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Yang might pardon Trump if elected



“If you look at history around the world, it's a very, very nasty pattern that developing countries have fallen into, where a new president ends up throwing the president before them in jail,” Yang said on ABC’s “This Week.”

“That pattern unfortunately makes it very hard for any party to govern sustainably moving forward with a sense of unity among their people,” he continued. “And so to me, America should try to avoid that pattern if at all possible.”

In 1974, President Gerald Ford pardoned his predecessor, Richard Nixon, after he resigned amid the Watergate scandal. “It could go on and on and on, or someone must write the end to it. I have concluded that only I can do that, and if I can, I must,” Ford said in September 1974.



Yang might pardon Trump if elected



“If you look at history around the world, it's a very, very nasty pattern that developing countries have fallen into, where a new president ends up throwing the president before them in jail,” Yang said on ABC’s “This Week.”

“That pattern unfortunately makes it very hard for any party to govern sustainably moving forward with a sense of unity among their people,” he continued. “And so to me, America should try to avoid that pattern if at all possible.”

In 1974, President Gerald Ford pardoned his predecessor, Richard Nixon, after he resigned amid the Watergate scandal. “It could go on and on and on, or someone must write the end to it. I have concluded that only I can do that, and if I can, I must,” Ford said in September 1974.


41 minutes ago, Junior Miller said:

Yang is the person who would be president if the majority of America wasn't full of mostly illiterate brain dead fucks with the attention spans of Alzheimer's patients. 

If he doesn't win and, if, Sanders does, I would love to see Yang work with Sanders - in or out of the Administration. His ideas are too important to brush aside.

If Bernie drops out, Yang would be the next candidacy I would consider. A bottom up stimulus package, like Universal Basic Income, is not radical in any advanced economy. It is a stabilizer meant to adjust for changing economic conditions. It's Math, but so much more. UBI answers some of the questions regarding the composition of the Keynesian "Animal Sprits."  Economic security is vital as we advance rapidly, in my opinion. 

I have followed Scott Santens (an avid Yang supporter and a well informed UBI supporter) for many years. He is smart and knows how to speak the economic language necessary to understand UBI. When the problem of AI and jobs arose, a lot of smart people when to work on solutions. UBI is one of the solutions that rose to the top. Removing the fear of technolgical advancement through a basic income system makes living better for all of us and it makes the economy work more efficiently. It will keep the economy afloat when the foul weather descends, as it always does. At this time, the US Establishment giving a select few billions each year. It is a matter of shifting that flow so it disperses on everyone one - not just a few. That would sure tamp down deflation fears. An economic depression is existential threat to this country; fear of a depression accelerates the death spiral.

Yang and his supporters deserve to be heard in this nomination process. We are coalitions with important lanes to fill. Non-enthusiastic voters expect to hear policy debates and discussions. Yang - because he advocates anti-status quo policy changes - gets little time in dominant media. That is a problem - a large problem - when the gatekeeper has a financial stake that is aided by stifling dissent. 

Good luck to Yang. Smart supporters. 

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On 4/8/2019 at 8:48 AM, bad_teammate said:

Humans are going to be needed to perform labor, and instead of thinking about how little money we can give people to shut up and go away, we need to be making sure that our economy (both present and future) is designed with the well-being and happiness of the people in mind. It's really not complicated and UBI is increasingly coming across as a way to apologize for the concentration of wealth and power in fewer and fewer hands.

- Cut the work day/week
- Increase vacation
- Increase maternal/paternal leave
- Regulate automation in industries to protect jobs

UBI is consistent with broader policies that need to adjust to account for concentration of wealth and loss of earning power. 

Our antitrust laws are being ignored - and have been for some time. The concentration of mass media is structurally anti-democratic. The bureaucracy is too intertwined with their vendors. Our labor and employment policies have been co-opted by corporate interests. 

