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2 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

I know exactly who I'm talking about.  Voters that are adamant we need a female Presidential candidate and the Bernie lunatics. 

Yes, obviously, which is why I rightly called out your attempt to start some Oppression Olympics bullshit.

Just now, Hank Kingsley said:

I'd imagine being a closeted homosexual for the first 33 years of your life is extremely tough.

I'm sure it is. I don't doubt it.


Sorry for having empathy for a person on any part of the privilege spectrum.



Hell yes, tone police me daddy

I searched "McKinsey" and clicked on the first "Latest from" that Google provided and it was this article:

The ever-changing store: Taking an agile, customer-centric approach to format redesign


The role of the store has changed. With customers increasingly shifting their spending online, it’s not enough for a brick-and-mortar store to be just a transactional venue. Instead, it now must serve as a brand-building environment in which customers can have special, in-person experiences that can’t be replicated in digital channels. To keep their stores relevant, retailers need to make the most of physical stores’ built-in sensory advantages over e-commerce—they need to tout the experience of touching, smelling, and trying on products, and they must ensure that the in-store experience is enjoyable and convenient. Otherwise, customers simply won’t bother making the trip.

In most cases, creating a distinctively compelling customer experience will require retailers to redesign their store formats. And there’s no time to lose; competitors are moving fast. Even companies that started as pure-play online retailers—such as Amazon, eyeglasses retailer Warby Parker, sneaker brand Allbirds, and luggage company Away—are opening brick-and-mortar stores so that they, too, can offer sensory experiences. So, for traditional retailers, the pressure is on; the time to invest in format redesign is now.


Overly buzzwordy, but there some actual coherent thoughts here.



What should retailers do instead? For speedier and less expensive format redesign that quickly yields returns on investment, we recommend an approach that marries the creativity and empathy of design thinking with the discipline and speed of agile methodologies. Such an approach focuses on continually making one-off, high-impact changes rather than department-wide or storewide remodels. Indeed, retailers must adopt a mind-set of “never being done”: format redesign should be an ongoing process of implementing solutions quickly and refining them constantly, with retailers keeping their fingers on the consumer pulse and adapting store formats to respond to evolving consumer needs.





I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and that when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress. I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that the present tension in the South is a necessary phase of the transition from an obnoxious negative peace, in which the Negro passively accepted his unjust plight, to a substantive and positive peace, in which all men will respect the dignity and worth of human personality. Actually, we who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive. We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with. Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.

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6 hours ago, TDunk said:

I think Hugo and B_T could run amok on a pregnancy forum.  Bern Bump, what? 

Every baby mocks my sweet grandfather with their youth and vitality. I will shout at them all!!

4 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

The B_T doth protest too much, methinks.

Bernie is extremely old and will die soon. I think every presidential candidate should take a mental acuity and memory test and the scores made public if they decide to continue pursuing office. Perhaps one yearly for sitting presidents. They should also take some kind of psychopath/sociopath test.

I don't care about a president's physical prowess or post-service longevity.


2 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

HG has been such a solid addition to the Politics board.


Just now, kevwun said:

Yes, he has.  But he is wasting his time on BT.

Agreed on both points. 

Still, kind of enjoy him calling out BT, even if it is a wasted effort.

Just now, henrygandorf said:

pete has taken heat from being "privileged", as if it's an awful thing for which he should be punished.

This is childish melodrama.


 we've all already seen it (initially from hillary supporters).  yes, he's white and smart and clean-cut and had access to the highest of higher education.  but that doesn't mean he hasn't worked hard for it.  that doesn't mean he hasn't earned it. 

Who has said anything about Pete earning or not earning anything? Who has called for him to be punished? Quotes? Citations? Bueller? Bueller?

These bolded-and-italicized phrases are straight out of right-wing whining about mean 'ole SJWs oppressing white men.


a lot of people, myself included, are of the opinion that sexism might be a bigger issue in america right now than racism, as it pertains to things like "being taken seriously for the highest office in the land."  but that doesn't mean elizabeth warren's marginalization needs to be compared and contrasted with people of color, or people in same sex marriages.

Cool, then supporters of candidates shouldn't use those candidates' intersections of privilege/oppression to attack other people, as Hank was trying to do and even admitted on this page.


you dismiss pete and his homosexuality

How would I "dismiss" his homosexuality? What does that even mean? Are you accusing me of being homophobic?

