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Was smart for Beto to pivot by providing red meat to the Democratic base regarding issues and Trump impeachment. The kumbaya shit ended up not being successful in the Senate race, and it won't work for him in the Democratic primary either. This is the strategy that he should have used from Day 1 of announcement. 

Not sure how's going to stand out over other candidates with similar strategy, but it's nice to see Beto finally have a really good moment. He desperately needed it. 



Tldr, no but every fuckin politicjan says the same shit, the system is broke and needs fixing.
Okay, if you think Trumps way is wrong, then what is the alternative?
Do we try and stop and detain them? What do you do with them after being caught? Put a cap on how many are allowed in? Then what do you do with the rest? Or just Let them in free reign?
Lots of people say we need to do something but give no answers.

Im not sure what the answer is, but apprehending and detaining is okay with me. Deportations need to move thru the system asap as most illegals know how to play the system as it is set up now and if released with promise appear at a later date, most are gone and never show back up..
What a fuckin mess it is though.

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4 minutes ago, williemackgarza said:

Okay, if you think Trumps way is wrong, then what is the alternative?

Whatever the fuck Dotard rails against in regards to this is the correct course of action. 


You have not been paying attention. Everyone and anyone can come. Make less money in your country? Sounds like a textbook asylum candidate to me. We are NOT going to call it open borders, tho.  That is something completely different. 

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On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 10:26 PM, Bama Chick said:

He killed it tonight.

I can’t wait for the debates. All the town halls and retail politicking he’s been doing clearly paid off - he kicked ass and had specific policy points and personal stories to back them up.

I think anyone writing him off or any of the top 7-10 candidates off or already anointing Biden are just playing pundit at this point.


it should be his race to lose.  he has the youth, the height, the energy, the ideas, the principles, the looks to be a great leader and our next president.  i'm baffled as to why he's not running stronger.  it is a little concerning and makes me wonder if he shouldn't have run against cornyn instead.  i'm hoping he rises to the top. 

I do not agree however on the issue of impeachment and am with Pelosi on this one.  that needs to be downplayed and ignored as a nonissue.  we are on the verge of converting some repubs, its happening daily I believe.  they are realizing he's a liar, trampling on the constitution, has no rule of law, and is endangering all our lives and our livelihoods. why impeach when if we do our jobs right he will be out of office in a year and a half? impeachment talk will reduce the flow of gop voters that are on the fence on whether this guy is a good president or not in their eyes.  they might not like him as a president but that doesn't mean they want to see him criminalized.   what we should be talking about instead is what good congress can do, productive acts, not destructive acts like impeachment.  we should and will spend our time on immigration reform, healthcare reform, infrastructure, repairing our relationships with the rest of the world, etc.  talk about hopefulness, not negativity. 


Yeah too many apologies ... early in a senate race apologizing for being a hooligan in college is one thing. Running for POTUS? Supposed to be a ....




Democratic race needs Beto operating at his best so we can field the best possible candidate. No more apologizing. Stahp!



That tweet about the “apology” is bullshit clickbait garbage.

If you read the replies instead of just the clickbait tweet, you’ll see the actual full transcript and video clips from the doc.

He was speaking to staff and volunteers thanking them for their hard work and how proud he was of them and then threw in a joking aside “Even though I acted like an asshole sometimes” and then continued his speech to them about how much he and Amy appreciated them.

Full quote -

15 minutes ago, troph said:

He needs to stop talking like that.

He has a reputation for issuing apologies which is why the clickbait headline exists. He needs to reinvent himself quickly before he is forever seen as the privileged rich white guy discovering that he is a privileged rich white guy. Nobody wants a leader that is in the process of discovering himself.




13 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

That tweet about the “apology” is bullshit clickbait garbage.

If you read the replies instead of just the clickbait tweet, you’ll see the actual full transcript and video clips from the doc.

He was speaking to staff and volunteers thanking them for their hard work and how proud he was of them and then threw in a joking aside “Even though I acted like an asshole sometimes” and then continued his speech to them about how much he and Amy appreciated them.

Full quote -

Yet another case of liberal media misleading their readers with bullshit headlines. Context and nuance don’t matter anymore apparently, and stuff like this just helps Trump in the end.