 If the Establishment offers UBI - we take it without hesitation. $10,000 is too low. What can we justify? Triple it like a defense contractor. They measure success on winning (51%), so 49% of the opening offer must guarantee an amount that makes real change. They win on paper, but WE win on mainstreet. 

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On 6/16/2019 at 2:09 PM, Continental Op said:

I'll take money from other taxpayers but I'm not going to fill out any paperwork because that's dehumanizing! 

I think you are talking about Banks in 2008 - and continuing. 

Federal spending is not a tax - it is an investment in our economy. We put it in for various good and bad reasons, but it is necessary to keep the country running and to incentivize certain behaviors. Without federal spending, our country fall into the deepest economic depression every seen.

Deflation = Recession then Depression to Collapse from social disorder. Federal spending inflates. Who is deflating the poor, the working class and the hollow middle class. If everyone in those classes (and the upper class and Untouchable billionaire club) receives UBI, we are sending liquidity to the quartiles where the economic benefits would be the greatest. Continuing to send it to the top (the ever growing asset bubble and continued propping up of the banks) does very little to stimulate the economy. Applying that stream equally benefits all. 

Tax is the way the market drains liquidity. Our poor, working and middle income classes have very little liquidity.

I guarantee a billionaire could care less about an extra $40K a year. Someone in the managerial class will just invest it in the asset bubble. You have to bleed off that asset bubble, so you need to de-incentivize investments in that bubble. Incentivize investment in sectors with social benefit -  not the asset bubble, which is gigantic. When it busts, you better have economic stabilizers in place and functioning. Can't do half-ass again like in 2008. The system has not recovered from that severe shock and the patient is bleeding out. Time to work on the patient.

Expand your ideas on the scope of what we face. And provide solutions. The patient's heart - the pump that nourishes all - is failing quickly. 

On 6/15/2019 at 1:56 PM, SKJ said:

Bernie's economic plans aren't going to help. Full stop.

Jobs guarantees? This is just fucking silly. We're going to be giving government jobs out to everyone which seems nice, but what are we all going to be doing when our jobs are automated away? I guess I need to learn construction? We can guarantee basically no-show jobs, which just turns out to be "u" bi. Then the working poor will be in the same boat as before.

Government skills restraining programs have a terrible success rate. 0-15%

I'm all for free college, but why the fuck would we be pushing college so hard? A shitload of the jobs college degrees are now in are going to be getting automated away. VoTech programs are probably a better push, since I hear robot maintenance and repair is going to be big soon.

The welfare state needs to be blown up. It's a fucking nightmare. What is your experience with it? Have you ever had to use it? I have. 

The safety net is filled with gigantic holes. It needs to be fixed in a major fucking way or it needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. I'm betting you've never been put in a situation that you had to use it because it's completely fucked.

A means tested universal basic income isn't universal.

All these government programs force us into becoming beggars. It's fucking demeaning. If you've never had to do it, I suggest you don't. They're stigmatized to a point that next time, if some tragedy strikes me and my family I would rather just die than try to use them.

They also fucking basically try to trap you into them, into a life of them, then they just trample you with them. Fucking dehumanizing.

Thinking about politics makes me hate everything. It's so beyond fucked up that I can't even stand it. The system is fucked beyond repair, and I have a great idea... Let's make that same fucked up system bigger, and let's make more people into wards of the state! 

I'm more for just eating the rich than I am for voting, especially for any candidate that can't seem to understand that we need to either change the course radically (and I'm not talking about dinosaur methods) or we're going to see some real, good old fashioned violence in the coming years.

I agree - so much is broken. And cruel. It needs to change as soon as possible. 

Jobs guarantees provide an economic stabilizer like UBI. It is needed to control deflationary pressure, just like UBI. The two concepts are closely aligned. I think they can be complementary. 

We built the national parks. They need repair by those with a passion for the wilderness. Love bike lanes - they need to be built in urban areas. Love taking care of people - we have what is the Silver Tsunami hitting our economy as the boomers pack into all phases the long life between 65 and the ever after - which is much longer than before. They need services - all types.

