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3 hours ago, Go Pokes said:

Wardog seems to be smarter than he looks.  Maybe it's his accent or, but he seems kind of dumb.  But he has been on top of this game from the beginning.   

It's the Brooklyn Nets tattoo that makes him seem dumb.  He is completely worthless in challenges, his brain is the only thing keeping him around.

3 hours ago, Go Pokes said:

Put me in the "Loves live tribal" camp.  I'm surprised some of you don't like it.  What's not to like?  People who come in overconfident are suddenly in danger.  People who thought they were in danger suddenly have some power.  All the whispering has the viewer so confused that we have no idea who the target is.  Good stuff.  

Ron's Eeyore act is hilarious.  Woe is Ron.

I don't think Julie is this crazy in the real world, but she does not seem like she's wired for this game.  

Why aren't any of these people talking about Victoria?!!  When a group of Lesu people were huddled on the right whispering, why the hell were they letting her lurk over their shoulder like she was part of their team?   She's my pick to win this thing because of stuff like that.    

Julie calling Rick a passenger and then Rick hopping in the driver's seat and driving her ass to E of E was great.  She went out like a sweetheart with her little speech, but she was a little mean during TC.   

Wardog seems to be smarter than he looks.  Maybe it's his accent or, but he seems kind of dumb.  But he has been on top of this game from the beginning.   

It's a shame that he has Russell Hantz-level personal skills, because damn near every strategic move he's made to this point has been correct.  

2 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

It's a shame that he has Russell Hantz-level personal skills, because damn near every strategic move he's made to this point has been correct.  


Meh. I think Wentworth and to a lesser extent Lauren are driving the alliance. Or at the very least those two make it further then he does based on the current edit. For his throwing ability alone he shouldn't be mentioned in the same post as Russell. 


Live tribal was great. Definitely the furthest the players have taken it ever since it started with just a whisper here or there.  Whoever was the first player to do that seasons ago couldn't have known how it would go on to change tribal councils.


When it first started happening I remember thinking it shouldn't be allowed at tribal, but it's great drama.


I enjoyed the live tribal this time. I didn't hate the outcome here, Julia hasn't been supremely entertaining or anything. I'm ready for Julie to go but she'll stick around because she's harmless. Wentworth and Lauren keeping their idols is a big win for me as a viewer so that I don't have to watch another episode centered around a player finding an idol the day after tribal. Hoping another immunity idol doesn't come into play after Devens and David played theirs. There's no reason to bring one into the game right now but that's never stopped them before

10 hours ago, angelfacedmongoloid said:

I enjoyed the live tribal this time. I didn't hate the outcome here, Julia hasn't been supremely entertaining or anything. I'm ready for Julie to go but she'll stick around because she's harmless. Wentworth and Lauren keeping their idols is a big win for me as a viewer so that I don't have to watch another episode centered around a player finding an idol the day after tribal. Hoping another immunity idol doesn't come into play after Devens and David played theirs. There's no reason to bring one into the game right now but that's never stopped them before

I'm sure there will be another hidden idol and search next week.  Devens and David misplayed that.  Originally, going into the tribal, it would have been a lifesaver because David was a top target (along with Kelly), but after the chaos of the live tribal they should have had a sense that the table were turned and he was safe.  Would have been smarter if their spidey senses had kicked in and they still had that in their pocket.

19 hours ago, Pokoloco said:

It's the Brooklyn Nets tattoo that makes him seem dumb.  He is completely worthless in challenges, his brain is the only thing keeping him around.

He looks like he is rat shit crazy.  He’s got that look.

20 hours ago, Pokoloco said:

It's the Brooklyn Nets tattoo that makes him seem dumb.  He is completely worthless in challenges, his brain is the only thing keeping him around.

i was stunned out how unathletic he actually is.  at this point it doesnt matter much since it is all individual immunity, but it would have been nice if that had been exposed more during the team challenges.  he might not still be here if it had.

