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11 minutes ago, JustBecause said:

This is the start of the “Never Bideners” movement. You saw it here first.  

So are you part of the A Trump for Life movement?

3 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

They put him out there for 7 minutes, he leaks the Harris endorsement accidentally and invents a new name for Barack.


Bernie is not out of it. Biden might literally shit his pants on live TV during the next debate. 


Uncle Joe is famous for his gaffs, but when you get past that he's a decent man. We need a decent man in the White House right about now.

18 minutes ago, RPM said:

Uncle Joe is famous for his gaffs, but when you get past that he's a decent man. We need a decent man in the White House right about now.

Not so sure about how decent he is after reading this

Just a snippet from a very damning takedown:

  • Women’s rights and reproductive justice — Since 1974, when Biden gave the rather shocking quote that he “didn’t think a woman had the sole right to say what happened to her body,” Biden’s record on women’s issues has been deeply disappointing. In the 1980s, he voted to let states overturn Roe v. Wade, which the National Abortion Rights Action League said was “the most devastating attack yet on abortion rights.” In 2006, Biden described himself as an “odd man out” among Democrats on abortion because he held a more conservative position than Planned Parenthood/NOW, and said abortion was “always a tragedy” and that “we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions.” In 2019, he was still saying he supported the Hyde Amendment banning federal funding of abortion, which Toni Van Pelt, head of the National Organization for Women, called a “shocking,” “unacceptable,” and “unsupportable” position. The NOW president did not mince words: Anyone without clear opposition to Hyde “should consider leaving the race… the girls and women of our nation deserve better.” Last year, Biden’s spokesman “declined to detail Mr. Biden’s current views on specific policies he once supported, including banning all federal funding for abortion services and research.” Finally, Biden succumbed to pressure and reversed his position, having had to be forced by decades of activism. (We also cannot discuss Biden’s record on women’s issues without mentioning that he has a long history of making women deeply uncomfortable by violating their personal space, sniffing them, stroking them, and rubbing them. Eight women have accused Biden of inappropriately touching them, and in response Biden has literally said he is “not sorry for anything that I’ve ever done.” I do not understand how there is any world in which this is not immediately disqualifying, and we can expect to see quotes in TV ads like “I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me,” and “I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth… He was the vice president… I was a nobody,” and “It doesn’t even really cross your mind that such a person would dare perpetuate harm like that.”)
  • Criminal Punishment — The American criminal punishment system is hideously unjust. The “freest” country in the world has the most people locked up per capita—2.2 million total. Biden contributed significantly to that problem. He was one of the key Congressional figures in refashioning the Democratic party as a “tough on crime” party. Biden collaborated with unrepentant segregationist Strom Thurmond to create the “Biden-Thurmond bill,” which restricted use of the insanity defense (shifting the burden of proof from the prosecutor to the defendant) and abolished parole. Biden “unblushingly cited his and Thurmond’s leading role in enacting laws allowing for the execution of drug dealers convicted of homicide, and expanding the practice of civil asset forfeiture, law enforcement’s plunder of property belonging to people suspected of crimes, even if they are neither charged nor convicted.” He warned of juvenile “predators on our streets” who “warrant exceptionally, exceptionally tough treatment,” suggesting they were beyond hope of rehabilitation and simply needed to be cordoned off from the rest of society. Biden collaborated with the hard right to expand the death penalty, boasting that “the liberal wing of the Democratic Party is now for 60 new death penalties.” Indeed, people did get sentenced to death because of the law Biden himself wrote. Biden was proud of his role in cracking down on crime, a staffer recalling him saying: “Whenever people hear the words ‘drugs’ and ‘crime,’ I want them to think ‘Joe Biden.’” He hoped that he could “maybe take the politics of crime out of the upcoming election,” and “warned Republicans that they cannot claim they are tougher on crime than Democrats.” It’s often said that Democrats in the 1990s who led the crime crackdown were responding to a genuine crime wave, which is true, but Biden went far beyond the others. He was truly vicious. Biden promoted measures that “created more heavily armed police forces increasingly focused on locking up people for minor drug crimes.” Citing ecstasy use, Biden called for “stiff criminal penalties for anyone who had a rave,” demanding rave venues be bulldozed and proprietors be put in jail. This is sheer madness (and it comes from Biden’s more lucid years). As late as 2010, Biden was saying of marijuana “I still believe it’s a gateway drug… I think it would be a mistake to legalize” though he now gets annoyed when people try to hold him responsible for the consequences of this belief. (He has flip-flopped during this campaign over whether marijuana may be a gateway drug.) As criminal punishment historian Naomi Murakawa put it, “There’s a tendency now to talk about Joe Biden as the sort of affable if inappropriate uncle, as loudmouth and silly… But he’s actually done really deeply disturbing, dangerous reforms that have made the criminal justice system more lethal and just bigger.” Let’s remember: “mass incarceration” is not just an abstraction, something vague and far away. By locking tens or hundreds of thousands of people in prison to serve his political career—people who would have otherwise been free—Biden has caused indescribable pain. In the U.S., a prison sentence makes it almost impossible to live a fully normal life afterward. This system has robbed children of their parents, mothers of their children. It tortures people and makes them kill themselves. It’s a horror, and instead of repairing it Biden threw more people into it. 