This list is long. We have neglected the seen and unseen social and material infrastructure of this nation since the 1970's. The social safety net is riddled with holes and traps.

With a Jobs Guarantee - for those who want to love what they do for work, the Jobs guarantees is fantastic. It has features of the WPA during the FDR Administration - in contemporary form. And in its contemporary form it is not acceptable to force someone to beg. UBI attacks that and so does a Job's Guarantee.

Universality of the benefits will help grow the programs as most will appreciate both programs immediately - even the ones to will "raise hell" will love the benefits. It's hard to complain when that money just bought Kleaus a new boat and Karen another tummy tuck. Kleaus might be a great guy outside of his news silo - might be just the guy to dig trails with smooth corners (and love every minute of doing it - I would love that job. And Karen might find a job as a manager and hate it when someone asks for the manager because she used to be that person. There is something good in 99.9 percent of us. 



I think he's going to surprise a lot of folks in Iowa tomorrow and I fully expect him to grab at least a delegate tomorrow. If he doesn't his campaign will take a major step back considering how much time and money he's spent in Iowa.

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Just now, AngryDragon said:

I think he's going to surprise a lot of folks in Iowa tomorrow and I fully expect him to grab at least a delegate. If he doesn't his campaign will take a major step back considering how much time and money he's spent in Iowa.


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Yang is a harsh critic of taxing wealth and proposes to fund the freedom dividend through a regressive VAT.

I'd like to hear a version of UBI that had some means of leveling out wealth distribution.

I think he's going to surprise a lot of folks in Iowa tomorrow and I fully expect him to grab at least a delegate tomorrow. If he doesn't his campaign will take a major step back considering how much time and money he's spent in Iowa.
Agreed. I think he picks up more than just one.
6 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

Contain yo'self!

I'm a Yang Gang'er and am pretty depressed that he doesn't have a real shot.

He has a real shot at a cabinet position, IMO.  Maybe even create a new one for him.  His ideas are important for the future.

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11 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

He has a real shot at a cabinet position, IMO.  Maybe even create a new one for him.  His ideas are important for the future.

Facts. Yang's ideas and the issues he raise are so important in these days of economic insecurity for millions of poor people, working class people and middle class folks. No need for him  or his supporters to withdraw from politics. I am not sure any President has ever run on UBI - yet it is an idea that more and more are waking up to. UBI is not a new idea - it has been bantered around for years. Yang brought it down from the ivory towers and put it out there on mainstream. That is one hell of an accomplishment - among many. 

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On 2/3/2020 at 12:58 AM, Junior Miller said:

Yang is the person who would be president if the majority of America wasn't full of people who have lost full trust of the federal govt and will continue to vote for the polar opposite of the establishment because "fuck you, that's why".


5 minutes ago, freyguy said:


so you've lost trust in the federal government that lies to you and steals from you and fucks you over...

Then elect and support a president and party that lies, steals, and fucks the country over at an unprecedented level never before seen in the history of the country?

Yeah, you're really showing the government there. 


Hey, I get it.  I’m a Rangers fan, so I understand the pain of watching your favorite team continually get the crap kicked out of them.  This didn’t happen overnight, so save the poor me attitude.  And yes, I firmly believe that any established elected official of the u.s. government does not give 2 shits about the common American.  I would love to see Trump lose re-election, I really would.  But shit, the Democratic Party continually offers up nothing but loser after loser, and shuts down their own candidates who actually have a brain, and real ideas.  The Democratic Party line is lost and out of touch with the majority of the population.  Deal with that.  They’re losing to arguably the biggest idiot ever to hold office, and that’s saying a lot.  You can cry about it, throw a tantrum if you want.  But at the end of the day, they’re acting like that bitch ass Alabama fan, punching a hole in their own tv, blaming everyone else.