17 hours ago, LonghornSean said:

Live tribal was great. Definitely the furthest the players have taken it ever since it started with just a whisper here or there.  Whoever was the first player to do that seasons ago couldn't have known how it would go on to change tribal councils.


When it first started happening I remember thinking it shouldn't be allowed at tribal, but it's great drama.

I heard on a podcast yesterday that the first person to do it was JT on the Game Changers season.  If that's true, then it's only been happening since Spring 2017  

6 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

I'm sure there will be another hidden idol and search next week.  Devens and David misplayed that.  Originally, going into the tribal, it would have been a lifesaver because David was a top target (along with Kelly), but after the chaos of the live tribal they should have had a sense that the table were turned and he was safe.  Would have been smarter if their spidey senses had kicked in and they still had that in their pocket.

That's easy to say after the fact.  At the time, that tribal was so crazy I was on board with them using it.  

52 minutes ago, Go Pokes said:

That's easy to say after the fact.  At the time, that tribal was so crazy I was on board with them using it.  

aurora and julia were the only two people not being included in the powwows, and were coincidentally the only two people that didn't vote for julia.  i think they should have had a sense that david was safe but obviously they weren't trusting what they were hearing.  victoria flat out told david that he was going to get the votes going into tribal, so like i said, going into it, yes he should have played it, but the chaos, in my mind, should have led him to be reassured that his name was no longer being tossed around.

53 minutes ago, Go Pokes said:

That's easy to say after the fact.  At the time, that tribal was so crazy I was on board with them using it.  

Agree. If they don't play it and he goes home well they fucked up. 

Prior to tribal I think it was very much up in the air what was going to happen and it took someone basically talking themselves out of the game to have everyone switch to vote her out. Not so sure that would have been how the votes played out especially since the two morons (Aurora and Julia) still voted for Wentworth and David. 

aurora and julia were the only two people not being included in the powwows, and were coincidentally the only two people that didn't vote for julia.  i think they should have had a sense that david was safe but obviously they weren't trusting what they were hearing.  victoria flat out told david that he was going to get the votes going into tribal, so like i said, going into it, yes he should have played it, but the chaos, in my mind, should have led him to be reassured that his name was no longer being tossed around.


That’s asking a lot for a player to be able to sift through chaos to figure out they’re 100% safe. I feel like you may be still looking at it with hindsight and feeling like it was an easy decision. Easy for us on the couch without a stack of cash riding on it, But not so easy for the guy who is in the game, underfed and getting shitty sleep and going through the mental warfare of this game. Actually, it wasn’t easy for me. I had no idea which way the vote was going. Ron and Julie were still giving me the heebie jeebies.

Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Go Pokes said:


That’s asking a lot for a player to be able to sift through chaos to figure out they’re 100% safe. I feel like you may be still looking at it with hindsight and feeling like it was an easy decision. Easy for us on the couch without a stack of cash riding on it, But not so easy for the guy who is in the game, underfed and getting shitty sleep and going through the mental warfare of this game. Actually, it wasn’t easy for me. I had no idea which way the vote was going. Ron and Julie were still giving me the heebie jeebies.

That's what makes Wentworth not playing hers so impressive.  I would have played it a long time ago.

Edited by idigTexas
1 hour ago, Chuckie Finster said:

In future season news, insiders are saying that Season 40 (set to start filming soon) will be entirely comprised of former winners.  No confirmed cast yet, but should be fun.


That would be pretty awesome. Only negative is the pre show relationships already formed that can really screw the game play. 

I know they will never do it but they should make the winner of that season get $5M or $10M and 2nd place gets nothing. Make the winners really go after it. 


Yep.  She pressed her luck too far.  That is the last of the returning players, unless one of them makes their way back from EI.  Someone is going to have to step up and take control or Wardog will end up winning this thing.  Aurora giving away her advantage was stupid.  I don't know who I want to win anymore. 

