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Um, taking a lot of 1-2% showings in the first 4 states just to get to Texas (where you think you're favored but won't be if you gain no traction in the first 4 states) is not a smart strategy. 

15 minutes ago, Larry T. Spider said:

I joined this campaign because I believe in Beto and I know he is the best person to lead our country forward. This country is facing existential challenges like climate change, economic inequality, gun violence and Trump's immigration policies that have caused chaos at the border and rejected our values as a country. Beto believes that we can't solve these problems with the same old approach. We need to bring about a new kind of politics, where millions of Americans are finally brought into our democracy.

This campaign is your campaign. We aren't beholden to PACs, to corporations, or to lobbyists; we're beholden only to you. We believe in being transparent about our work and our plans — and we want to hear from you too. It's going to take all of us to take on Donald Trump and your voice in this campaign really matters to us. Because of that, I wanted to give my first campaign update directly to you.

I am so proud of what we are building together, so let's get into it! 

Here's what we've got:

  • Our candidate: Someone who inspires and motivates people with policies to back it up.
  • Our team: No exaggeration, one of the best teams I've ever worked with.
  • Our strategy: Building this grassroots movement in Iowa, early states and across this country.
  • Texas: It's got the third most delegates of any state in the country, and we're in the best position to win it.
  • Our plan for the fall: We've already met the hardest threshold for the fall debate. We're in on individual donors both nationally and in states.
  • Our resources: We always need more, but we have enough to execute our strategy — for now.
  • Our most critical asset: You. We've got amazing supporters who are engaged, energized, and putting in the work every single day.

Not only is this campaign about you, it's run by you. We're building a truly grassroots-centric campaign operation, inspired by what many of you helped build last year in Texas. This couldn't be more apparent than by taking a look at what we are building in Iowa and the early states. In fact, our organizing program is currently one of the largest in the state. Some of you may have seen that we opened 11 field offices there — today. And sure, we've got incredibly experienced and diverse staff. We've also got amazingly dedicated volunteers and supporters who are serving as ambassadors for Beto in their own networks and communities. Together, we're making the difference. Here's where we are:

Organizing by the numbers:

  • Grassroots events held: 3,551
  • Event attendees: More than 47,486 (31,454 in Q2)
  • Volunteers: 102,896
  • States we've canvassed in: 50


A lot of folks have asked about our fundraising numbers. Overall, here's where we are:


We had something of an extended Q2. Our Q1 numbers came from the 18 days in March where you all stepped up big time. When you look at our fundraising in aggregate, we're in a great position. I won't sugar coat it: we have work to do, but we have the resources we need to execute our strategy.

And we're proud of where that money is coming from. This is a campaign that is truly funded by people — not PACs, lobbyists, or special interests. Take a look:


Some people in this race are already setting up super PACs. We haven't. Instead, we're relying on teachers, nurses, students, and people just like you. Beyond, we have tons of room to grow: 99.7% of our donors can give again, and most importantly a full 1/3rdof our donors gave to Beto for the first time — presidential or Senate — in Q2.

The way we raised on day one took everyone — including us — by surprise. We always expected a slow down — mostly because we never expected to be moving that fast. The truth is when you're prioritizing face-to-face conversations like we are, fundraising growth can be a slow burn. Don't believe me? Here's the fundraising arc from Beto's Senate race.


If you only judged Beto's Senate campaign by Q2 2017, you'd probably assume he was dead in the water. I've done a lot of these before. Campaigns aren't about how you're doing at any particular moment — they're about how you build over time.

We're building our team in El Paso slowly but surely. Our National Finance Director started this week. Our Digital Director started a month ago. We're going to grow, and our ability to fundraise is going to grow with it. Our team was able to capture all of the energy around our launch, but we're working on getting a team in place to take it to the next level.

We could have sent emails that said the sky was falling. We could have burned it all down asking for money. We could have had Beto on the phones with every lobbyist in town. That's not how we operate — and we don't feel like we need to. On the last day of the quarter, we raised money for an organization that helps asylum seekers. I'm so proud that this campaign raised tens of thousands of dollars for Diocesan Migrant and Refugee Services of El Paso (and you can give to them here.)

That's the campaign we're running. That's who Beto is, and that's why we all know he should be President.

