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Police brutality and the kkkrooked kkkriminal justice system. But hey I get it, you're not affected so you think it's a facade or simply don't care, because you're not affected. I'm a disabled veteran and I love it. The opinion of those not impacted really doesn't mean anything to me. I know what it is. So !@#$ those that oppose, and continue to mask racism with fake patriotism. Fuck the anthem too. How many white people would stand for a song that talked about killing them in the 3rd stanza. Fuck a symbol that degrades me. I love people, not symbols. Whitesplaining doesn't move me.

Yeah it sounds like you like white people a lot lulz...
  • Haha 1
27 minutes ago, Awlready said:

Police brutality and the kkkrooked kkkriminal justice system. But hey I get it, you're not affected so you think it's a facade or simply don't care, because you're not affected. I'm a disabled veteran and I love it. The opinion of those not impacted really doesn't mean anything to me. I know what it is. So !@#$ those that oppose, and continue to mask racism with fake patriotism. Fuck the anthem too. How many white people would stand for a song that talked about killing them in the 3rd stanza. Fuck a symbol that degrades me. I love people, not symbols. Whitesplaining doesn't move me.

I think this is a quote from Kap’s pig Socks. 

  • Like 1
Police brutality and the kkkrooked kkkriminal justice system. But hey I get it, you're not affected so you think it's a facade or simply don't care, because you're not affected. I'm a disabled veteran and I love it. The opinion of those not impacted really doesn't mean anything to me. I know what it is. So !@#$ those that oppose, and continue to mask racism with fake patriotism. Fuck the anthem too. How many white people would stand for a song that talked about killing them in the 3rd stanza. Fuck a symbol that degrades me. I love people, not symbols. Whitesplaining doesn't move me.

How many people knew there were more than one verse to the song? I’d only heard two.

So if you're against police brutality you hate white people??

No but apparently you can be against police brutality, be against trump but because you don’t like kap and you’re white then you belong in the kkk

No but apparently you can be against police brutality, be against trump but because you don’t like kap and you’re white then you belong in the kkk
Lol @ that jump based on his response to your question
Lol @ that jump based on his response to your question

Lol at you not being able to read. Guy I quoted was equating people that don’t like Kap like police brutality and then associated them with the kkk. I know reading is hard for you

Lol at you not being able to read. Guy I quoted was equating people that don’t like Kap like police brutality and then associated them with the kkk. I know reading is hard for you
Actually you cant read...he answered your question about what was the millionaire protesting. He spelled with kkk to enforce is point. Then he moved on to a rant of his personal beliefs. You chose to believe he called you a kkk member
Actually you cant read...he answered your question about what was the millionaire protesting. He spelled with kkk to enforce is point. Then he moved on to a rant of his personal beliefs. You chose to believe he called you a kkk member

Exactly kkk to anyone who doesn’t like Kap, that means they endorse police brutality. I don’t particularly like police and despise police brutality. But it’s bullshit to talk about how shorty this country is because there are some bad cops. They aren’t on the federal payroll and the us government doesn’t endorse it. Why not take it up on a local level like the city of Chicago? Police brutality is about number 10 on Kap’s priority list. He is an attention whore, nothing more
Police brutality and the kkkrooked kkkriminal justice system. But hey I get it, you're not affected so you think it's a facade or simply don't care, because you're not affected. I'm a disabled veteran and I love it. The opinion of those not impacted really doesn't mean anything to me. I know what it is. So !@#$ those that oppose, and continue to mask racism with fake patriotism. Fuck the anthem too. How many white people would stand for a song that talked about killing them in the 3rd stanza. Fuck a symbol that degrades me. I love people, not symbols. Whitesplaining doesn't move me.
Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Mileslong said:

Exactly kkk to anyone who doesn’t like Kap, that means they endorse police brutality. I don’t particularly like police and despise police brutality. But it’s bullshit to talk about how shorty this country is because there are some bad cops. They aren’t on the federal payroll and the us government doesn’t endorse it. Why not take it up on a local level like the city of Chicago? Police brutality is about number 10 on Kap’s priority list. He is an attention whore, nothing more

Either you're being intentionally obtuse or you're stuck on stupid. I never implied, what you inferred. But if my thoughts offend you, then the hit dog hollered. You can't tell me what shortcomings I can complain about in this country. I fought for that very right, so fuck how you feel. It's not simply a state issue, it's also a federal issue. It's an American issue. That bitch in the whites house, along with many before him on ALL levels, damn sure don't hold kkkrookkked kkkops accountable...dirty cops are an extension of America. You think Kap is an attention whore, and I think you're an attention whore. Now what?

Edited by Awlready
1 hour ago, Mileslong said:

That’s what I thought, no substance just a throw away insult by you

It's not really a throw away.  It's reserved for someone who hasn't added anything edifying to his laughably simpleminded conclusions from Page 1. 

It's special, just for you.