We are currently watching the media fuck us over in real time with their coverage of Dem candidates. Super frustrating.

He needs to stop talking like that.

Stop talking like what?

The apology about saying he helps raise his kids was unnecessary.

But him calling out Vanity Fair for them clickbaiting his “born for this” mess was fine with me.

And this latest one is literal media made up nonsense. I bet every candidate has given a speech to volunteers and staff at the end of a campaign thanking them and acknowledging that putting up with a candidate can be a thankless job.

I’ve said something similar to coworkers after a stressful project - “I know I acted the ass sometimes during this process, so thanks for putting up with me. It wouldn’t have gotten done if it weren’t for y’all and I want you to know you’re appreciated.”

It’s a clip from a behind the scenes documentary of his senate race. It wasn’t in a speech nor an interview.

Seriously, Beto isn’t perfect but the amount of nitpicking bullshittery the media heaps upon him is just ridiculous. It’s as if they’ve decided he is to be the recipient for all the “Not another straight white guy” scorn because the other white guys are literal nobodies or too old and established. They aren’t doing it to Pete yet because he’s gay but it’s starting to be directed at him too.

He’s done more town halls and events than any other candidate and all the local media coverage from those locations have been fair and positive. The voters he’s meeting have all said wonderful things.

But the Beltway journalists and Political Pundit Twitter pull one line, spin and twist it so anyone who isn’t paying close attention just go along with their narrative.

I mean, he was lambasted for not doing national media. So he’s spent the last three weeks on almost every national political show - from Maddow to Chris Matthews to Nicole Wallace to Meet the Press to a CNN town hall.

People complained about it in this very thread but crickets after he did what people said they wanted him to do.

So now it’s “Quit talking like that”.

He crushed that town hall and has introduced a boatload of good, specific policy proposals in conjunction with all those interviews.

And still crickets.

But let’s get mad because a Twitter person misrepresented what he said to campaign volunteers.

And if he were to call that out and clarify the clickbait hack tweet, the same people would moan about him doing that.

TL;DR - quit taking the Political Twitter clickbait as gospel. And not just in regards to Beto but all the Democratic candidates. They’re not interested in reporting; they’re interested in retweets and trending.
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Guest Lobo


are you going to apologize for trying to steal his popsicle?   Sickie.  

19 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

That tweet about the “apology” is bullshit clickbait garbage.

If you read the replies instead of just the clickbait tweet, you’ll see the actual full transcript and video clips from the doc.

He was speaking to staff and volunteers thanking them for their hard work and how proud he was of them and then threw in a joking aside “Even though I acted like an asshole sometimes” and then continued his speech to them about how much he and Amy appreciated them.

Full quote -

Yashar (who sometimes is a decent read) is getting skewered pretty hard on it for being absolutely misleading.  Still doesn't repair damage of the original tweet, but at least folks are having fun at Ali's expense and holding him somewhat accountable.


Posted (edited)

He's still at the top of my list but the guy has a line I've heard it a hundred times - I'm here to learn, I'm still learning, I want to understand better, and yes he sometimes straight up apologizes.  POTUS isn't a practice match, it's the pinnacle.  It's time for him to be THE GUY.  I had no real issue with him saying he was born to be in it.  Shit I'm a queer/lesbian trans woman and I feel the same fucking thing.  PUT ME IN COACH, I'LL HIT THE WINNING SHOT, I WAS MADE FOR THIS.  Stop with the rest of the nonsense and own it.  It's time to go right at Trump, bullseye the mother fucker and lay waste to him.  he's a complete shitstain and we don't need someone who is apologetic.  so what he's a white guy with a wife with money.  meh.  can't do anything about it.  it's prime time, trust your training, trust your positions, this ain't the time for learning, it's the time to be a baller.  stand up and say this is who I am, this is where I want to take the country and you all should come with me.... and point straight at trump and say, "oh yeah, and fuck that guy."

Edited by troph
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Trump won because he appealed to the growing populism in the nation. 