I've been here before. Hell, if I had a dollar for every time I was on a campaign that seemed left for dead, I'd probably exceed our average contribution. Polls come and go. Debates...happen, but at the end of the day, none of that BS matters. What matters is the people behind a campaign: supporters like you — the (literally) thousands of you who just showed up in Nashville on the Sunday of a holiday weekend. The folks who are out canvassing the state of Nebraska themselves. Even the dogs who show up in Beto shirts at a parade — and I don't even really like dogs. This is a campaign with a real energy, real growth, and a real shot at winning the primary. The only question is what we do with it — together.

So here's what I'm asking of you:

First, we need to raise more money. It should be clear by now that we can't take anything for granted. We have the resources we need to be in this for the long haul, but if we don't raise more this quarter, we'll have no choice but to make some adjustments. Please pitch in $25 right now to help us invest in this campaign.

Second: Go and volunteer right now. We simply cannot get over the finish line without you. The grassroots energy we've seen on the ground has been overwhelming. We feel it at every event we have for this campaign — whether Beto is there or not. Find an event in your community or host your own.

Third: Get online. Share with your friends why you support Beto and why you're a part of this team. We can spend all the money on ads we want, but no one is going to be better at bringing people into this campaign than you.

I want to be very clear: We are growing the campaign on our terms. I am thrilled with what we're building together — and I mean that. It's easy to look at what's in the press and feel like your work isn't paying off. I'm here to tell you that it is. Every conversation you have, door you knock, post you share, and dollar you donate is helping us build an operation that will not only win this primary, but will defeat Donald Trump and make everyone in this country believe again that we can rise to this moment.

Beto likes to say that this is a moment of truth for our country. Fundamentally reimagining our politics was never going to be easy, but I'm more resolved than ever to fight everyday to make it happen. This is just the beginning. Believe it.

I'm so glad we're in this together.

Jen O'Malley Dillon
Campaign Manager, Beto for America

Appreciate the focus but the writing is on the wall. I'll be responding to this with my suggestion that he comes back to Texas and focuses on turning it purple. He'll be well positioned for Governor in 2022 or Senate in 2024, but his national ambitions need to be out on hold for a while.

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Voting for Gary Johnson is a waste because Gary Johnson is a fucking idiot whose vision of America's future is tens/hundreds of thousands of dying elderly and sick people easily preventable with minimal collective intervention.


Well lucky for you Gary Johnson isn’t running this time. 


As I said before, my Johnson vote was because Trump was winning Texas no matter what and it was a wing and a prayer for a third party to hit the 5% mark. And he hit 5% in 9 states.

To be honest, I thought Johnson hitting 5% was only slightly less likely than Trump winning the whole thing. Turns out I'm wrong every once in a while.


Oh I'm sure you Gary Johnson voters will find some other profoundly stupid thing to do. Bill Weld or Justin Amash write-in or something equally fucking braindead.

"I just want someone who will kill the poor and elderly in a NICE way," the white genius men weep.


I'm Latino, so you're going to have to move to another label. I know separating everyone into easily identified groups makes the big world easier for you to digest (earlier in this thread it was generations, presumably because they have catchy names). But you need to improve your accuracy.

  • Like 3
13 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Oh I'm sure you Gary Johnson voters will find some other profoundly stupid thing to do. Bill Weld or Justin Amash write-in or something equally fucking braindead.

"I just want someone who will kill the poor and elderly in a NICE way," the white genius men weep.

Just when I think you can't lose any more credibility...you go and impress me again.  Explain to me, precisely, how voting for Bill Weld in the Republican Primary of Texas will be "fucking braindead?"  Tell me, using weird things like facts and examples.  There's a longer game at play here, a sitting U.S. President with serious self-esteem issues failing to capture all of the delegates of his own party.  It's enough to make him do something stupid, something that his own party would at least have to reconcile.  And they probable will in their own twisted way.

But the long-con aside, tell me precisely---you fucking child---how voting for Bill Weld in a Republican Primary isn't a good idea?  Or do I need to explain to you using small words and pictures how primaries work?  

It is literally impossible you're this stupid.  

5 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

I'm Latino, so you're going to have to move to another label.

