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The House Oversight Committee 2019

Hugo Stiglitz

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cummings getting cohen's waterworks going, which i do think was his goal. if you look at it like that, this speech was masterful

I only heard that part on the radio, but Cohen sounded genuine as hell about regretting the impact his actions will have on his children
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17 minutes ago, lemonlime said:

They'll just say dems are the racists!  IDENTITY POLITICS! SOCIALISM! BINGO!

And 35% of the country, and dotus, will believe them.

31% of Americans believe that the Holocaust did not occur or that the number of Jews killed is exaggerated.

38% of Americans believe that God created the earth and  humans  in their present form less than 10,000 years ago.  

26% of Americans believe the sun orbits around the earth.

39% of Americans deny climate change or human causes.

41% of Americans believe that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time.

I submit that there is a considerable overlap in these groups.

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Just now, Horndog said:

31% of Americans believe that the Holocaust did not occur or that the number of Jews killed is exaggerated.

38% of Americans believe that God created the earth and  humans  in their present form less than 10,000 years ago.  

26% of Americans believe the sun orbits around the earth.

39% of Americans deny climate change or human causes.

41% of Americans believe that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time.

I submit that there is a considerable overlap in these groups.

can i get a venn diagram over here?

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8 minutes ago, Horndog said:

31% of Americans believe that the Holocaust did not occur or that the number of Jews killed is exaggerated.

38% of Americans believe that God created the earth and  humans  in their present form less than 10,000 years ago.  

26% of Americans believe the sun orbits around the earth.

39% of Americans deny climate change or human causes.

41% of Americans believe that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time.

I submit that there is almost complete overlap in these groups.

FIF accuracy.


Oh, also, when someone finds the best post-game summary -- something that just contains the most relevant plays -- please share.  Some of us had to work today, and hardly heard any of it.

Although I did have lunch with a judge today, and we talked about the little bit we heard, but only to discuss the fact that Congressional cross-examination is PAINFULLY craptacular for a trial lawyer to listen to.

Edited by Brisketexan
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5 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

I'm more concerned about his mouth-breathing minions going Wolverine on their local minority populations. 

To be honest, "minorities" aren't very much in the minority any more, at least collectively.  Add in the healthy percentage of the white demo that would also fight back and I don't think the bigots are gonna have a good time.

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10 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

they're right.

plugging in values, m1 is 333,000, m2 is 1, a is 150,000,000.  so, r1 is 499 km.  since the radius of the sun is 696,000 km, r1 is well inside the sun, ergo, the earth orbits the sun.
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4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Although I did have lunch with a judge today, and we talked about the little bit we heard, but only to discuss the fact that Congressional cross-examination is PAINFULLY craptacular for a trial lawyer to listen to.

Aren't most reps former lawyers?  They all suck at asking questions.

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2 hours ago, Coors yellow belly said:

Yea I know, I just don’t understand how you can divide up the research triangle where I’m assuming the bulk of the population is and just fuck it up unimpeded  I’m sure the changes since 2010 ( last redistricting) will make it close to impossible to continue that way

Charlotte is the more populous MSA but with part of it in SC the triangle is likely equal within NC. 

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5 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

Their goal in most cases isn’t to do a good job asking questions.  It’s to put on a dog and pony show so they get a soundbyte they think will play well on Fox/MSNBC.   It shows how much contempt they have for their voters and how little they think of them.

They are still surprisingly bad even taking that into account, though.  They aren’t good con men / performers or serious questioners.

We are giving the electorate too much credit.  The grandstanding is calculated and has the added benefit of feeding their narcissistic needs.  Especially in the house where they are always campaigning, the house members know they need those moments to play to their base.  It's unfortunate, but it's all about reelection.  I hope the AOC method of asking questions catches on.  Fuck this grandstanding shit.  But it unfortunately is what gets these guys re-elected.  Chip Roy, the rookie, did what he needed to get those folks in Kerrville, etc. to vote for him again in 20ish months.  

Edited by A-Tex Devil
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18 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


I happened to see what fox was doing at just the moment of the first tweet above. Next the woman on the right did her spin and the black man followed with mention of the ongoing conspiracy and the evidence of the Trump check. Immediately, he was laughed off with more than one panel member saying:

"Personal finances, we've covered that."

That was enough for me.

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7 hours ago, horncyclist said:


I don't know why I can't respond without this quote, so sorry cyclist..

Just like to say that Jim Jordan is such a huge piece of shit.

I can't wait to see how much NRA money this fucking cocksucker took... He's got to be completely fucked and tied to Trump in such a way that he's tied his fate to him in such a way

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2 minutes ago, SKJ said:

I don't know why I can't respond without this quote, so sorry cyclist..

Just like to say that Jim Jordan is such a huge piece of shit.

I can't wait to see how much NRA money this fucking cocksucker took... He's got to be completely fucked and tied to Trump in such a way that he's tied his fate to him in such a way

You have such a way with words.

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50 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

I did think Cummings final words were really terrific.  Really encapsulated the angst of our time.

I like that he stressed a return to normalcy. We're gonna debate a lot of shit for a long time, but we gotta get past calling each other names. We have to be better than now.

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