  • Civil Liberties — Biden voted for the infamous PATRIOT Act, which he called “measured and prudent.” In fact, “he would have liked it to go further, regretting that measures handing police more extreme powers had been removed,” and he has even bragged that the PATRIOT Act was based on a bill he himself wrote long before 9/11, but hadn’t been able to get through thanks to the opposition of civil liberties groups. Biden says John Ashcroft told him of the PATRIOT Act “Joe, I’m introducing the act basically as you wrote it in 1994.” Branko Marcetic documents Biden’s role in eroding civil liberties in the 1990s as well, by proposing measures that civil liberties advocates said would “erod[e] constitutional and statutory due process protections,” and extend “some of the worst elements of crime bills of the recent past.” Biden even said it was “time to revisit” the centuries-old ban on using the military for domestic policing, which was meant to prevent the rise of an authoritarian state. Biden, citing the government’s need to efficiently fight terrorism, pushed for increased government wiretap power and reduced accountability for law enforcement, and he voted for a bill that gutted federal habeas corpus protections, the “Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act,” which has been called “surely one of the worst statutes ever passed by Congress and signed into law.” Marcetic writes that Biden has “proven himself a reliable supporter of an ever-expanding national security state during his time in Congress” and that Biden’s bill “mandating that tech companies create ‘back doors’ in their products for law enforcement to snoop through… so alarmed one programmer, it spurred him to develop email encryption.” 
  • Immigration — The Obama administration deported hundreds of thousands of immigrants, more than any other administration, a process that tore countless families apart and has served as Donald Trump’s go-to rationalization for his own brutal immigration policies. Biden has sometimes simply lied about this and pretended it didn’t happen. The Obama administration misled the public about what it was doing, and reports concluded that “contrary to Obama’s avowed policy, a huge part of ICE’s enforcement efforts resulted in the separation of families, and a much smaller portion went toward deporting people who posed legitimate public safety threats.” For countless children, this meant “pain and trauma [that] stunts their growth and development.” Under the administration Biden served in, “the budget for immigration enforcement jumped at one point to a staggering $18 billion annually, more than all other law enforcement agencies” combined. Splinter’s Natascha Elena Ulmann documents Biden’s horrific record on immigration over the years and the impact it had on immigrant communities. Biden “voted to uphold an HIV travel ban that authorized the indefinite detention of Haitian refugees despite a wave of public sentiment in their favor.” He “called for a crackdown on employers who hire “illegals” and fought against driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants.” 
  • Climate change — Since I am assuming you are a Democrat, I’m going to assume you accept the scientific consensus on climate change: that is, you agree that it’s a fucking emergency and we need immediate national action to curb emissions and prevent future catastrophe. Congressional Democrats have so far considered climate change a secondary priority, to the point where one wonders if they are even serious about it at all. If we are serious about it, we need a president who has the necessary sense of urgency and the political will to get things done. But climate activists have been consistently disappointed by Joe Biden’s lackadaisical approach to the greatest challenge of our time. It shouldn’t be that surprising: Biden’s campaign is stuffed with fossil fuel executives. His climate adviser is a former board member of natural gas company Cheniere Energy, one of his fundraisers co-founded natural gas company Western LNG, the pro-Biden Super PAC has a former gas lobbyist on its board, and his national campaign co-chair, Cedric Richmond, “has one of the most pro-industry voting records on fossil fuel issues among all congressional Democrats.” And as many know, at one point Biden’s son Hunter was being paid tens of thousands of dollars a month to serve on the board of a Ukrainian fossil fuel company. This is troubling, because in order to combat climate change, we’re going to need to take on the industry; their continued profits are in conflict with the needs of humanity. But how likely is someone to effectively challenge an industry, when those close to him are tied to it? It’s very likely that Biden will be talked out of doing anything that could seriously threaten the financial interests of those in his circle. Sure enough, Biden’s original climate change plans got a D- from Greenpeace (he quickly reversed course and the grade was improved), and the Sunrise Movement’s climate plan ratings show his proposals falling well short of Sanders’. The MIT Technology Review says Sanders and Biden have “sharply contrasting visions” on the scale of what needs to be done and the speed with which it must occur. Biden’s approach to politics, which emphasizes compromise and incremental steps, is simply deadly and irresponsible when there is an actual crisis facing us. Crises demand ambitious, energetic, and sometimes “divisive” action, of precisely the kind Biden seems disinclined to ever take. 