I just called Hank out for trying to use it as some kind of cudgel against opponents. Pete would agree with me that his sexuality shouldn't be used as a political weapon in the Democratic primary.


you say you like pete, but you cannot fucking wait until someone on twitter posts something halfway disparaging so that you can jump all over it and question his motivations or his strategy.  you try to sell your opinions as facts.  you're fooling no one. 

I am entirely transparent. I think that's what bothers people like you who pretend you're some neutral force moving through the world without prejudice. I wear them on my sleeve and am happy to interrogate them.

I do like Pete. I think he would be a much better president than Trump. I think he would be a better president than most of the other 2020 Dem candidates. He seems like a good person.

I am also critical of Pete and suspicious of things that contradict with my beliefs and values. He is trying to become the most powerful man in the universe. I think interrogating his nature, beliefs, and motivations matter a lot instead of simply letting all the media narratives wash over my unengaged mind.

If you think I post too much, that's OK. There's an ignore feature and I encourage you to use it in a way that improves your experience.


the democrats have a real problem, which is probably why they lose so god damn always.  i think you know what the problem is.  and if you don't, see if you can find a mirror nearby.  let me know how that goes.  until then, sell your shit someplace else.  we're all set over here. 

nice meltdown

53 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

HG has been such a solid addition to the Politics board.

Based on his post I am now only supporting HG for president and will bash all other contenders and their flaws into oblivion. 

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1 hour ago, GSU&UT said:

Love Pete, but we're going to need a hell of a lot more than Klobuchar tax credits to fight poverty in this country.



So he doesn't support free college because that would benefit the wealthy, but he supports a childcare subsidy intended to benefit the wealthy.  lol clown ass candidate.  What is there that actually separates this guy from Officer Harris?


Pete on TMZ of all places:



I've never heard a politician, let alone most anyone else, talk about not being yourself or not being truthful as not being efficient.  

Imagine the opposite, being characterologically  compromised - when inefficient becomes ineffective, and incompetent.  Need an example ?

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

What is there that actually separates this guy from Officer Harris?

He's a perfectly engineered flame to attract white liberal moths.

It's basically exactly what captured us with Obama. A fresh, young figure of hope with amazing rhetoric coming off the heels of an absolute buffoon of a Republican president who offended our well-educated sensibilities with his internationally-humiliating provincial stupidity. No skeletons in the closet and such a squeaky clean personality that no skeletons will ever be put in any closets. No scandals. No drama. No alarms and no surprises.

People like henryganondorf take things like this as an attack on Pete, but it's not. It's a critique of the shallow nature of white liberalism, and it's actually a very interesting subject for a bunch of privileged white liberal men to talk about if they can get over feeling punished and oppressed.

1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

look dude, i understand that the political forum is "the wild west", but in a sea of bad takes and unnecessary obnoxiousness for the sake of theater likely stemming from some sort of irrational fear, this stance from you is horrendous, bordering on offensive.

Now do Fozzz

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13 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

People like henryganondorf take things like this as an attack on Pete, but it's not.

nope.  i wasn't an intelligence officer in the navy, but i can tell the difference.

13 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

clear and present danger? 

i read your epic takedown more in an Air Force One tone with you 300-kicking me out of a bay door grandly shouting, "GET OFF MY FORUM!"


trump mentions pete for the first time, but not by name...


President Trump said Wednesday that he would welcome the opportunity to run against Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, his first public acknowledgment of the South Bend, Ind., mayor's burgeoning candidacy.

In an interview with David Webb on SiriusXM, Trump speculated that he may end up campaigning for the presidency in 2020 against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), former Vice President Joe Biden or "the mayor from Indiana," referencing Buttigieg without mentioning him by name.

"I think I'd like running against him, too," Trump said of Buttigieg. "But it'll be interesting to see it unfold."

The interview marked Trump's first direct comment on Buttigieg, who formally entered the Democratic field of prospective candidates on Sunday and has surged in recent polling.

The 37-year-old launched an exploratory committee earlier this year as a relative unknown in an increasingly crowded presidential primary field. 

Since then, Buttigieg has attracted strong crowds at campaign events and raised an impressive $7 million for his campaign in the first quarter of 2019. That figure put him ahead of prominent candidates such as Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).

Buttigieg has made a number of comments criticizing Trump, saying earlier Wednesday that the president uses "white guy identity politics" to divide working- and middle-class Americans.