OK cool you're Latino dumbshit who wants the elderly and poor to die in the street instead of a white dumbshit who wants the elderly and poor to die in the street

5 hours ago, Lobo said:

Explain to me, precisely, how voting for Bill Weld in the Republican Primary of Texas will be "fucking braindead?" 

lol it's hilarious that you're trying to make it about the Republican primaries when the discussion was voting for Gary Johnson... who wasn't in the Republican primaries in 2016

You voted for him in the general election, and you'll do something equally stupid and pointless again in 2020 -- like writing in Bill Weld or Justin Amash -- after concern-trolling the Democratic primary threads for a year.

6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

OK cool you're Latino dumbshit who wants the elderly and poor to die in the street instead of a white dumbshit who wants the elderly and poor to die in the street

Yeah, that's not really close to accurate at all, but good effort I guess. This is the part of the discussion where you start losing it and start lobbing wild accusations because you know you goofed. If you have anything substantive to add I'll go ahead and listen.

This is the exact problem with people who need to categorize and label everyone in order to understand the world. In the head of simpletons like you, voted for Gary Johnson = staunch libertarian = wants no government = probably an anarchist in all reality. Unfortunately, there are lots of different reasons to vote certain ways, and there are lots of different people who believe in the varied concept of "fiscal responsibility." Sure, some don't want the government to spend money on anything. Some don't want the government to spend money on anything but themselves. Others think fiscal responsibility means that the government should be as efficient as possible and expenses should be focused on programs that benefit the governed society as a whole. You know, things like helping the poor and elderly instead of spending three times as much as anyone else on the military so that we maintain access to oil that comes from oppressive dictatorships.

But you have to put down the label maker to figure things like that out. Good luck.

  • Like 2
34 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

OK cool you're Latino dumbshit who wants the elderly and poor to die in the street instead of a white dumbshit who wants the elderly and poor to die in the street

lol it's hilarious that you're trying to make it about the Republican primaries when the discussion was voting for Gary Johnson... who wasn't in the Republican primaries in 2016

You voted for him in the general election, and you'll do something equally stupid and pointless again in 2020 -- like writing in Bill Weld or Justin Amash -- after concern-trolling the Democratic primary threads for a year.

I'm "trying to make it about the Republican primaries when the discussion was voting for Gary Johnson?"  Post #2331, you specifically state that you think Latinos like me will vote for Bill Weld or something equally stupid.  I am not trying to make anything about the Republican Primary.  You specifically mentioned Bill Weld in your post directed at "people like me."  You mentioned Bill Weld and 2020 specifically in Post #2331.  So I addressed that in my post a few numbers after that.  And now it's hilarious that I'm trying to make it about Republican Primaries?  Bill Weld, whom you brought up not me you fucking child, is running in the Republican Primary.  So I talked a bit about that.  He's not a write-in, he's not a Libertarian, he's not a 3rd party protest candidate...he's on the GOP primary ballot already in a number of states (and growing if we have our way!).  

So you brought up Weld, 2020, and wasted votes.  I then took that torch and began talking about voting for Weld in the GOP primary...and then you go off on a tirade about how dumb we trolls are.  Honest question, most of the shit on here is just make-believe for most people here.  But you honestly can't remember starting a conversation 5 minutes after it happened.  That's not a great sign.  I'll not drink this week if you promise to take your pills.  

If you bring up Bill Weld, can I then talk about Bill Weld or do I need a permission slip from you?  

20 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Yeah, that's not really close to accurate at all, but good effort I guess. This is the part of the discussion where you start losing it and start lobbing wild accusations because you know you goofed. If you have anything substantive to add I'll go ahead and listen.

The guy you voted for had an inhumanly stupid platform that should embarrass you as a human being and disqualify you from consideration as a worthwhile/winnable voter in 2020.


Unfortunately, there are lots of different reasons to vote certain ways, and there are lots of different people who believe in the varied concept of "fiscal responsibility."

There is no intelligent way to arrive at "I am going to vote for Gary Johnson."

Libertarian politics are for boys who had a political awakening in 10th grade and never got smarter.

3 minutes ago, Lobo said:

I'm "trying to make it about the Republican primaries when the discussion was voting for Gary Johnson?"  Post #2331, you specifically state that you think Latinos like me will vote for Bill Weld or something equally stupid.

From that post:

"Bill Weld or Justin Amash write-in or something equally fucking braindead."

Do you know what a "write-in" is?