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Yeah, why would we talk about Joe Biden in the Joe Biden thread?
Keep swinging, Bama, it doesn't change the fact that you voted for a segregationist because a cute boy told you to.

You know what, I’ve never ever voiced any ridicule or doubt about the sincerity of your beliefs despite the fact that you absolutely revel in being an inflammatory asshole.

But fuck you and your sexist bullshittery about my vote being dependent on “a cute boy”.

Putting a stupid juvenile emoji after your misogynistic crap doesn’t make it okay.

Anyone who has read my posts knows I have stated repeatedly that Bernie and Biden were my bottom two choices (outside of clowns like Marianne Williamson and Tulsi).

I have been engaged in this primary. I have volunteered and phone banked and knocked on doors and donated money to multiple presidential candidates and down ballot candidates in Alabama and in other states.

I made a choice to cast my vote for Biden on Tuesday. Because while he is far from my preferred nominee, I believe he has a better chance of winning against Trump.

My belief may be wrong and if it is so be it.

Since Tuesday you’ve been vomiting vitriol and name calling and copying and pasting Biden tweets in virtually every thread on this board. You’re acting like an unhinged Trumper complete with condescending sexist jabs.

And I apologize to [mention]washparkhorn [/mention]
because while he has also been on an anti-Biden and anti-anyone not Bernie tear, he hasn’t made any personal attacks or name called and he’s certainly never stooped to boiling down anyone’s choices to following “a cute boy”. I admire your passion and I hope you’ll continue to fight to move the party to left and help Biden win in November if he is the nominee.

BT, you need a mental health break. Your obsession with your candidate and your need to spew hatred at everyone who doesn’t bend the knee to your politics is legitimately frightening.

But I fully expect you to respond to this with gaslighting and more cheap shots and name calling and sexist jabs so I’ll just be ignoring you from here on out.

I sincerely hope you’ll be able to manage your anger and misery when Bernie loses again.
  • Like 8
4 hours ago, RPM said:

Uncle Joe is famous for his gaffs, but when you get past that he's a decent man. We need a decent man in the White House right about now.

I'm not sure why everyone is making this out to be so damn complicated.  Trump;s a complete asshole and a whole lot of people simply want to not have an asshole as president.  They intentionally don't want to have someone who will make big changes.  They are careful for what they wish for (and maybe too complacent).  They just want a non-asshole who can win. 

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5 hours ago, tantric superman said:

I'm not sure why everyone is making this out to be so damn complicated.  Trump;s a complete asshole and a whole lot of people simply want to not have an asshole as president.  They intentionally don't want to have someone who will make big changes.  They are careful for what they wish for (and maybe too complacent).  They just want a non-asshole who can win. 

It really is amazing how many people don't get this.


"As I just said, it did for me. (Someone asked if endorsements matter.)

I was undecided between Warren and Biden going into tomorrow but Beto’s endorsement helped me decide.

I think Pete’s folks are all in with him and his backing of Biden will influence them too.

Lots of candidates this cycle had stans more than supporters. Beto, Kamala, Pete, Yang are the most obvious. I admit I fall into that category too. What their guy or gal says will be followed by a large chunk of their people."


The endless pattern:
Bama swings unprompted at me so I swing some snark back her way. Then she writes a screed about how sexist and mansplainy and abusive I am.

Always a treat.

But as to the actual subject of the thread, I'm not sure what more experience and practice Joe needs to get reading from teleprompters correctly, but for all our sakes I hope he gets it soon.

