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9 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

he read it a while back (in his own journal).

and yes, he definitely has a take on it.  maybe you're new here.

Ahh, well then that is a really stupid take. 

28 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

I'm not sure bad-teammate was saying Pete isn't smart, he was just repeating what he had seen people espousing on the interwebs, not sure if he had a take on it either way. 

I don't think Pete is dumb. I don't even know what "smart" is supposed to mean in this context.

Which candidates is he smarter than, and what's the actual evidence of that? I don't give a shit about his educational attainment, we all know that's horseshit.

I agree with what I saw elsewhere, which is that Pete is a dumb person's idea of what a smart person is like. The proper credentials, the measured TED talk tone of voice, the surface level grasp of multiple languages, the masterful ability to say whole lot of words without actually saying anything.


Also, I'm in the O&G business, so I can't really pass judgement in that regard. 

Brad is a professional puppy rescuer who has never jerked off, eaten meat, and only rides bikes.

Wait, is this true?  I thought he grew up a poor brown fuck like myself?  Full disclosure, I knew he was white, but didn't guess any of that stuff you mentioned was true of his background.  It sure as shit changes how I see all his pontification.

I actually don't know what race he is. Doesn't matter. "Fuck you I got mine" supercedes race. The point is one of the most laughable narratives in the history of this board is that he has any gravitas or any earned liberal moral authority. He's less of a liberal than you or me or any "shitlib" in terms of actions and legacy. Nobody should even give him an audience though I do give henry props for an undying effort to squeeze intellectual conversation from a turnip.I'm not sure there's a better example of a fuck you I got mine boomer on this board than him. He is the problem, he knows it, and his grossly hypocritical turn towards an overbearing liberal in old age is an attempt to whitewash his exploitatative ivory tower life, primarily spent destroying our planet and taking advantage of the under class in the name of profit. I guess whatever you gotta do to sleep at night (in addition to the walls and gate around his community).   In terms of actual actions and one's impact on our world and society, he's as liberal and progressive as Swam4Texas and Chrispy. I think people need to be reminded of this occasionally so he can be treated for what he actually is, not what he wants us to believe he is.




Brad when B_T posts:


Brad when making social commentary:


5 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Wait, is this true?  I thought he grew up a poor brown fuck like myself?  Full disclosure, I knew he was white, but didn't guess any of that stuff you mentioned was true of his background.  It sure as shit changes how I see all his pontification.

Grew up poor near Jasper (moved a few times around the outside towns). First in my family to go to college. Went undergrad and post-grad (Cockrell) at UT. Immediately went into O&G in Houston because that's where the jobs and money were and have been there ever since. Bought into the Villages for the schools when I had kids and live in the same house still. Lucky every step of the damned way and 100% aware of it.

I succeeded in an unfair and broken system that needs to be changed. I am not more deserving of my privilege than the poorer people who live a few miles away. This isn't white man's guilt, it's just a plain acknowledgement of the reality on the ground.

2 hours ago, BradInATX said:

He is the problem, he knows it, and his grossly hypocritical turn towards an overbearing liberal in old age is an attempt to whitewash his exploitatative ivory tower life, primarily spent destroying our planet and taking advantage of the under class in the name of profit.

What does the word "hypocritical" mean, Brad?

I know you either can't see this because you have me on ignore because you're tired of being dunked on or you're lying about having me on ignore. Either way it's a pussy move, but you're a Republican so it's par for the course.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

When you find yourself getting dunked on by Ted Cruz of all people you might have had a bad take.  


In point of fact, John Adams was serving as ambadassador in London during the Constitutional Convention so he was not one of the writers of the Constitution and therefore was not part  of the group mentioned by Pete B.

I thought Ted was supposed to be some kind of Constitutional scholar.



Edited by Hornius Emeritus

Johnny Knoxville has done more to bring Americans together than any soldier in Afghanistan. Steve O zip lining over the alligator pit with chicken in his pants is more dangerous than anything Mayor Pete ever did. Wee Man has raised social awareness of the difficulties that little people face, an issue Mayor Pete hasn’t even addressed. 

  • Like 1
On 1/3/2020 at 8:51 PM, bad_teammate said:


Protects Medicare Advantage
Sanders - No
Buttigieg - Yes

What a duplicitous piece of shit.

this stuff will continue for as long as warren says “she’s with bernie” on m4a. 


Not a great look, Pete 

Mayor Pete's Invisible Black Police 

It is undeniably true that South Bend’s black officers felt like South Bend’s institution of law enforcement was racist. The numbers show that South Bend’s tiny percentage of black cops has been cut in half since Buttigieg took office despite his “diversity initiatives.” The records show that black officers complained about it as often and as loudly as they could—sometimes to their detriment. While it strains credulity to believe that Pete Buttigieg didn’t know about these complaints, a worse indictment would be that he knew about it but did nothing to fix it, or even to hear the black officers’ concerns.

8 minutes ago, NWBuck said:

Not a great look, Pete 

Mayor Pete's Invisible Black Police 

It is undeniably true that South Bend’s black officers felt like South Bend’s institution of law enforcement was racist. The numbers show that South Bend’s tiny percentage of black cops has been cut in half since Buttigieg took office despite his “diversity initiatives.” The records show that black officers complained about it as often and as loudly as they could—sometimes to their detriment. While it strains credulity to believe that Pete Buttigieg didn’t know about these complaints, a worse indictment would be that he knew about it but did nothing to fix it, or even to hear the black officers’ concerns.

Democrat Boomer voters begin to feel their pants bulge.  Maybe Biden isn't a slam dunk after all...