2 hours ago, idigTexas said:

Yep.  She pressed her luck too far.  That is the last of the returning players, unless one of them makes their way back from EI.  Someone is going to have to step up and take control or Wardog will end up winning this thing.  Aurora giving away her advantage was stupid.  I don't know who I want to win anymore. 

what was aurora thinking? she really trusted ron that much?  he had thoughts of using it against her.  yikes.  wardog is definitely in the drivers seat, which is not a good place to be most times in this game.  hopefully everyone left realizes that and he is the prime target next week.  not sure who i want to win now either.

i didnt watch the credits last night.  who all voted for kelly?  did lauren?

4 minutes ago, thrillhammer said:

i didnt watch the credits last night.  who all voted for kelly?  did lauren?

Gavin, Julie, Lauren, and Kelley all voted for Aurora.  All they needed was Victoria, who I guess saw Kelley as a bigger threat than Aurora, and is content to float as needed as long as she isn't targeted. 


Wardog played his hand too soon. 

I don't think he gets anywhere close to the finale. Will be interesting to see who is the final person back from extinction. 

I think Ron and Devins are in a much better position than Wardog. 

And doesn't Lauren still have an idol? 


Think they should give up on the format of having past players on the show with new players.  They get picked off every time as huge threats and might as well have new players that are unknown.  The former players outcome are way too predictable and not bring anything dynamic to the show.

1 hour ago, JimmyHoffa said:

Wardog played his hand too soon. 

I don't think he gets anywhere close to the finale. Will be interesting to see who is the final person back from extinction. 

I think Ron and Devins are in a much better position than Wardog. 

And doesn't Lauren still have an idol? 

Lauren does still have an idol.  Having one does no good if you can't figure out when you should play it. 


44 minutes ago, Horn80 said:

Think they should give up on the format of having past players on the show with new players.  They get picked off every time as huge threats and might as well have new players that are unknown.  The former players outcome are way too predictable and not bring anything dynamic to the show.


Agreed. But I am sure we will continue to see them from time to time as the producers think it helps to bring back people that the audience knows or likes. 

48 minutes ago, Horn80 said:

Think they should give up on the format of having past players on the show with new players.  They get picked off every time as huge threats and might as well have new players that are unknown.  The former players outcome are way too predictable and not bring anything dynamic to the show.

It feels that way, but barring a return from EOE, this will actually be the first season that featured a mix of newbies/returnees where a returning player isn't at Final Tribal.

55 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:


Agreed. But I am sure we will continue to see them from time to time as the producers think it helps to bring back people that the audience knows or likes. 

The could achieve that by having only former players every third season.

3 hours ago, JimmyHoffa said:

Wardog played his hand too soon. 

I don't think he gets anywhere close to the finale. Will be interesting to see who is the final person back from extinction. 

I think Ron and Devins are in a much better position than Wardog. 

And doesn't Lauren still have an idol? 

She does and Wentworth told everybody at Extinction Island.  They slipped that in about a half second before the show went dark.

1 hour ago, Lat22 said:

She does and Wentworth told everybody at Extinction Island.  They slipped that in about a half second before the show went dark.


Yeah, I remember that now that you mention it. Not a smart move when you are competing against those individuals to get back in the game.  

On 4/4/2019 at 5:51 AM, idigTexas said:

How many cameras are at tribal council?  Can a player tell who has an idol by seeing who the camera is watching when Jeff asks if anyone wants to play one?

Joe looked defeated.  Unless the edits are being purposely misleading, I think he's done. 

There are certainly 3-4 at least, but no, it's not like players actually see where cameras are focusing that specifically. Because cameras are so hi-res these days you can actually do most of the push-ins during post w/out losing any quality... so you don't have to get super tight on a individual player while filming in a Tribal Council type setting to in order to have a focus on them in the finished product. 

  • Like 1
On 4/21/2019 at 12:52 PM, KaiserSoze said:

There are certainly 3-4 at least, but no, it's not like players actually see where cameras are focusing that specifically. Because cameras are so hi-res these days you can actually do most of the push-ins during post w/out losing any quality... so you don't have to get super tight on a individual player while filming in a Tribal Council type setting to in order to have a focus on them in the finished product. 