Sanders isn't saying a word about it, which is smart politically for Sanders and also the kind of thing Bernie would never do, but I hope voters in future voting states are noticing.

Trump and FOX are riding that horse into the ground so the next few rounds of voting will have it priced in (maybe not this Tuesday because of early voting) so we can see how much this hurts our presumptive nominee. Obviously, we need it not to.

Posted (edited)
On 3/6/2020 at 7:34 PM, bad_teammate said:

Lucy Flores came out to talk about Biden inappropriately touching her and the response from Biden's online fans was awful.

Joe should address this violent misogyny and toxicity.

Nah, the double standard has already been applied. Joe isn't responsible for and doesn't have to answer for people who support him saying awful things online. Just Bernie.

Edited by Pam Cummings

Can't they give him something that will help him concentrate? I guess whatever he is going through is pretty far along. 

But he is running against Trump and Bernie and all these old fucks got medical shit that they are hiding,imo. They ought to all flop out their full medical exams so we can know which geezer is the least fucked up. At least we can properly factor in how important the veep pick is. 



1 hour ago, Pam Cummings said:

Nah, the double standard has already been applied. Joe isn't responsible for and doesn't have to answer for people who support him saying awful things online. Just Bernie.

I've noticed that Americans expect the highest morals from whoever who is most liberal in any given contest. Democrats are supposed to be paragons of virtue but Republicans can just do whatever because everyone knows they are hypocrites and only pretends to care about that. If it's a centrist vs a lib, the same principle applies. 

Posted (edited)

It’s fascinating to me that online trolls think that posting videos of Biden committing some gaffe, fake or not, is gonna make one damn bit of a difference.

Unless trump steals the election, and the current clown crew administration sans manafort isn’t smart enough to pull that off anyway, trump is going to lose big in the fall no matter how much y’all post stupid gifs, memes and doctored videos: Hope you have fun and/or get paid though. 

Edited by JimmyJames
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  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, burntorangebongos said:

Can't they give him something that will help him concentrate? I guess whatever he is going through is pretty far along. 

Not a doctor and I don't know. I am not sure he has been tested for cognitive decline, which would be a first step. From a political standpoint only, asking not to test for cognitive impairment gives him plausible deniability. If there is medication available that would help, he needs to get that on board ASAP for this run and for him personally.

I spoke with a soft-Trump supporter yesterday who literally cried when she told me she was watching her news programs and saw Biden. She hoped Trump would not make fun of him and she brought up Trump making fun of the disabled reporter. I asked whether she would vote for Biden rather than Trump if he made fun of Biden and she said no way - "he shouldn't be near the nuclear codes."  I asked if Biden had a strong VP - would that change her mind? She said no - she knew too many people who lingered a long time with the "dementia" and he was just too grave a risk for the country. 


She is more comfortable with the current demented moron near the codes? He seems further along than Biden on the cognitive decline path. 

Fuck, Bernie's heart might blow up but he seems to be all there. Too bad he scares other olds and not enough young people vote.

32 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

doctored videos

Now THIS is conspiracy theory.

No one has posted doctored video of Biden.

I agree that hammering him for losing touch isn't a political winner in the primary. Agree 100%. It's great for dunking and laughing at him out of pettiness, but it's not a vote-getter.

The winning attacks in the primary are about Biden's completely awful policy track record and his fundamental dishonesty.

13 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

Not a doctor and I don't know. I am not sure he has been tested for cognitive decline, which would be a first step. From a political standpoint only, asking not to test for cognitive impairment gives him plausible deniability. If there is medication available that would help, he needs to get that on board ASAP for this run and for him personally.

I spoke with a soft-Trump supporter yesterday who literally cried when she told me she was watching her news programs and saw Biden. She hoped Trump would not make fun of him and she brought up Trump making fun of the disabled reporter. I asked whether she would vote for Biden rather than Trump if he made fun of Biden and she said no way - "he shouldn't be near the nuclear codes."  I asked if Biden had a strong VP - would that change her mind? She said no - she knew too many people who lingered a long time with the "dementia" and he was just too grave a risk for the country. 

So you had a conversation with a dumbass. Fascinating. She should probably be tested for dementia too. 

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

So you had a conversation with a dumbass. Fascinating. She should probably be tested for dementia too. 

That is my life - present company excluded, of course. 

7 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

Was she a big burly woman who cried? 

She was entitled and lost in news silo that keeps people like her misinformed. 