Guess I'm supporting whoever is gonna punish the hell out this current administration and then keep going from there. Knew it was over when he seriously underperformed in the debates last week.

On 2/6/2020 at 7:34 PM, freyguy said:

Hey, I get it.  I’m a Rangers fan, so I understand the pain of watching your favorite team continually get the crap kicked out of them.  This didn’t happen overnight, so save the poor me attitude.  And yes, I firmly believe that any established elected official of the u.s. government does not give 2 shits about the common American.  I would love to see Trump lose re-election, I really would.  But shit, the Democratic Party continually offers up nothing but loser after loser, and shuts down their own candidates who actually have a brain, and real ideas.  The Democratic Party line is lost and out of touch with the majority of the population.  Deal with that.  They’re losing to arguably the biggest idiot ever to hold office, and that’s saying a lot.  You can cry about it, throw a tantrum if you want.  But at the end of the day, they’re acting like that bitch ass Alabama fan, punching a hole in their own tv, blaming everyone else.

At least we didn't cheat.


He ran an interesting campaign and had a lot of hardcore devoted followers.  But I appreciate him suspending quickly after the poor showings in Iowa and NH. 

The very online #YangGang is kind of a wildcard group of voters, and I'm glad Andrew didn't drag this on any longer. 


Yeah,  he said he did the math,  and wasn't going to keep raising funds when it was no longer possible to win. 

Honorable,  but damn, what's left? Everyone else sort of sucks

  • 9 months later...
21 minutes ago, Left Coast said:

Looks like Andrew Yang will be running for mayor of NYC....


Is Andrew Yang Running for Mayor? All Signs Point to Yes

The former Democratic presidential candidate is meeting with New York City power brokers and telling them he intends to enter the race to succeed Bill de Blasio.

Smart choice.  Anyone will look great in comparison to de Blasio.  

1 minute ago, SydneyCarton said:

Would love to see how Universal Basic Income gets tested in NYC...

This would be highly interesting to see play out. It would definitely be a good thing for so many neighborhoods here. The New York Post would probably run 20 stories a day against the idea. Personally I think you go with a rollout of it where it is 1000 a month, but make that for people who are actually from here. If it can pass that stress test then give to people who are not from here within 8-12 months, but can provide documentation they lived in New York City for at least three years. Anyone here a shorter amount of time than that would need to establish residency for at least three years. If it was just a mass rollout with no stipulations you would have hundreds of thousands of people likely try to obtain an address just to get the money. I also believe the UBI should be on a sliding scale depending upon income. 

7 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:

This would be highly interesting to see play out. It would definitely be a good thing for so many neighborhoods here. The New York Post would probably run 20 stories a day against the idea. Personally I think you go with a rollout of it where it is 1000 a month, but make that for people who are actually from here. If it can pass that stress test then give to people who are not from here within 8-12 months, but can provide documentation they lived in New York City for at least three years. Anyone here a shorter amount of time than that would need to establish residency for at least three years. If it was just a mass rollout with no stipulations you would have hundreds of thousands of people likely try to obtain an address just to get the money. I also believe the UBI should be on a sliding scale depending upon income. 

That would be a big change from how Yang views it, if I remember correctly. He's been adamant that everyone has to receive it, even Billionaires.

32 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

Would love to see how Universal Basic Income gets tested in NYC...

If there were an affordable plot of arable land bigger than a postage stamp in NYC, I'd move there in a heartbeat to find out.

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:

That would be a big change from how Yang views it, if I remember correctly. He's been adamant that everyone has to receive it, even Billionaires.

Oh he is definitely looking to do it one way. I think we all know that having an idea and then having to come to a consensus with over 50 city council members and the communities within each borough would cause him to change it. The outrage he would generate for even just a handful of billionaires getting it would not go over well. I like the overall tenet of what he wants to do though because we are going to have to roll this out nationwide within the next 15-20 years anyhow.

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