Also, it's all edited anyway.  Any of those reaction shots or close-ups of Kelly or Lauren or whoever has an idol could have actually occurred earlier in tribal council.

Same thing with the order Jeff pulls and reads votes: to the TV audience it always appears that the first votes Jeff reads to the tribe are the ones that we saw revealed during the voting (based on the handwriting or spelling or whatever), but it's surely just edited that way to maximize the suspense for TV.


I’m currently watching season two on Hulu (and plan to go through the entire series over the next few months) and scattered and anticlimactic way they used to read votes back then is hilarious in retrospect. The obviously reorganize the votes now.

37 minutes ago, Tired of Lurking said:

I’m currently watching season two on Hulu (and plan to go through the entire series over the next few months) and scattered and anticlimactic way they used to read votes back then is hilarious in retrospect. The obviously reorganize the votes now.

There's an episode I'd really like to watch again, but I have no idea when it occurred other than that it was pretty early in the series and after Season 2.  If you happen to run across it, please let me know.

I think it was the first true blindside.  I want to say there were about 12 people left.  ~Eight were in an alliance, ~four were in the minority.  Within the alliance there were a couple of people just along for the ride with the majority in the alliance kind of being douchebags.  The four in the minority were nice people.  They did either a reward challenge or an immunity challenge in which the douchebags that controlled the alliance were so over the top that they ended up turning the others agains them.  It was one of those challenges in which you had the choice as to whom you'd put out by breaking a plate or something.  Again, they were overtly being dicks about who they were knocking out, eventually showing their hand(s) too much by going after the 2-3 within their alliance that ended up flipping. IIRC, it was the first truly badass tribal in which my wife and I jumped out of our seats.

I'd guess it was somewhere between seasons 3-8.

8 hours ago, kevwun said:

The arrange the vote in the order that will cause the most suspense before Jeff reads them.

And when an Idol gets played, somebody yells “CUT”, and Jeff goes into the dark and rearranges the votes. That way all of the “does not count” votes are on top. 


It was Season 4 Episode 8.  In my mind, it was a much bigger deal/shock.  Perhaps because it was one of the first true blindsides.  When I rewatched it this evening, it wasn't much different than most modern tribals.  I suppose the first handful of seasons were less produced and dramatized.

12 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

It was Season 4 Episode 8.  In my mind, it was a much bigger deal/shock.  Perhaps because it was one of the first true blindsides.  When I rewatched it this evening, it wasn't much different than most modern tribals.  I suppose the first handful of seasons were less produced and dramatized.


I remembered that as well based on your description and had the same reaction. I guess it's like everything knowing what you know now changes things. Sue's final tribal speech from season one if it happened today wouldn't be that big of a deal but at the time it was a huge because nobody had ever expected someone to do that. Throw in the fact those finale shows had 50 million viewers in the early seasons vs. 7 or 8 million now it isn't the national talking point like it once was. 

And for me bitching about all the changes the show had made it is way more tightly produced and edited (for the better) then it was in the first few seasons where they showed a ton of down time and people talking about stupid stuff that had nothing to do with the actual game.    

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

It was Season 4 Episode 8.  In my mind, it was a much bigger deal/shock.  Perhaps because it was one of the first true blindsides.  When I rewatched it this evening, it wasn't much different than most modern tribals.  I suppose the first handful of seasons were less produced and dramatized.

It was a huge deal at the time.  Two people voluntarily leaving a majority alliance to join the minority and vote out a threat had never happened before, and the fact that they took out such a douche made it even better.  It's a shame that we never got to see Sean Rector play again, he's one of my favorite characters of all time.

  • Like 2
The arrange the vote in the order that will cause the most suspense before Jeff reads them.


Yeah I know Jeff and producers read them in a specific order to maximize suspense, I’m just saying the actual parchments that we the TV audience see first are always the ones we’ve seen revealed earlier. Like the editors can interchange two votes (parchments) for Kelly shown by Jeff so that the one we saw written earlier is shown first, again to maximize suspense.


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