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Maybe I'm a sucker for puns and innuendo, but I think BB may be my favorite. I don't say that lightly considering the competition.


BB may be the most underrated show of all time.

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Posted (edited)

Huge fan of BB. Love all the kids but Louise and Gene are running on another level.



Edited by RPM
  • Like 4

Bob’s is amazing. Wholesome yet full of random and sometimes very esoteric pop culture references. 

I love Gene’s ridiculous knowledge of the 80s

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B.B. is the best of those right now. It pains me say this because I’ve been a guy who could watch Simpsons on an endless loop for many years. The last few years have been kinda cringy bad at times. 

Family guy is funny at times but relies too heavily on lowest common denominator gags and unlike B.B. the family has no heart.  

Havent watched South Park in many years but Parker and Stone will always have my admiration for being unapologetically unPC  in a time when everyone else is shaking in their boots at some random assholes phony outrage. 

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I've never laughed harder, for sure. Amazing writing and timely and relevant topics handled in the most immature way possible to exacerbate the point. Fucking love SP. Pretty sure both those guys are geniuses.

South Park has no equal for me.

I'm getting to this point. I love Family Guy. Amazing writing and creativity and edgy humor. I can't let my kids watch it because it goes too far and is too overt.

The kids do watch BB all the time. A few SOBs here and there and offcolor comments they might pick up on, but certainly nothing worse than i say around the house. They are too young to pick up on the subliminal messages and just outright dirty stuff that only adults get. They like the stupid shit and wonder why I'm laughing at everything else.

Really brilliant writing.

I watched Family Guy for years and loved it but Bobs Burgers >>>>>>>> everything else.

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Maybe not wholesome, but subtle enough for kids under 12.

Bob’s is amazing. Wholesome yet full of random and sometimes very esoteric pop culture references. 
I love Gene’s ridiculous knowledge of the 80s

All these shows operate on different levels. Bob's is around Rocky & Bullwinkle. Family Guy is more Airplane! rapid fire see what sticks style. Their best bit is Stewie & Brian doing Hope & Crosby. South Park is totally adult, a point I learned painfully after chaperoning a group of 12 yo girls to watch the movie when it came out. In my defense we didn't have cable and I was clueless. It was my batshit crazy wife's idea and I tagged along. We got no complaints, but I was sweating bullets. I'm a huge fan now.

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, HoustonHorn said:

Maybe not wholesome, but subtle enough for kids under 12.

It’s wholesome. It’s a family who legit loves each other. It’s not like family guy in that regard. 

  • Like 1

I like each for what they offer. Bob’s is probably my current favorite. I like the clever dry wit. But I can watch Family Guy reruns for hours sometimes and the musical episodes are so good. I admit I haven’t watched the Simpsons in probably 10 years but it’ll always have a place in my heart. South Park has gotten a little annoying for me with the heavy social commentary but I still enjoy them. Randy episodes are great. I still prefer the older episodes of just the kids being kids. And yes King of The Hill is definitely on the list as is Futurama.


Besides Rick and Morty, I record one other animated show -  Bob’s Burgers.

As others have noted, great writing.  I think the timing is spot-on as well.  Louise kills me.

4 hours ago, Js1 said:

It’s wholesome. It’s a family who legit loves each other. It’s not like family guy in that regard. 

My kids love it and don't get most of the adult humor. Currently watching The Kids Run the Restaurant.


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, 'stache said:

I like each for what they offer. Bob’s is probably my current favorite. I like the clever dry wit. But I can watch Family Guy reruns for hours sometimes and the musical episodes are so good. I admit I haven’t watched the Simpsons in probably 10 years but it’ll always have a place in my heart. South Park has gotten a little annoying for me with the heavy social commentary but I still enjoy them. Randy episodes are great. I still prefer the older episodes of just the kids being kids. And yes King of The Hill is definitely on the list as is Futurama.

For me, it kind of goes


Bob's Burger - the whole package - characters, plot lines, references 
King of the Hill - classic and relatable.  We all know a Hank, a Peggy, a Bobby and a Dale/Bill
Futurama - the characters make this
The Simpsons - anything pre-season 13 is so enjoyable because of the plots.  So many classics.
American Dad - some strong characters (Steve, Roger, Stan) and it just goes off the rails in a way the other ones can't (in a good way)
South Park - lately too heavy handed but some of the earlier ones are CLASSIC
Family Guy - can just watch hours of nonsense
Rick and Morty - I like it, I really do, but it tries to be too smart for itself


(Early) Simpsons
King of the Hill
Family Guy
American Dad
Bob's Burgers
South Park
Rick and Morty



Edited by Js1

i got sick of family guy after the first wave of reboots (s4-s8 maybe?).  the simpsons best 6-8 seasons is unparalleled but i haven't watched it in years.

for me, it's all about bob's burgers, because of the best character currently on television.


  • Like 2

I've tried to watch 1 episode of Bob's Burgers and I didn't like it. I think the dad had to do some nude race on a beach or something. I think I need to give it another try.

