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Political bias breakdown by profession


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Crowdpac, a nonpartisan firm dedicated to political data analysis, used federal campaign-contribution records dating to 1980 to estimate where various officials and donors fall on the political spectrum.
Here's a summary of its findings:


That basic summary shows the average ideology scores for each profession. But the "purple" professions that appear in the middle of the spectrum aren't really bipartisan. They're actually extremely polarized: Rather than having a large number of donors with middle of the road politics, they're largely split, with a big liberal group on one side and a similarly sized large conservative group on the other.

These divides can be seen in the following charts, ...

More:  https://www.businessinsider.com/charts-show-the-political-bias-of-each-profession-2014-11

Nothing too surprising in there I think.  I would have thought oil and gas and pharmaceuticals to be a bit more conservative.  I'm guessing Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are grouped in "online computer services".

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