a check-raise on flop and 80 on turn. What's he think you have? You have all the AK, AA, and even KK in your range and he persists.

11 hours ago, Lurch said:

UTG+1 limps. I make it $10 w 88 in CO. BTN was already reaching for chips and snap calls. BB and UTG call. $42 pot.
K95. I’m a bit suspicious of BTN and check through. He also checks. 4. BB and UTG check so I’m probably good. Bet $20 and they all fold.

NH. Another example where checking flop gets us a free card and free information. Would check this flop and bet K75.

11 hours ago, Lurch said:

HJ opens to $7. I $20 w AQo. BTN calls and HJ calls. $64 pot.
Ks4s2d. HJ chk, I $35, BTN folds. HJ calls. $130 pot.
Qc. Chk chk
5s. He bets $60 and I don’t have a spade. I fold but don’t love it.


11 hours ago, October sky said:

Depending on stack sizes I would bet the turn. He can easily have a middle pair here or a draw. As played I would probably fold the river there also. 

I like checking the turn to keep our range and villain's range wide. He raise-called pre, and called a more than 1/2 pot bet on flop. When we bet turn, we are bloating the pot with a medium hand, he's never ever folding anything that beats us, his calling very little we beat other than stuff like a nut flush draw or maybe like QJss he can have. 

Checking turn also induces him to bluff rivers, which we can then call. We need some hands that check turn to balance the hands we are giving up with. Otherwise he can just bet every river when we check turn, since check turn = give up. This river though completes the most likely draw, plus a couple of unlikely gutters that he could maybe peel flop with esp with a backdoor flush draw. Unless I have a read that villain likes to bluff, he has to have a good king or better, and often a flush, and so I'm folding. Gold star if we have the As and go $200 on river.

10 hours ago, Lurch said:

Straddle. UTG+1 makes it $10. I $25 in UTG+2 w AKo. Only he calls. $54 pot. 
883. Chk chk. 7. He $25 I call. Q. Chk chk and he folds to my Ace high

This is a good board to call a bet with AK. Bad river since the most likely hand we beat was AQ. We should fold if he bets river. I have an awful habit of just turning my hand over here in your spot when he checks as a check, but it's much better to just check without tabling first, since he will have to show first, and we would love to know what he's raise-calling and betting this turn with. Also if he shows us a hand we beat, we don't have to show that we're capable of calling turn on 8873 with ace high.

10 hours ago, Lurch said:

Two limps to SB who goes $10. I take it to $25 w AQo. One limper and SB call. $77 pot.
K98. Check, I $40, limper folds, SB calls.
4. Chk chk
4. He $50. I call and he shows AA. It’s time to call it a night.

Do not like this at all. What is SB raise-calling pre, then check-calling $40 on flop with that loses to AQ here? He would have to be small-raising out of position with like JT or T7 or 76 right? 

This was really useful, thanks again! I think we kind of had a draw on the limp/raise issue. I think you got your c-bets through more often than I would have thought, and the limpers called the raises more often than you would have thought. 

  • Like 2

One of the things I didn’t do well was find a good raising size to reduce callers. I had a hard time focusing and typing the thread and probably missed some critical insight that would have improved my bet sizing. I was surprised how often I was getting so many callers. I don’t think that is typical.

I don’t recall many (any?) of my preflop raises getting completely folded to, which is a very good sign I should have gone higher in general.

Posted (edited)

played at app last night. Mr. "give me 400 in red from the cage" was there, along with the usual group of nits.


Bought in for $300, cashed for slightly more than $300.

Poker is easy when you keep hitting top straits and two people at the table call you all the way down with lower straits, sets or low draws that don't hit.

Something else I noticed after last night

Sun  $-24.5
mon $106.0
tue $134.5
wed $218.1
thu $210.6
fri $257.9
sat $-40.0

These are hourly win rates in dollars. Not a huge sample size but does correlate with what I've read about bigo/plo that game selection is the most important thing.

Edited by blacklab
  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Lurch said:

$3k not $300 right?

Looks like $22-2300 to me. I think you missed the tone in "slightly more" than $300.

And it's odd, you would expect Sat to be the softest game, but you're crushing the weekdays. Do you think the weekends have more serious players for some reason?

Posted (edited)

bought in for $300, cashed out just over $2k

not really sure. There's around 5 players that I absolutely destroy, and I think they tend to play during the week.

My nemesis usually plays on FridaySaturday. Super loose, super aggressive guy that always seems to suck out on me but other people stack on a regular basis.