The big fight in political theory is between neoliberalism and capital realism. As the theory goes, the deaths of despair that continue to decimate the dwindling middle class result from neoliberal policies adopted first under Carter and brought to full bloom by Reagan. Britain also suffered the ravages of neoliberalism (loss of entire sectors of the economy, massive unemployment, and austerity). In Britain, there was a safety net that dampened the impact, but nevertheless the British economy was devastated. In the US, we experienced the full impact of neoliberalism with the boom/bust cycles and the massive 2008 recession. Many Americans have not and will never recover from the 2008 recession. And with the limited safety net in the US (made even less safe by Carter/Reagan neoliberal policies), the "Greatest Country in the World" has its citizens dying younger and younger, largely from deaths of despair. 

It's a horror. Neither party represents the victims of the policies that caused the decline in longevity. With the exception of a very few (Sanders/Tulsi), no politician speaks about the negative effects of our neoliberal policies. With the exception of a very few, no one talks about how to minimize the impact of austerity measures - in place since the mid-70's. Counteracting neoliberalism doesn't require a wholesale overhaul of our "capitalist" system (i.e., our oligarchy). If neoliberalism is the only system we will consider, the few politicians speaking about rebuilding the safety net will have an unseen advantage over those who spout tired defenses of our system - which is clearly broken. 

I predict and hope we will hear a lot about the Silver Tsunami. We have a large group of older workers reaching retirement age. Unlike government workers with generous pensions and healthcare benefits, the Silver Tsunami is dominated by those who have no job related pension, no healthcare benefits, and no hope. The Silver Tsunami will strain the system to the breaking point. Voters in that age group are more closely aligned to young people just entering the workforce - with huge mountains of debt and limited opportunities to avoid serfdom. For older Americans, working will be an option for some, but many have been ravaged by the effects of poverty for so long - they have little hope. Suicide becomes an attractive option for those mired in such deep despair. 

I am not a fan of Beto. I see little difference between Beto and a Kamala Harris. Kamala is certainly more open about her wish to become the heir to the neoliberal donations that flowed to HRC in 2012. Beto dresses in populist attire, but doesn't seem to understand the dynamics that would lead a life-long blue dog Democrat to vote for Trump. Trump does a much better job reaching those in despair by at least acknowledging there is a problem. In 2020, he will (again) unite those who feel the system is rigged in favor of the wealthy unless the Democrats actually nominate a candidate who credibly understands the despair and has a plan to lift some of that weight off the shoulders of those least able to carry that load. 

One would wish a guy like Beto would understand the roots of the problem, since he grew up in the post-punk period where neoliberalism won and the consequences of that domination were born. Capital Realism recognizes neoliberalism won and - because of its victory - neoliberal proponents have been able to snuff out any resistance and alternatives to its reign. Capital Realism seeks to reignite the flames of hope that were extinguished with Carter and Reagan's embrace of neoliberalism. 

It's not too late. But this is the election that will decide whether we continue to ride this train to misery or whether we, as voters, choose to repair the damages heaped on the nation by those who became ultra-wealthy thanks to the rigged neoliberal politicians of the past and present. Those who became fabulously wealthy thanks to neoliberalism owe the nation a great debt. They accumulated the wealth without paying a price for the negative externalities they pawned off on the rest of us as they got rich. That is not the American way. Labor and environmental arbitrage destroyed the middle and working classes. 

I have no doubt Beto could wing his way through a conversation on neoliberalism. He comes off as a lightweight, when there must be something more he could propose to cure what ails us. I don't know if that is bad handling by his advisors or he just doesn't understand the populism he is attempting to attract. Either way, he needs to plot a new course. HRC 2.0 is not a winning strategy for any Democratic or Republican candidate. The voters are done with the beltway and all its screaming headlines. Americans are suffering to the point where we have a suicide epidemic because of economic struggles. Life expectancy for some groups is declining. A non-functioning news media deserves some of the blame. But most of the blame comes from a system where there is no real difference between "mainstream" Democratic and Republican politicians. And that is a direct reflection of how neoliberalism made some so rich and powerful - they can buy the media's adoration (or just buy the company, e.g., Bezos). 

A failed attempt to impeach Trump will only serve those who want the system just as it is. It will take attention from the real issues that plague this nation. And it does not reflect the concerns and despair of many Americans.  It's a circus and it will distract as more and more sink into despair.  Beto can deliver the message, but it is uncertain if he is just another hog at the neoliberal trough or someone who sincerely cares for the welfare of ALL Americans (not just wealthy donors). 