For me, it's all about South Park and Rick and Morty. I love old Simpsons but I never go back and watch them. I rewatch SP and R&M all the time.  I just rewatched the Coon and Friends trilogy with the kids. Shablagoo!


The best Simpsons episodes are probably the best animated television ever made.

However, South Park is more consistent and has more great seasons. 

I think Family Guy can be just as funny as either of them but overall it's less impressive. 

Bob's Burgers is good, but I don't really understand comparing it to the 3 most successful animated sitcoms ever. 

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, ztejas said:

The best Simpsons episodes are probably the best animated television ever made.

However, South Park is more consistent and has more great seasons. 

I think Family Guy can be just as funny as either of them but overall it's less impressive. 

Bob's Burgers is good, but I don't really understand comparing it to the 3 most successful animated sitcoms ever. 

Pretty much this.

Family Guy has it's moments of brilliance, but South Park's rip on them back in like '06 or '07 was painfully spot on.  They can reference just to reference, and there's a definite "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" (as someone else pointed out) nature to it.  I love Brian and Stewy episodes.

South Park is the greatest animated show of all time.  I'm not up on the last couple of seasons, but it melds incredibly well written humor and brilliant social commentary so god damned well.

The Simpsons from like 1991 to 1999 was incredible.  It has been unwatchable since that point.  It has to be penalized for insisting on existing 20 years after it quit being good.

Bob's Burgers is ok, but just not at the same level.

15 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

It has to be penalized for insisting on existing 20 years after it quit being good.

Unfortunately that's kind of true. Interestingly, I felt that Family Guy hit a lull after season 7 or 8 or so - but since then has actually had some stronger seasons/episodes. 

The Simpsons has pretty much continued to decline since its zenith. 

Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, ztejas said:

Unfortunately that's kind of true. Interestingly, I felt that Family Guy hit a lull after season 7 or 8 or so - but since then has actually had some stronger seasons/episodes. 

The Simpsons has pretty much continued to decline since its zenith. 

I haven't followed new Family Guy that closely, but my wife likes to watch it as background noise.  They did a really good episode recently where Peter was trying to understand millenials that (as an older millenial) had me rolling.

So, yeah, I can't discuss it as accurately, but I've come to a similar conclusion.  When they get their teeth into something, they can still knock it out of the park.

Edited by Al_4_ISU
32 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:


The Simpsons from like 1991 to 1999 was incredible.  It has been unwatchable since that point.  It has to be penalized for insisting on existing 20 years after it quit being good.


Agreed,.  In my mind, the show ended after season 10.  And those 10 seasons were magical.

24 minutes ago, ztejas said:

The Simpsons has pretty much continued to decline since its zenith. 

everyone says this, and i stopped watching so i can't say otherwise, but i feel like nobody has really watched it in a decade.  personally, i have no idea if it's still funny or not.

if you haven't gotten into bob's burgers, keep trying, you'll get there.  they were finding their groove for much of the first season.  it took me a minute to get into rick and morty, but it was well worth it.


Bob's has AMAZING musical numbers.  But so does Family Guy.  And Simpsons was the most with The Monorail Song, Spring in Springfield, Cut Every Corner, We Do


Family Guy was ephemeral.  It really grabbed at me at some point.  But ultimately it's a 1-trick pony.  Like a sweet candy.  It's got a sugar rush but not much else.

South Park is great.  Because it wasn't just a cartoon.  It was a biting commentary on culture. 

King of the Hill...the most underrated of the lot.  It's not cartoon.  It's suburban life, illustrated.

Simpsons is the Cadillac of all cartoons.  Like Cadillac it's lost all of its relevance, for a long time.  But still is the granddaddy of them all.

Futurama....meh.  American Dad....more like American Bad.



Simpsons > King of the Hill / South Park (2 sides of 1 coin) > Family Guy


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Love BB, my wife and I swear they are listening to our home and writing episodes off of what happens to us.  I had a busted foot for a bit and when an episode started with Bob sitting on the couch with a cast on his foot the wife and I nearly fell off the couch laughing.

South Park is just a fantastic show and changed tv by pushing so many buttons and boundaries.  Great show.

I have not watched the Simpsons in years.


I honestly feel like Futurama is the greatest of them all (with honorable mention to King  of the Hill).

Futurama is beautiful and at times can have a literary/short story quality (seriously, who didn’t cry at the dog episode!!!? That episode was the definition of a perfect short story), and even operatic overture beauty, but mostly shows more Shakespearean comedy and especially tragedy than any other show in the animation format (when fry had lela love him but she didn’t remember, his uncle being Fry, when he woke her from her poison dream slumber before she vanished forever, etc.). This to me means it has more depth to mine and makes it more interesting and stands the test of time for me.

I caught the “Slurm” episode with the Slug MacKenzie party worm like two weeks ago and it was excellent. Bender might be the best anti-hero ever put to animation. The list goes on.


  • Like 6
On March 9, 2019 at 1:15 AM, HoustonHorn said:

Any Dr. Katz fans? I loved that show.