Edited by blacklab

Another funny thing from last night.

On Monday night I won a pot from an older lady on a bomb pot. Bomb pot in big O has two boards and you play for ultimate high and ultimate low. Whichever is the best hand on either board. Top board was 643, bottom board 234. I had A5 so I had the wheel, A2345, on the bottom board. She had A2 so was playing the top board for a 6432A. She argued with the dealer for several minutes and then angrily shoved her chips in and toppled over her three stacks of reds.

I happened to have to meet someone at the lodge last night so to kill time I entered the free roll tournament. First dealer at my table is an old friend I've known for years. Dealer comes to replace him and it's the older lady I won the pot from the night before. She about shit herself when I said hi. She had cooled off and was cool and we talked big o strategy and about table selection and I told her it wasn't a good table that night, and when you see me, and certain other players she probably shouldn't play.  She agreed and named off some people she should play with and I agreed completely with her choices in fish.



Sit down at the lodge $1-$2 nl 

first hand QJ, raise to $10, get 7 callers

flop 952

guy bets $10 into $70 pot, call, call, raise to $220, fold fold fold, all in fold 

$220 bettor has A9, all in guy has 55. 

Turn 7, river 9. A9 guy gets all excited. 55 guy explains he has a boat. Oops 


Lol yeah I’ve seen guys in the A9 guy situation rooting for a 9 bc three nines beats three fives obv.

And the $220 bet by A9 is a great example of the awful plays people make to protect their hand and “win the pot”, which only get called when they are righteously fucked like this guy was.

  • Like 1

Once upon a time in a 2/5 game in Lake Charles...  Guy was bet into on the flop, he shoved and got snap called.  The all-in was on a flush draw and the caller was on a set.  The flush hit on the river but it also paired the board, and the guy with the flush started celebrating like he'd just won the WSOP.  It was actually super uncomfortable for a few minutes after that.

11 hours ago, TexArcher said:

Once upon a time in a 2/5 game in Lake Charles...  Guy was bet into on the flop, he shoved and got snap called.  The all-in was on a flush draw and the caller was on a set.  The flush hit on the river but it also paired the board, and the guy with the flush started celebrating like he'd just won the WSOP.  It was actually super uncomfortable for a few minutes after that.

my biggest online win ($7k) where I took #1 in the 7pm $11  25,000+ runners tourney back in the Party Poker days I did the reverse of this.

Its final table bubble  Ive finished in the top 20 in this tourney 2 other times, and top 100 probably 3-4 more, but never made the final table.

I am #2 in chips,  #1 in chips in the tourney is to my left  (typical). They are hyper aggressive and I get dealt AA.  Cant remember the betting sequence, but  just the 2 of us went to the flop.  Which was Yahtzee. Ah- Xh- Xx, no chance of a straight yet, and after 5/6 raises we are both all in on the flop.  Hes got the one fucking hand you dont want to see- K high flush draw.   I've stood up and I am screaming at the computer "Dont you fuck me"  as a regular black 8 hits on the turn... and now Im fucking screaming "ONE FUCKING TIME"  

.... and the River is a MOTHERFUCKING HEART!!!! 


and Im almost ready to punch the wall when I notice the entire pot gets shoved my way.  and Im like "WTF?".... turns out it was the 8 of hearts. and I won with the boat.


went on to win the tourney.

  • Like 3
  • Haha 1

Meanwhile somewhere in the world the other guy jumped up and ran around screaming with joy then comes back to his computer to see “Congratulations! You have finished the tournament in 18th place!”

13 hours ago, TXSooner518 said:

Lol yeah I’ve seen guys in the A9 guy situation rooting for a 9 bc three nines beats three fives obv.

It took me like a year into playing hold em to stop making this mistake, and I have an engineering degree and quite literally do math for a living.

I can't explain it.


11 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:

Meanwhile somewhere in the world the other guy jumped up and ran around screaming with joy then comes back to his computer to see “Congratulations! You have finished the tournament in 18th place!”

Were you listening to the dude's story, Donny?  The other guy had him covered.

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, WBT said:

Were you listening to the dude's story, Donny?  The other guy had him covered.

Or, OR, maybe just MAYBE, he was down to one ante after the hand and blinded out while doing his YAY I SUCKED OUT dance. Ever think of that?!?

  • Like 1

Taking a shot at the monthly $100k at bestbetjax. $360 entry. ~200 runners in flights A and B yesterday. 127 so far in flight C. Should hit 450 total by tonight’s flight.

20k starting chips. 100/100 level 1.

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