He's not a write-in

Literally anyone is a write-in if a person writes them in. That's how it works.


If you bring up Bill Weld, can I then talk about Bill Weld or do I need a permission slip from you?  

Yes talk about this stupid Quixotic campaign that is designed to do nothing but give people like you an excuse to help Trump win again. Talk away.


Please explain to me real fucking slow, how is voting for Bill Weld in the Republican Primary going to help Trump win?  

Use small words and pretend your father once loved you.  

2 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Please explain to me real fucking slow, how is voting for Bill Weld in the Republican Primary going to help Trump win?

What you do in the primary is not the discussion. The discussion is what you're going to do in the general, which is NOT support the Democratic nominee, who is the only person with a chance to beat Trump.

You will write in Weld or Amash or do something equally stupid.


Let's say 9.0mm turn out in Texas to vote in 2020.  Not a stretch considering 8.6mm came out in 2016.  

Let's say Trump gets dinged a bit here, maybe he carries right at 50%, down from 52+% in 2016.  Or let's meet half way and say he carries 51% of 9.0mm voters.  

400,000 votes voted for people not named Trump or Clinton (3 parties garnered 50,000+ votes).  You wanna go through this and see how people that don't vote how you command they do changes the landscape against Trump?  



Just now, Lobo said:

Let's say 9.0mm turn out in Texas to vote in 2020.  Not a stretch considering 8.6mm came out in 2016.  

Let's say Trump gets dinged a bit here, maybe he carries right at 50%, down from 52+% in 2016.  Or let's meet half way and say he carries 51% of 9.0mm voters.  

400,000 votes voted for people not named Trump or Clinton (3 parties garnered 50,000+ votes).  You wanna go through this and see how people that don't vote how you command they do changes the landscape against Trump? 

I don't command that anyone vote any way; I simply do not have that power. I can, however, mock their stupid choices. Which I am doing and will happily do when you guys inevitably don't vote for the only legitimate contender to our racist, lunatic, child rapist president.

Posted (edited)

A good 10% of my state and municipal votes typically go libertarian.  I at least look at the first 2 candidates and their platforms, but if I'm not sold on either, then on to candidate 3 or 4.  None of them won, but screw you and your 2 party philosophy.  Let my <1% get analyzed by the political scientists.

I vote for who I think the best candidate of the pool is.  I do not treat it like a game of spades and curtail my vote against who I hate the most.

Edited by freyguy

Libertarians are hilarious and don't get nearly enough attention for being completely insane. We need to get a Libertarian thread going. Can discuss sovereign men, the constitution, and talk about constantly fighting with government employees at the DMV or tax office. 

1 minute ago, Hank Scorpio said:

Libertarians are hilarious and don't get nearly enough attention for being completely insane. We need to get a Libertarian thread going. Can discuss sovereign men, the constitution, and talk about constantly fighting with government employees at the DMV or tax office. 

O/U on # of posts before Age of Consent fights?

I don't command that anyone vote any way; I simply do not have that power. I can, however, mock their stupid choices. Which I am doing and will happily do when you guys inevitably don't vote for the only legitimate contender to our racist, lunatic, child rapist president.
Oh, my bad. I didn't realize your latest misfire was about the 2020 general. I already mentioned I'm voting for the Democrat in the general specifically because of the current state of the GOP.

It's hard to keep track of the number of things you're wrong about.
3 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

O/U on # of posts before Age of Consent fights?

Just look at the history of Western jurisprudence (which I have, in great detail) and you will see that Judeo-Christian societies have always recognized that a girl becomes a woman at the age of 14 and therefore current age of consent laws are both morally and legally unenforceable. 


 The only thing worse than a two party state is what some of you don’t have the balls to admit you want —- A one party state 


But yeah we should break off and start kind of a “how will you actually shake out in the 2020 general?”  Thread. 

13 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

I already mentioned I'm voting for the Democrat in the general specifically because of the current state of the GOP.

I'll believe this after it happens.

Just now, Lobo said:

 The only thing worse than a two party state is what some of you don’t have the balls to admit you want —- A one party state


9 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

Just look at the history of Western jurisprudence (which I have, in great detail) and you will see that Judeo-Christian societies have always recognized that a girl becomes a woman at the age of 14 and therefore current age of consent laws are both morally and legally unenforceable. 