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...


A deeper read into the problem of McKinsey and "management consultants" - 


Meritocrats like Buttigieg changed not just corporate strategies but also corporate values.

Particular industries, and still more individual companies, may be committed to distinctive, concrete goals and ideals. GM may aspire to build good cars; IBM, to make typewriters, computers, and other business machines; and AT&T, to improve communications. Executives who rose up through these companies, on the mid-century model, were embedded in their firms and embraced these values, so that they might even have come to view profits as a salutary side effect of running their businesses well.

When management consulting untethered executives from particular industries or firms and tied them instead to management in general, it also led them to embrace the one thing common to all corporations: making money for shareholders.

Executives raised on the new, untethered model of management aim exclusively and directly at profit: their education, their career arc, and their professional role conspire to isolate them from other workers and train them single-mindedly on the bottom line.

Buttigieg carries this worldview into his politics. Wendell Potter, at The Intercept, observes that “a lot” of Buttigieg’s campaign language about health care, including “specific words” is “straight out of the health-insurance industry’s playbook.”

The influence of management consulting, moreover, goes far beyond language to the very rationale for Buttigieg’s candidacy. What he offers America is intellect and elite credentials—a combination that McKinsey has taught him and others like him to believe should more than compensate for an obvious deficit of directly relevant experience.

This is a dangerous belief. Technocratic management, no matter how brilliant, cannot unwind the structural inequalities that are dismantling the American middle class. To think that it can is to be insensible of the real harms that technocratic elites, at McKinsey and other management-consulting firms, have done to America.

Such obliviousness may not be malevolent; but it is clueless.                       



Ah yes the bulletproof logic that once you enter the portal of having worked for a consulting firm or being proficient with technology, your mind can never again grasp the intricacies of income inequality.

Good stuff.

27 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

Ah yes the bulletproof logic that once you enter the portal of having worked for a consulting firm or being proficient with technology, your mind can never again grasp the intricacies of income inequality.

Good stuff.

His short tenure of a shitty town in Middle America proves that he cannot. 

3 hours ago, BradInATX said:

Ah yes the bulletproof logic that once you enter the portal of having worked for a consulting firm or being proficient with technology, your mind can never again grasp the intricacies of income inequality.

Good stuff.

In order to do something "again" you must have done it once.


An independent journalist (white) was interviewing people waiting in line to get into Pete's rally today being filmed by a cameraman (black).

A Pete staffer ripped the press tag off the cameraman and said she didn't think think he should've had credentials.


1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:


She didn't go to the white guy and rip anything off of him.

Glad we see eye to eye on this.

lulz.  you've somehow become a caricature of yourself.

the white guy was the one who wasn't supposed to have credentials.  but you knew that. 

4 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

lulz.  you've somehow become a caricature of yourself.

the white guy was the one who wasn't supposed to have credentials.  but you knew that. 

Oh you were being sarcastic?

Damn. Thought we'd hit some kind of breakthrough where you realized the insidious racism behind all-white liberalism; an awakening to the fact that systemic racism's ill effects aren't limited to klan robes, but the quiet rage of white society that lashes out against minorities.

Oh well!

So if it's the white guy who wasn't supposed to have credentials, why did the Pete staffer leave him alone and physically rip the sticker off the cameraman?

1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:

Methinks the Bernie Bros doth protest against Pete too much.  The fear is palpable.

According to the newer results released by the IDP, Pete's got 14 national delegates out of Iowa to Bernie's 12. Pete's got momentum going into a very demographically friendly state in NH and I will not be surprised if he wins that outright. If that translates into national momentum then Pete's got a better chance than anyone not named Bernie. So in terms of Pete being a threat to Bernie's chances, absolutely. FEAR. Drink the tears. Own the libs.

So with that aside, any commentary on a Pete staffer just physically ripping identification off a black guy without even saying anything to him?

4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

So with that aside, any commentary on a Pete staffer just physically ripping identification off a black guy without even saying anything to him?


Just now, bad_teammate said:

Oh you were being sarcastic?

Damn. Thought we'd hit some kind of breakthrough where you realized the insidious racism behind all-white liberalism; an awakening to the fact that systemic racism's ill effects aren't limited to klan robes, but the quiet rage of white society that lashes out against minorities.

guess you saw the kkk-related stories filed by the "independent" (white) reporter.

1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

So if it's the white guy who wasn't supposed to have credentials, why did the Pete staffer leave him alone and physically rip the sticker off the cameraman?

i don't think they left him alone.  from a quick glance at his twitter, it seems that jordan has a history of aggressive and critical coverage of pete, and after a while, they took him off their press application emails.  he went through someone else's app (that he had forwarded to him) and filed for credentials, thus slipping through the system.  once they saw him, they said "you're not supposed to have credentials", as was described as some sort of "bolo" on the reporter (not the cameraman).  no idea what credentials they took from jordan, but it seemed clear they did not want him there.  also "physically ripped the sticker" - how do you rip stickers off people?  telekinesis?

and it seems very clear from the repeated tweets, retweeting himself, and the sheer volume of tweets, that jordan is hope-hope-hoping that this turns into a "thing".

all that aside, i don't care about any of the stuff that happened today.  critical coverage aside, i don't like pete's press team taking anyone off the credentialed list.  whatever is happening here was based on that, and i don't like that they're doing that part of this.  everyone should be allowed to cover events, and i don't see much wiggle room in whatever their explanation ends up being (unless he did something we don't know about and was already removed, but this doesn't seem to be the case).

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