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George Carlin had an opinion on this.

Honestly, I'm sorry you lost things that you treasured.

For me, I've moved so many times that I've learned that I don't really miss stuff except for a tinge every so often.

On 4/4/2019 at 4:16 PM, RoundRobin said:

I’ve drilled one of those out with a cordless drill. Not difficult. 

I've cut one with shitty Harbor Freight bolt cutters.

Meh, I'm forgettable.  I'm just the "Yeah, but..." guy at work.  The portfolio companies and operating groups we work with...invariably due the value nature of what we deal with...somebody in leadership gets cute and starts trying to siphon off what they can before they are inevitably shitcanned.  And these people always do the same type of shit over and over again.  They think they are the smartest person in the world and they try and either double-down on their current position, or they see the writing on the wall and try to leave with some parting gifts as Pat Sajak used to say.  And they get an extra level of comfort, like these Public Storage folks, by not being approached by law enforcement and dumping everything before the shit hits the fan.  So we take a different approach.  You get a chance to make things right, no police or anything like that.  If you don't replace what you took (personal effects in this OP case, usually money or brazen expense abuses in our case)...then I have to drop the hammer on you.  Our system has brought down small-cap publicly traded CEO's, I think we can help get Public Storage to cooperate.  The old adage of people with nothing to lose are the hardest to deal with used to be true.  But in this day and age, your shit follows you forever in the digital world so even felons with zero fucks given realize the system will single them out.  
A lot of people, sadly, get off on violence or intimidation.  Not me.  But it's that look on someone's face when they know they're boxed in.  That they fucked up.  And that for whatever little they shuttled out of the company or the storage unit...that they screwed themselves over for decades.  that's what I enjoy.  When they look back and see the folly of their ways and wished they had to do it all over again but they can't because I'm there in the room with them.  And they won't be able to get a decent job or see their kids on the weekends because they stole from the wrong person.  No hands will ever be laid upon them, but they'd gladly trade a beating for what's in store for them.  It's the not knowing that really eats at them.  That you can bring a person from this perch of invincibility down to pleading to do anything for you...that's what makes this fun.  I feel bad for the kids sometimes though...but they should have thought of that first.  

You are a crazy person.
Posted (edited)

I accidentally looked my keys inside my unit at the Hancock Center Public Storage. At the time I was using a MasterLock, which I replaced with a circular lock. I bought a crappy cheap angle grinder from Harbor Freight. It was very noisy and very hot, but I cut the lock in about 45 seconds. I brought a coffee can full of water to let the lock cool off for disposal. I did this at 6 AM when no employees were around. Im sure a couple homeless people sleeping in their units may have heard.


Edited by Wyatt Mann

The fuck do the bagel people about picking locks?  Unless that's the perfect front for a fence operation.

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