-5 points for no mention of either (a) the Magna Carta or (b) Peloponnesian maritime law.


Maybe Beto can use his campaign funds, that he won’t need once he realizes his presidential run is over, to pay reparations for being a slavery enabler 

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  • Haha 3
  • Fuck You 1
1 hour ago, freyguy said:

A good 10% of my state and municipal votes typically go libertarian.  I at least look at the first 2 candidates and their platforms, but if I'm not sold on either, then on to candidate 3 or 4.  None of them won, but screw you and your 2 party philosophy.  Let my <1% get analyzed by the political scientists.

I vote for who I think the best candidate of the pool is.  I do not treat it like a game of spades and curtail my vote against who I hate the most.

I hope you looked at #3 or 4 with half as much scrutiny as you did #1 and 2, but I suspect you didn't. Like it or not, all the talent gravitates to the Dems or the Pubs and third parties are full of Whothefucks and Whatshernames. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are both utter trash. If you really did your homework, you would have stayed home instead of voting for one of those idiots.

If you cared at all about third parties, then you would do it all in reverse and closely examine their candidates first and either stay at home or go with the D or R as a fall back.

  • Through our latest report, we’ve raised a staggering $13 million from 193,000 donors. From all people, no PACs.
  • A brand new poll in New Hampshire means Beto is officially qualified for the debates in the fall.
  • We’ve invested a ton in building out a stellar campaign team in our El Paso HQ. Our National Finance Director started this week. Our Digital Director started a month ago. We opened 11 offices in Iowa. The infrastructure is growing rapidly.

There’s been a lot of talk about what our fundraising numbers last quarter meant. We’re here to tell you that the media narrative is wrong. There’s plenty of time before the first primaries and caucuses in February, and we’re growing in support and size every single day. Still, we have to grapple with the fact that some of our opponents raised two, three, or four times as much as we did last quarter. And it’s important to pick up the pace.





His finance chief is smart to repeatedly give that 99% of our donors are eligible to give more.  Now it remains to be seen if they will give again.  But you don’t hear that stat reported from campaigns because it’s a sore spot. When you have lots of max outs, that means you’re taking pac money.  But they know most people won’t make that connection but it’s a smart line item to broadcast to smart supporters/voters.  Plus there’s all kinds of big data that shows you giving $25 twice means your x% more likely to drag others to the polls because you have real skin in the game.  

Anyway, I like how they featured that stat and I wish more Democrats would do the same.  It’s nothing innovative to get a primary donation and then a general donation.  But to get multiple small donations through a ridiculously long cycle and have people stay with you money-wise despite all the ebbs and flows of this primary is admirable.  It’s hard to quantify but it’s a big piece of an important dialogue between candidate and potential supporter.  


The 538 breakdown has interesting stats on big-donors/small-donors.

The number I am most interested in is small donors. Big donors can only vote once, just like small donors. But either way, that person has skin in the game.

Beto: 55% from small donors, 45% from big, 0% transfer
Klobuchar (who outraised Beto): 25.2% from small donors, 46.4% from big, 28.1% transfer


Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

The number I am most interested in is small donors. Big donors can only vote once, just like small donors. But either way, that person has skin in the game.

It classifies big donors as anyone that gives more than $200.  Not sure that’s a great dividing line between big and small donors.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

It classifies big donors as anyone that gives more than $200.  Not sure that’s a great dividing line between big and small donors.

Yeah, I guess you’d wanna see across all candidates.... what’s your median donation.  Then what percent has maxed out.  And then see how has that donor arrived at $200?   Did they sign up for a $25 a month pledge until federal max kicks in or they opt out?  Or was it just $200 all at once?   I understand they’re not all gonna reveal this shit until like moneyball they can figure out what makes them look good.  But you gotta give it to O’Rourke.  That’s the most detailed breakdown of campaign money I’ve ever seen. 

Im sure Bernie will have a Carrier Pigeon produce an abacus with similar detail later this week.  

42 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I am not a big donor for any candidate except one.  

Your mom accepted your sperm?  Good on you man! 

11 minutes ago, Larry T. Spider said:

At this point I’m just donating to my house rep for the Texas legislature. He’s a first term dem in a newly light blue district. My money is next to meaningless in a presidential campaign.