The young ones have pegged some boomers (anyone older than 30 - sorry millennials) quite accurately. They know the silver tsunami is going to fuck up their world and they will be expected to change diapers. Best to make friends with them since they will be the ones making your later years pleasant - or not. 

2 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

She was entitled and lost in news silo that keeps people like her misinformed. 

The young ones have pegged some boomers (anyone older than 30 - sorry millennials) quite accurately. They know the silver tsunami is going to fuck up their world and they will be expected to change diapers. Best to make friends with them since they will be the ones making your later years pleasant - or not. 

Ok this has got to be a bot spouting out word salad. I’m parachuting out. 

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

Guess you didn’t get the reference. 

Bridges, not dueling. Some of these voters turn on a dime. Her sympathy for Biden may be an entry into a message that resonates with her.

And yes - the ground game still matters. More people are needed - especially in the lead up to November. No matter who is the Nominee. 

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, washparkhorn said:

Not a doctor and I don't know. I am not sure he has been tested for cognitive decline, which would be a first step. From a political standpoint only, asking not to test for cognitive impairment gives him plausible deniability. If there is medication available that would help, he needs to get that on board ASAP for this run and for him personally.

I spoke with a soft-Trump supporter yesterday who literally cried when she told me she was watching her news programs and saw Biden. She hoped Trump would not make fun of him and she brought up Trump making fun of the disabled reporter. I asked whether she would vote for Biden rather than Trump if he made fun of Biden and she said no way - "he shouldn't be near the nuclear codes."  I asked if Biden had a strong VP - would that change her mind? She said no - she knew too many people who lingered a long time with the "dementia" and he was just too grave a risk for the country. 

Did that supporter have dementia, by chance?

Edited by ChiTownDoc
See JJ had the same question. At the very least that person has mild cognitive impairment.
On 3/7/2020 at 4:23 PM, JustBecause said:

Nope.  Just know that everyone’s shit stinks. 

No one’s shit smells worse than Trump’s.  Hell, he’s in the habitat now of , literally, shitting his fat orange pants in public.

Keep sucking you little orange maga fuhrer  cock.

44 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

No one’s shit smells worse than Trump’s.  Hell, he’s in the habitat now of , literally, shitting his fat orange pants in public.

Keep sucking you little orange maga fuhrer  cock.

Stay classy. 

Posted (edited)

Biden & Blaze 2020

Truth.  Transparency.  Tits.  


that was some weaksauce shit for the Trump campaign to edit his video like that.  I'm curious which version FoxNews is running (serious question since they also broadcasted the original clip before the campaign got ahold of it).  They are treading on dangerous ground considering the non-edited videos they can play of the President seemingly reprising his classic role from the Mask & Whit Theater Troupe at Penn, "The Misadventures of Little Miss Bells-Palsy."  

Edited by Lobo

Since Joe's digital director is going after Bernie's wife on Twitter...

In the weeks since the raid, two small medical firms that did business with James Biden have claimed in civil court proceedings to have obtained evidence that he may have fraudulently transferred funds from Americore “outside of the ordinary course of business,” and a former Americore executive has told POLITICO that James Biden had more than half a million dollars transferred to him from the firm as a personal loan that has not yet been repaid.


In 2017 and 2018, James Biden was embarking on a foray into health care investing, telling potential partners, including at Americore, that his last name could open doors and that Joe Biden was excited about the public policy implications of their business models, according to court filings and interviews with James' former business contacts.

Tom Pritchard, a former Americore executive familiar with the business' finances, told POLITICO that James Biden’s arrival exacerbated Americore’s financial problems. Holding out the promise of a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections, James Biden introduced Americore’s founder to his older brother and helped land a bridge loan to Americore from a hedge fund, Pritchard said. But then, Pritchard said, James Biden received a six-figure personal loan out of Americore’s coffers while encouraging the firm to take on greater financial liabilities. The cash infusion from the Middle East never arrived, and, Pritchard says, James Biden has not paid back the loan, the terms of which are unknown

Good job, Democrats. You nailed it!

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A guy the Bernie campaign fired last year went on YouTube and was using Biden's phonebanking to call voters as if he were a Biden supporter but really 

Jane liked a video the guy made in January, so Joe's digital director called her out for liking that video in January.

Also, I went through the thing and I don't see where Orfalea actually tells anyone on the phone that Joe has dementia. I think Rob is even lying about that part, as well.


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