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Found out the other day that Luna really hates aussies. She went after one for no damn reason. Luckily she just pinned it down and barked in its face but that was a bit concerning.

 Thought it was a one time thing but she saw a different one the next day and lost her shit.

Try a blanket over the crate to create more darkness. Also, get a clock that makes a tick tick tick sound and place nearby. 

We put Pandora on “Dog Songs” or “Dog Music” by her crate. Hattie has slept through the night ever since.

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24 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

Found out the other day that Luna really hates aussies. She went after one for no damn reason. Luckily she just pinned it down and barked in its face but that was a bit concerning.

 Thought it was a one time thing but she saw a different one the next day and lost her shit.

arent there like 6 or 8 regular aussies at Yard Bar?


Yea and this is the first time she has done that in the year I have been taking her there.  I wonder if one got after her when I was in the bathroom or something. She never forgets stuff that pisses her off or scares her. I accidentally smacked her with a grocery bag a few months ago and now all bags are evil and must be punished. 

I know we do this all the time but I still do a double take when you post a pic of Edgar's twin. 3aa5bec4044a969de9018903f684f1d6.jpg
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Will you stop stealing my dog and posting pictures?f84ca6468db1b4a1c046ba84fbe8a12e.jpg
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i had a dog that would go under the couch and she and the others would bark and growl at each other.  she'd also go under the covers and attack the dogs that were on top of the covers.  it was kinda hilarious

40 minutes ago, austingirl said:

Do y'all's dogs do this thing where their toy goes under the furniture and they lay there and growl and bark at it till you get the toy out for them?6619eb2e937970633343dfc23b2485d8.jpg

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[Tracy Morgan voice]Of course they do, Liz Lemon.[/Tracy Morgan voice]

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Do y'all's dogs do this thing where their toy goes under the furniture and they lay there and growl and bark at it till you get the toy out for them?

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I recently added some “bumpers” under the couch to keep their balls from rolling under. Life saver. Used gray foam pipe insulation 1” and nailed along wooden edge frame of couch. Youtube has all kinda similar of ideas.

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This little shithead has been with us for 3 years now... He's come a long way from the emaciated heartworm-positive terrified dog to the super affectionate little fuzzball he is today.7df07d1a139d39de5947606e260728a4.jpg

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Sofie loves the cold. She’s more hyped to walk in the cold mornings than the summertime. Rarely uses a coat and only boots where there is a ton of salt thrown all over the sidewalk.

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14 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

Wife is halfway through brushing Zeus and already has enough hair to create a small dog.  


Seems appropriate since the pic of the wife is only halfway through. :)


Reminds me that Biff had back surgery 5 years ago today.  He was almost 3.  We took him out for his morning walk and his back foot started dropping down.  Took him home and it kept getting worse, minute by minute.  Took him to the vet and by the time we were seen he was fully paralyzed in his back legs.  Had to have emergency surgery for a herniated disc that was pushing on his spinal cord.  Luckily we were living in Dallas at the time that happens to have one of the best canine neurosurgeons in the country.  Dropped 5 grand on that surgery and it was the best thing we ever did.  A couple of months of physical therapy and he has never looked back.  You'd never know these days.  He still hikes 5+ miles on the reg for such a little guy.




Today.  Not him on the pillow, just looks exactly like him, which is why we bought it.


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driving home today I was about 3 houses away from my house when I saw a dog come flying out from between some houses. I though man that dog looks a lot like Tucker. Got closer and it turned out it was Tucker. Get home and wife and kids didn't even know he was gone. They left the gate on the front porch open.

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I told my sister when I was tipsy one time that I wanted to adopt a chihuahua and name him Clyde...Tiny Clyde because my girl dog is Bonnie. Well she didn't forget what I said so when her friend told her about a little pup she was fostering that she needed to find a home for, she called me and now I have Bonnie and Clyde for real.




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We have a 9 year old lab/rottweiler mix. Sweetest and smartest dog we have ever had.

Her favorite thing in the world is playing fetch with her ball. Well we were in the back yard last weekend and she was doing her thing and loving every minute of it. After about 15 minutes she starts limping pretty good on her left front leg/foot. We check her out and find a partially split claw and figure that was it and trim it up.

Couple of days later she is no better so my wife runs her down to the vet. They immediately get x-rays done saying these breeds are very prone to bone cancer. Results showed no signs of cancer (thank God) but did show arthritis in 2 joints so the vet says no running or jumping for a week and then limit that type of activity going forward. 

The sad looks on her face when she drops her ball at my feet and I don't pick it up and toss it up the stairs are hard to take. 

Everyone say hi to Rocket, the newest member of the TheBayou family. We got him today at the Austin Humane Society's Puppy Bowl.

I need to take him outside to potty but...2dbe8f387d5db28b16aac615f9697e25.jpg

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almost a month to the day, I was at my mother-in-laws house when a small dog ran up to me as soon as I got out of my truck. It was whimpering and cold and wet (it was raining and was very cold) and had a shoelace tied around it's neck rather tightly which had been torn (which is how we surmise it escaped or ran away).
My MIL wouldn't let the dog in to get dry and warm so I ended up letting him sit in the foot of my truck with the heat on. My daughter implored me to be kind to the dog (we have never owned dogs or desired to) and so I went to a QT and bought a can of dog food. The dog ate it up like it hadn't eaten in years. It was dry and warm and would intermittently fall asleep and then jolt up after a few seconds. It was as if it couldn't trust to fall asleep completely.
I went home to figure out what to do and we thought to make a little area for him in the garage. He's a small dog, so he was still cold. We brought him inside and he was attached to me. The next day the kids and I went to PetsMart and scanned his chip. Found the chip number, called HomeAway and the representative let us know his real name. He would find a great meeting spot for me and the owner to meet. He called me 15 minutes later and the owner had snarled "I gave that dog away a while ago, quit calling me take me off this list". The home away representative was sad hearing this and said the only thing he could recommend was for me to take him to a shelter. After thinking for a second, a weird impulse came over me, and I said just put my name on the account. I was taking the full jump to dog owner and responsibility of adding a new family member. The next day I went to the vet and dropped $275 on shots and check ups and stool samples and everything else you can think of, and then bought a ton of dog stuff (kennel, toys, food, leash, harness, etc.)
It's been a month, and the journey hasn't been perfect-- small dogs have small bladders and it's a big adjustment for people who have never owned dogs-- but it's been very worthwhile. I am on the road a lot for work and I'm not usually the person that is the most attentive or playful with the dog, but he still prefers my company over anyone else's and chooses me over the people who play, feed treats, and all around enjoy him the most. Part of me think it's because we can just chill out together and he might like the break, but the other part of me thinks that he recognizes me as someone who saved his life and opened up a home to provide comfort and warmth and love. He's a loyal little guy and I can now for the first time in my life say, my dog is awesome.

Such an awesome story. Don’t know what you’ve been doing to address the bladder issue, but if you want any suggestions, I’d be happy to post a potty training approach that I’ve had good luck with over the years.

One of my kids got into some trouble and has to perform 10 hours of community service. One of the options was our local animal shelter/sanctuary. She loves animals and it's nearby, so my wife and I decided to swing by there today and ask some questions. Fuck. There's a dog up there that stole my wife's heart (and a small part of my own). It was all I could do to walk away. We already have a couple of dogs and the wife doesn't want a third. But I haven't been able to get this dog off of my mind. This sucks.

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