All I talked about leading up to 2016 was Hillary/Trump, but the majority of my actual organizing time went to Fletcher. Where it mattered. (Moser in the primary, of course)

  • Like 2
12 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:


All I talked about leading up to 2016 was Hillary/Trump, but the majority of my actual organizing time went to Fletcher. Where it mattered. (Moser in the primary, of course)

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess you’re involved with Our Revolution?


Dude is clearly angling for a cabinet position at this point. He’s not a better centrist than Biden. He’ll never be THE progressive candidate because of his race and gender.


He'll probably stick around through the next debate, hoping to catch lightning in a bottle again. I don't see it happening. I sent this to his campaign a couple days ago:

Thank you to the campaign for the thorough state-of-the-race memo. I love Beto and his ability to deliver a message and inspire people. He has a unique ability to speak poignantly on complicated moral issues in a way that influences thinking. I supported his Senate campaign for that reason as a lifelong Texan, transplanted to DC for the last 4 years. I hosted a phone bank for him in Alexandria, VA in support of that Senate campaign and had six people I didn't previously know-- some who had no connection to Texas even-- show up at my home to make calls for Beto. My wife and I donated about $500 to his Senate campaign, which while we are fortunate to have two high paying professional jobs, was a lot for our young little family. We were all in and were devastated when he came up short. He would-- and still could--make a great Senator for the great state of Texas.

When he announced his presidential race, I was slightly hesitant but hopeful that he could find the same energy in the presidential race that he did in his run for Senate. Unfortunately that did not happen. I honestly cannot pinpoint why, if it was the launch strategy or strange media backlash. Or the strategic attacks from both the right and the left. I just know it happened and here, while it's still a half a year from the first contest, your campaign and Beto's ability to deliver a message has been hobbled. And I am, regrettably, confident it's irreversible. As such, I will not be donating any more to Beto's presidential campaign. I am putting my full support behind Elizabeth Warren and believe her message and lifetime spent fighting against public and private corruption and rigging of the system against everyday Americans is the perfect response to the fraud that is the Trump administration. 

As for Beto, I want him around. He matters. Your campaign matters. He has a future, both in Texas and on the national stage. However, his opportunity, in my view, is no longer in the presidential race. I hope that as part of this gut check, you strongly consider the possibility of Beto returning to Texas. Not to run for Senate, as I think that pivot would be too difficult after the failed presidential run, but to support candidates in Texas up and down the ballot. To use his list to fundraise, register voters and organize supporters. To get MJ--or whoever our Senate candidate is-- and others elected to statewide office. To turn Texas blue. That mission will also give him an opportunity to continue to lead on immigration and the other issues he cares deeply about, and is pretty much what Stacy Abrams has decided to do in Georgia. That's how he can best serve our country in my view. I'd donate a $1000 to that effort. 

Best of luck,


  • Like 3
11 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

"I'm so fucking proud of you!" I shout at the repo men as they load my jet ski onto a flatbed


and then they played dodgeball 


So I was avoiding a call from a fundraiser connection expecting a hard sell for trying to help his campaign. Gay support has vanished for Beto understandably with one of “our” own in the race with Mayor Pete. Well she and I connected, she never joined his presidential race and is actually with Mayor Pete. Given the importance of representation of us with people like us, I may go that direction for a while - as an equality first voter. Im studying up on him now, I’m pretty sad Beto didn’t get the traction we wanted, it would have been nice to have another one of us - a Texan - doing us right this time in the Oval Office.

12 minutes ago, troph said:

So I was avoiding a call from a fundraiser connection expecting a hard sell for trying to help his campaign. Gay support has vanished for Beto understandably with one of “our” own in the race with Mayor Pete. Well she and I connected, she never joined his presidential race and is actually with Mayor Pete. Given the importance of representation of us with people like us, I may go that direction for a while - as an equality first voter. Im studying up on him now, I’m pretty sad Beto didn’t get the traction we wanted, it would have been nice to have another one of us - a Texan - doing us right this time in the Oval Office.

It may still happen but not this election. I can't fault him for running but it wasn't in the cards. He can make a real difference organizing in Texas. Hope he comes to see that and doesn't hurt himself too much more by refusing to see the writing on the wall.


  • Like 1

Yeah he needs to win another election first before he’s going all in like that. Senate or governor would make the most sense and that means staying involved but this cycle behind the scenes.

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