31 minutes ago, Awlready said:

Either you're being intentionally obtuse or you're stuck on stupid. I never implied, what you inferred. But if my thoughts offend you, then the hit dog hollered. You can't tell me what shortcomings I can complain about in this country. I fought for that very right, so fuck how you feel. It's not simply a state issue, it's also a federal issue. It's an American issue. That bitch in the whites house, along with many before him on ALL levels, damn sure don't hold kkkrookkked kkkops accountable...dirty cops are an extension of America. You think Kap is an attention whore, and I think you're an attention whore. Now what?

I mean I would presume most people could come together on doing a better job on holding bad police officers accountable. But for whatever reason we don't and often the argument is about everything besides that. It is frustrating.


  • Like 1
It's not really a throw away.  It's reserved for someone who hasn't added anything edifying to his laughably simpleminded conclusions from Page 1.  It's special, just for you.


I’ve got a lot more post approvals than you so maybe you should rethink. You’re simple minded in the fact that you think kap’s only reason to make a spectacle of himself is to bring attention to police brutality and not nfl collusion. If he were starting you wouldn’t hear a peep from him.


  • Haha 1
Either you're being intentionally obtuse or you're stuck on stupid. I never implied, what you inferred. But if my thoughts offend you, then the hit dog hollered. You can't tell me what shortcomings I can complain about in this country. I fought for that very right, so fuck how you feel. It's not simply a state issue, it's also a federal issue. It's an American issue. That bitch in the whites house, along with many before him on ALL levels, damn sure don't hold kkkrookkked kkkops accountable...dirty cops are an extension of America. You think Kap is an attention whore, and I think you're an attention whore. Now what?

Fuck you on how you feel, so now we are on the same page. You’re the bigot, not me. I don’t like cops and despise their brutality, but you’re being obtuse if you think this is kaps only motive
  • Haha 1
21 minutes ago, hookem48 said:

i hope the police brutalize the fuck out of all you idiots.

If the police brutally beat them, I am going to start a fake campaign against it and hope to secure a big payday in the end. I will also sell $150 jerseys because I am "for the cause" and "for the people". Because paying me money by wearing some worthless jersey will definitely help matters! 

12 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

If the police brutally beat them, I am going to start a fake campaign against it and hope to secure a big payday in the end. I will also sell $150 jerseys because I am "for the cause" and "for the people". Because paying me money by wearing some worthless jersey will definitely help matters! 

Get these guys to do it


  • Like 1

is it possible to acknowledge that kap was in decline as a qb, but also reckon that the owners did collude to blackball him? 

i mean, one of these geniuses just got indicted for a strip mall handie. jerry has pictures of him floating around with a couple of hookers.

i can easily imagine a scenario where there is a paper trail agreement to not sign this guy because he's "bad for the brand." or some such. 

yall really attach a lot of your online identity to staking out ground and defending it as though your life is on the line. it's uncanny.

  • Like 3
4 hours ago, Mileslong said:

Fuck you on how you feel, so now we are on the same page. You’re the bigot, not me. I don’t like cops and despise their brutality, but you’re being obtuse if you think this is kaps only motive

Lol, you're a lame. I'm sure Kap knew racist owners would collude against him, when he first sat on the bench during the national anthem. I'm sure this was the end game he thought of. You're not being purposely obtuse, you really are stuck on stupid. I'm also sure he knew Nate Boyer would tell him to kneel instead of sitting, which would really send the fake patriots into an uproar. Oh the motive. You're a clown.

  • Fuck You 1
Lol, you're a lame. I'm sure Kap knew racist owners would collude against him, when he first sat on the bench during the national anthem. I'm sure this was the end game he thought of. You're not being purposely obtuse, you really are stuck on stupid. I'm also sure he knew Nate Boyer would tell him to kneel instead of sitting, which would really send the fake patriots into an uproar. Oh the motive. You're a clown.

You’re either a drunk or a drug addict, no one is as stupid as you sober that isn’t locked up. So sing your sad song in the cloakroom where you will find plenty of others who hate America
52 minutes ago, Mileslong said:

You’re either a drunk or a drug addict, no one is as stupid as you sober that isn’t locked up. So sing your sad song in the cloakroom where you will find plenty of others who hate America

More clown shit, from dumb dumb. Your IQ continues to shine. It's dim, but it's there. Now I hate America, because I don't like dirty cops and those that mask racism with patriotism. Great rebuttal, after I clowned you about Kaps psychic abilities you spoke of. 🖕🏾 




  • Fuck You 1
1 hour ago, Jkwellborn said:

Whose sock are you? You have like 5 posts and they’re all here.

I swear some of y'all need a sniff of pussy. "Oh no, he's doing something outside of the message board norm, he's gotta be a sock." Just kidding fella. I've been reading this board for many years (Shaggy). Just never participated in the watered down squabbles.

  • Fuck You 1
More clown shit, from dumb dumb. Your IQ continues to shine. It's dim, but it's there. Now I hate America, because I don't like dirty cops and those that mask racism with patriotism. Great rebuttal, after I clowned you about Kaps psychic abilities you spoke of.  