In addition to his first jabs at Buttigieg, the president in Wednesday's interview chided Sanders and Biden, two candidates he speculated a day earlier might be the two front-runners for the Democratic nomination.

"I think I put out yesterday, it could be Bernie, and it could be Biden," Trump told Webb, who is a contributor to The Hill. "And I think Sleepy Joe's going to have a hard time. He's, you know, 1 Percent Joe. I don't think he's going to make it, and I don't, I don't know that Bernie — it may be Bernie has the most spirit over there right now."

Biden has yet to formally announce his candidacy, though he is widely expected to do so soon. He and Sanders have been at or near the top of most Democratic primary polls in recent months.

Trump appeared to be irked by Sanders's appearance Monday night on a Fox News town hall event, tweeting several times about the Vermont senator and questioning the network's audience selection.

Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Pete has a minority voter problem (it's early, of course).

henry tried to handwave the Emerson national poll, but there's a trend


yeah, he got hit a few days ago for his mono-chromatic announcement crowd (and other crowds), and in some interview (the story was on cnn) he owned up to it pretty good.  basically saying "we need to work harder on this.  it's not ok."

pete's not perfect, but so far, he's very accountable, and that's nice to see.

as for the poll, it was right after a weirdly slanted kamala number you posted, and i like to poke at early polls that literally poll ~200 total people.  obviously he won't win the nomination without the minority vote, and no dem is going to win the general without it. #captainobvious


edit - of course i found the article the second after i submitted.


Edited by henrygandorf

No doubt Pete needs to reach out to and engage minorities, but he had a COMPLETE voter problem in early March. 

The first step was to get noticed. He's gone from 160k Twitter followers on March 10th to over 900K as we speak. He's rising in every single poll and his name is all over the news. He officially announced his candidacy 4 days ago. 

So yes, now the next step is to reach minority voters. He's from Indiana and has been mostly speaking in Iowa and New Hampshire. He hasn't had many opportunities yet. 

I love how it's gone from "Butti-who? Oh my god, that last name lol" to "UH OH this top tier contender has a minority voter problem!" in the span of 40 days.  Anyone criticizing his campaign strategy up to this point is REALLY reaching. 



Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

Pete has a minority voter problem (it's early, of course).

henry tried to handwave the Emerson national poll, but there's a trend


Went to Tim Black's twitter feed and he retweeted this. 

I wonder who BT follows to find these anti-Buttigieg tweets. 

Edited by Hank Kingsley
10 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Went to Tim Black's twitter feed and he retweeted this. 

I wonder who BT follows to find these anti-Buttigieg tweets. 

yeah, i saw that too, but figured i'd done enough for today.

18 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Went to Tim Black's twitter feed and he retweeted this. 

I wonder who BT follows to find these anti-Buttigieg tweets. 

Problem is they will think the only way Bernie doesn't win is if he's "screwed".  It's starting to feel very trumpian and I don't like it.

2 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Problem is they will think the only way Bernie doesn't win is if he's "screwed".  It's starting to feel very trumpian and I don't like it.

I doubt it's an attitude that permeates throughout Bernie's base, but on Twitter it's getting worse and worse. The vast majority of negative Pete tweets come from Bernie fans, and their anger grows on a daily basis. If Kamala or Beto start moving up, they will be in the crosshairs as well. 




Yeah because 4 more years of Trump would be great for all those progressive ideas that turned you on to voting for Bernie in the first place. 


First time to visit this thread, shirley this has been covered but doesn't this feel like a trap to even his supporters?  Republicans have been waiting for a gay Democrat with "butt" embedded in his name for generations. 


I doubt it's an attitude that permeates throughout Bernie's base, but on Twitter it's getting worse and worse. The vast majority of negative Pete tweets come from Bernie fans, and their anger grows on a daily basis. If Kamala or Beto start moving up, they will be in the crosshairs as well. 

The Bernie Bros are uncompromising. Give them Bernie, or they’ll kill us all and really show us.

Yeah, I can’t understand why so many of us can’t stand Bernie Bros.
18 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

First time to visit this thread, shirley this has been covered but doesn't this feel like a trap to even his supporters?  Republicans have been waiting for a gay Democrat with "butt" embedded in his name for generations. 


Hill"butheremails"ary already lost.  


15 hours ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

First time to visit this thread, shirley this has been covered but doesn't this feel like a trap to even his supporters?  Republicans have been waiting for a gay Democrat with "butt" embedded in his name for generations. 


solid contribution.

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