Dr. Katz was brilliant. They're all up on YouTube. He had an impressive roster of guest stars. 

Simpsons was revolutionary. I was a fan when it was part of the Tracy Ullman Show. The early seasons can't be beat. I'm not sure if this thread would be possible without The Simpsons. But I haven't watched it in years. I'm amazed they're still making them. I have no idea who they're audience is. 

I've caught snippets of Bob's Burgers. It didn't grab me but I wasn't really looking to be grabbed. I never sat down with the intent to watch a whole episode. 

South Park is hilarious but it can be hit or miss. I love the social commentary. The bathroom humor does nothing for me. I think they're past their prime. The 2016 election was a boon for them. "Member berries" wasn't that funny and yet they beat it into the ground. 

Family Guy is just awful. I don't know how many episodes I sat through while visiting a friend who was a fan but I never laughed once. I thought it was moronic. I really don't find Seth McFarlane funny at all beyond his William Shatner impression. He produced the Cosmos reboot, and that was good work, but his decision to use animation instead of live action for parts was a huge mistake, imo. Especially when it came to presenting actual scientific experiments/demonstrations. 

King of the Hill was awesome whenever the show wasn't all about Peggy. Hank, Bobby, Dale, and Bill were the best characters. Bobby shouting "That's my purse!" will never not be funny. And the episode where he falls under the control of the ant queen? Pure gold. 

Futurama was great, particularly the animation. I wouldn't say it was as great as Rougarou thinks but overall I agree with his description. I never really got into the later seasons they made after taking some years off. But Matt Groening was always cool going back to his days doing the Life in Hell comic. (He's also a Frank Zappa fan so he's aces in my book.)

On 3/8/2019 at 11:52 PM, Lhorn said:

Family guy is funny at times but relies too heavily on lowest common denominator gags and unlike B.B. the family has no heart.  

Lois has heart.  and she’s the hottest of all the wives. 

lois > marge > peggy > bob’s wife

5 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

I've caught snippets of Bob's Burgers. It didn't grab me but I wasn't really looking to be grabbed. I never sat down with the intent to watch a whole episode. 

Like Henry said, S1 the show was trying to find it's groove. They did. For me it's all about the kids, mainly Louise and Gene. She's a psychopath and he's a musical prodigy.

Also, the theme song makes me smile and I like the running joke in the open. Sometimes you just need to appreciate the little gems life gives you.

Finally, fuck all you guys! Nobody, NOBODY! has mentioned the greatness of Duckman!


  • Like 1
i got sick of family guy after the first wave of reboots (s4-s8 maybe?).  the simpsons best 6-8 seasons is unparalleled but i haven't watched it in years.
for me, it's all about bob's burgers, because of the best character currently on television.

A great clip to summarize the show!

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20 hours ago, Rougarou said:

I honestly feel like Futurama is the greatest of them all (with honorable mention to King  of the Hill).

Futurama is beautiful and at times can have a literary/short story quality (seriously, who didn’t cry at the dog episode!!!? That episode was the definition of a perfect short story), and even operatic overture beauty, but mostly shows more Shakespearean comedy and especially tragedy than any other show in the animation format (when fry had lela love him but she didn’t remember, his uncle being Fry, when he woke her from her poison dream slumber before she vanished forever, etc.). This to me means it has more depth to mine and makes it more interesting and stands the test of time for me.

I caught the “Slurm” episode with the Slug MacKenzie party worm like two weeks ago and it was excellent. Bender might be the best anti-hero ever put to animation. The list goes on.


All good points. The Robot Devil is also one of my favorites.

36 minutes ago, 'stache said:

All good points. The Robot Devil is also one of my favorites.

And Zapp, Hedonism Bot, et al.

Lots of great animated series out there, but o.g. Futurama trumps all. And if you don't agree, well ...


  • Like 2
11 hours ago, RPM said:

Like Henry said, S1 the show was trying to find it's groove. They did. For me it's all about the kids, mainly Louise and Gene. She's a psychopath and he's a musical prodigy.

Also, the theme song makes me smile and I like the running joke in the open. Sometimes you just need to appreciate the little gems life gives you.

Finally, fuck all you guys! Nobody, NOBODY! has mentioned the greatness of Duckman!


Duckman was indeed funny as hell.

19 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

Squidbillies ftw. Early is hilarious.

ATHF was my favorite show in college by a long shot whenever SP was too mainstream for young college men of humor.

19 hours ago, Zepol87 said:

Fuck yes on Aqua teen and squidbillies.

Truck boat truck

Aqua Teen is so fucking funny. I haven't watched any of it in awhile, this is making me want to go back through some of them. Carl the neighbor has to be one of the funniest characters from any of these shows. 


On 3/11/2019 at 1:21 PM, ztejas said:

The best Simpsons episodes are probably the best animated television ever made.

However, South Park is more consistent and has more great seasons. 

I think Family Guy can be just as funny as either of them but overall it's less impressive. 

Bob's Burgers is good, but I don't really understand comparing it to the 3 most successful animated sitcoms ever. 

Agreed 100%

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