Lmao you haven’t clowned a person in your life you washed up loser.
If the police brutally beat them, I am going to start a fake campaign against it and hope to secure a big payday in the end. I will also sell $150 jerseys because I am "for the cause" and "for the people". Because paying me money by wearing some worthless jersey will definitely help matters! 
Sure I'll play in your pud feeder league team... for 20 million dollars while the rest of the team makes 15 million combined
If the police brutally beat them, I am going to start a fake campaign against it and hope to secure a big payday in the end. I will also sell $150 jerseys because I am "for the cause" and "for the people". Because paying me money by wearing some worthless jersey will definitely help matters! 

Took you long enough to chime back in pussy. Again you ignore the fact that he made this issue front page news. Police brutality is a problem and has been ignored and even still goes unpunished most of the time, but no problem right? He just got paid and didn't help donate anything to struggling people.
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On 2/21/2019 at 9:26 AM, alincoln said:

"For those who want to boldly proclaim 'I am oppressed' to the world through a jersey"

The monetization of SJW victim culture is high comedy



I wouldnt say he made it front page news. It’s not like it was some barely known thing.


Police brutality has been known, police accountability is on the rise hopefully


All the dog whistle vitriol against Kaepernick has been renewed only because Kap and Geragos just got the NFL and Goodell to kneel and suck. The NFL clearly decided the price was right to keep a lid on their racist collusion (or risk of it being found if the case had proceeded).

And how stupid was the NFL? Kaep was already about washed-up as an NFL passer and starting QB and if the NFL had just not overreacted to Kaep's protests, they could've actually for once not billionaire-derped the moment, while naturally egged on by the right-wing outrage spewers. (/no CR). And then of course there's the little fact rarely thought about, which is that the NFL is usually about 65%-70% black each season in its player demographics. The NFL would be wise to sponsor an annual in-season Black History month. But instead it's just all about White Billionaires and their Yachts and their Cheesy Massage Parlor handies by trafficked sex slaves and threads started by Surly ***NFL Correspondent*** Mic Vackey.

Imagine the NFL coming out when Kaep started with a statement that said "We respect our players' expression of protest regarding issues in society. However, we are disappointed the protest occurs while in the wearing of an NFL uniform, when one's focus professionally and personally should solely be on their team and the game they are about to play."


What the NFL should have done is told everyone that they won’t allow protests on company time or property. Anyone doing so would be fined their game check. People don’t want politics mixed in with their sports. Plain and simple.

Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

What the NFL should have done is told everyone that they won’t allow protests on company time or property. Anyone doing so would be fined their game check. People don’t want politics mixed in with their sports. Plain and simple. 

NFL, NASCAR -- maybe those are the kind of folks who pat themselves on the back for looking serious and overweight in their jerseys while they are holding a beer and thinking about nachos while slouching their way through the national anthem, thinking about na, but I'd be surprised if anyone in the student section or most of the folks at a UT game would give a shit if someone was making some kind of statement during something that is generally as mindless as the national anthem has become, since it is done so often. 

I for one think it at least makes me think about what is going on more than if it didn't happen.  And I'd probably do it with a bit more style.


Edited by tantric superman
5 hours ago, NWAustinDude said:

All the dog whistle vitriol against Kaepernick has been renewed only because Kap and Geragos just got the NFL and Goodell to kneel and suck. The NFL clearly decided the price was right to keep a lid on their racist collusion (or risk of it being found if the case had proceeded).

And how stupid was the NFL? Kaep was already about washed-up as an NFL passer and starting QB and if the NFL had just not overreacted to Kaep's protests, they could've actually for once not billionaire-derped the moment, while naturally egged on by the right-wing outrage spewers. (/no CR). And then of course there's the little fact rarely thought about, which is that the NFL is usually about 65%-70% black each season in its player demographics. The NFL would be wise to sponsor an annual in-season Black History month. But instead it's just all about White Billionaires and their Yachts and their Cheesy Massage Parlor handies by trafficked sex slaves and threads started by Surly ***NFL Correspondent*** Mic Vackey.

Imagine the NFL coming out when Kaep started with a statement that said "We respect our players' expression of protest regarding issues in society. However, we are disappointed the protest occurs while in the wearing of an NFL uniform, when one's focus professionally and personally should solely be on their team and the game they are about to play."

kneel and suck? What they gave him amounts to about a penny for the rest of us.

Posted (edited)

Imagine if Kap had some creativity about his protest instead of sitting on his ass (kneeling wasn’t his idea) and waiting to be noticed and asked why?

What should he have done?  Wore a T-Shirt during the anthem with a picture of a vicitim of police brutality before each game. That would be a powerful statement and cause everyone to want to know more information. 

His protest method was moronic and to some offensive. It’s not that complicated nor simply racist. 

Hell, I still think a player should do it this season. Get on topic for the first time. 

Edited by ChickenSandwich
  • Like 1
On 2/25/2019 at 7:01 PM, Mileslong said:

Lmao you haven’t clowned a person in your life you washed up loser.

The washed up loser, is the fuck boy that bragged about his message board "likes." 

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

Was Kap protesting  police brutality publicly or dontating to the specific cause before his protest began?  I can find no evidence to that. Maybe it’s out there. 

Or did he just pick one when he began his movement?

Edited by ChickenSandwich
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