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That was a very substantial post,  Washpark. I appreciate how you move past the Trump distraction and addresses the strife that is fueling his populist movement.



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I don’t think Beto is a lightweight policy wise and his positions on prison reform, immigration and healthcare show some policy chops and understanding of the problems we face. Where he isn’t attacking the problem is on climate change - not far enough and on wealth inequality - as uncomfortable as sanders and warren make me feel at times they are all over it.

I continue to vacillate between Beto and Warren for these reasons.

I think Biden is the problem and his campaign might talk some of the talk but he’s corporatist through and through. I think Beto less so and Warren and Sanders no so.

7 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

This guy is such a fucking clown.



That's a Russian propagandist tweeting there. Just saying. Also, most everyone position is "Guaido is the legitimate presidency. You're not a very good troll. 

5 minutes ago, horncyclist said:

That's a Russian propagandist tweeting there. Just saying. Also, most everyone position is "Guaido is the legitimate presidency. You're not a very good troll. 

Anya is a good journalist and is no one’s propagandist.  Also, no, “most everyone position” is not that this risible American puppet is the legitimate President of Venezuela. 

  • Fuck You 1

Here is a clue people - it is not uncommon for left-wing and other anti-imperialist journalists to work for media companies with ties to countries other than the US because those are the only companies willing to let them do the work they want to do.  Many of these people do most of their work through independent media organizations, but I doubt those places pay very much if anything at all.  The fact that a journalist has worked for RT or Sputnik or whomever does not make them a Russian propagandist.  This is also why leftists sometimes appear on FNC rather than CNN or MSNBC - FNC will provide a platform for their message while the others will not.  

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  • Fuck You 1
12 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

Anya is a good journalist and is no one’s propagandist.  Also, no, “most everyone position” is not that this risible American puppet is the legitimate President of Venezuela. 

She’s very good Russian propagandist.

4 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

Here is a clue people - it is not uncommon for left-wing and other anti-imperialist journalists to work for media companies with ties to countries other than the US because those are the only companies willing to let them do the work they want to do.  Many of these people do most of their work through independent media organizations, but I doubt those places pay very much if anything at all.  The fact that a journalist has worked for RT or Sputnik or whomever does not make them a Russian propagandist.  This is also why leftists sometimes appear on FNC rather than CNN or MSNBC - FNC will provide a platform for their message while the others will not.  

i applaud leftists in their reporting, but (for example), many leftists refuse to acknowledge the evils of Russia in Syria or the dictator Assad. They'll remain silent or become their voice to the West. So , we need journalists who bash every asshole across the spectrum. 

3 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

She’s very good Russian propagandist.

I'm going to go out on a limb and presume you are totally unfamiliar with her work as a journalist.  It's not nice to smear people about whom you know little to nothing..

  • Fuck You 1
45 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

My God, another case of the Hugo Syndrome.  This one looks bad, too.

nurse, we're gonna need 10 cc(cp)s of risperdal, stat!

take it from warren's supply if you need to!

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Just now, bad_teammate said:

Trump, Bernie, and Biden would collapse into a lego pile of human parts.

Bernie and Biden would turn into a puff of dust once they hit the ground. Trump would more than likely shit himself after falling onto his belly.


4 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

nurse, we're gonna need 10 cc(cp)s of risperdal, stat!

take it from warren's supply if you need to!

I'll allow it, but only because your aim was working the cccp thing in. 


watched him with Chris Hayes last night. he is not a lightweight. very detailed and specific policies on immigration and very well thought out and articulated argument for why it IS time to start impeachment inquiry. still in my top 3. come on, Beto, get it together!

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So a lot of good stuff here including gerrymander and voting right reform.  The term limits are interesting, I think folks have differing opinions but I think most may support a maximum age limit.  In the last month, Beto, who has been criticized for being light on policy or opinion son issues, has really added some more specifics to his campaign and while none may be groundbreaking, there is some solid thought processes behind them.  I mean, he had to write his Climate plan and Biden's apparently.


Guest Lobo

Term limits and Election Day being a national holiday?  

As Al Pacino would say, "Wow, I gotta say...I am over-fucking-whelmed."  

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