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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

if you can't tell the difference then maybe you're part of the problem.

Yeah, drive by comments like that are half the problem these days. On one hand, we have the president calling the owner of a team (remember, teams mostly play in taxpayer funded stadiums and/or have taxpayer funded sweetheart deals) and telling him to tell his buddies to get rid of anyone that kneels. On the other we have Roseanne, butcherer of the National Anthem, comparing a private citizen, who I think has pretty much stayed out of the news the past year and a half, to an ape and then "apologizing" and saying she didn't know muslims were a race.


The 2 cases aren't even close.

Edited by relapse98
1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

lol well put

Nice to see you again, Sugar!

59 minutes ago, Tuco said:

Sure.  I agree they should be shamed.  I disagree that's the end of it.  

It may be time to acknowledge that what we (as a society) have been doing for the last few decades is merely driving the racist shit back behind the curtain.  We aren't actually dealing with it.  It's accumulating.  And, with the power of internet, the idiots behind the curtain can build connections and validate their positions.  Normal folks watch network TV and feel good that racism has been eradicated.  The racists watch network TV and stew about the totalitarian state oppressing their views.  And both situations are troubling.  Then a guy like Trump comes along, sends dog whistles to racists while the normals have no idea why it should be a problem. 

I don't know what the best answer is.  But certainly it's worth acknowledging the unintended consequences. 

But none of that has much to do with my first point.  I wish the normal cycle with Roseanne had a chance to play out without her saying racist shit that gets her pulled off the air.  When that second shoe drops, it will be some weird ass interview that few will pay attention to.

I think the bolded part is wrong. The Republicans have spent the past 30+ years nurturing the racists with dog whistles. Trump made the racism explicit. He wouldn't have been able to do that without the 30+ years of work the Republicans had put in to make it possible. Trump did what he always does, he slapped his name on something someone else built and promoted the hell out of it.

Not only do the explicit racists need to be completely shunned from society, but the social culture that tolerated the dog whistles that nurtured the hidden racism needs to be eradicated.

  • Like 5
11 minutes ago, Lat22 said:

So the NFL shouldn’t have fired Kapernick for freedom of speech but it’s OK when ABC fires Roseanne? Got it.

Were you upset when Kapernick lost his job for his peaceful protest? 


Fox News is disgustingly racist. As are all the Trump supporters. As is Trump. What a foul brood of vile individuals.

10 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

if you can't tell the difference then maybe you're part of the problem.

Lat22 is a known racist on UT boards.  

He’s just asking questions that cement his reputation. 

  • Like 2

Valerie Jarrett's position has been filled by Stephen Miller and the Kush. An impeccably accomplished woman replaced by a berserk little twerp and an incompetent brat son of a federal convict.


What's that LBJ quote again?

“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it,” he said. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Dr. Teeth said:

You have to fight it with their own medicine. I think shaming them and basically making sure they have no seat at the table is the most important thing.

We have been too kind to them. NY Times writes think pieces about how they should be listened to and not mocked. The problem is if you don't mock them, then they continue to think they have free reign to spout hate. The media then forgives them more by calling it "economic anxieties". The people they should be protecting aren't the ones that are spouting this shit. The issue is that the true deplorables decided to use these keywords to win an election. They used those keywords to force the media to amplify their voices. Call racists what they are and don't let them change the discussion. Unless their opponents are as relentless as they are, they will CONTINUE TO WIN.

eh i see some cause and effect type stuff

i think the 'media' is giving everyone a voice because our government hasn't. and even in media i don't think people are truly being forced to listen to each other. we just read/listen to what we want

i'd rather have a 5 party system with a proper televised debate and let rosanne have her chance to shine. bring the fringes of society to the table and let them have it out. i side with Tuco in that regard. don't let em fester or they just get more illogical by the day. 

14 minutes ago, Lat22 said:

So the NFL shouldn’t have fired Kapernick for freedom of speech but it’s OK when ABC fires Roseanne? Got it.

Of course, freedom of speech doesn't give you freedom from repercussions. I think everybody knows that here.

Those repercussions are also subject to opinion on the merit, or lack thereof, of the punishment.

Most people have no problem with Roseanne being punished for her actions. Some will take issue with it.

Some people have no problem with Kapernick being punished for her actions. Most will take issue with it.

As you likely well know, your post is ridiculous in that people are not arguing for/against based on the merits of freedom of speech. They are arguing on whether the repercussions fit the crime.

Does protesting police violence against blacks, or any race, warrant losing your job and getting black-balled from the NFL? Nope, but the NFL is certainly free to do so, subject to scrutiny.

Does comparing a woman to a monkey warrant losing your tv show? Yes, but ABC is certainly free to do so, subject to scrutiny.

Where do you disagree?


My Question is if evolution "scientist" are telling us we came from apes and we share a very high percentage of DNA with Apes then how is it racist she said VJ is an offspring of an ape?

"just asking questions"

Posted (edited)

Are people in the public eye ever going to realize the terrible risk they are taking by being on Twitter?  I'm not talking about the nuts like Roseanne, but all it takes is one bad joke or drunk tweet to ruin your career.  It's a really, really bad idea.

Edited by kevwun

so far, this is my favorite reply:

PMC2012 said:
I find it interesting that liberals push evolution as science... saying we all came from monkeys and apes but it's racist to say a person looks like or resembles a monkey or ape.
Macarthur said:
Um, yes, it is. 

Absolutely incredible that this board doesn't see the racial tone to this. Of course, this board is tone deaf so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Please explain how it is racist and NOT inconsistent with the "theory" of evolution?

I personally don't believe in evolution so I can say that could be racist because I believe ones value is determined by be a creation of God. But if someone believes in evolution and we came from monkeys how can they argue saying someone looks like what they came from is racist? Further more aren't all races evolutionary by products from apes? Why then would a black person have racial protections against being compared to one if a white person being compared to an ape isn't considered racist?

Either they (liberals) have to disavow evolution and then can claim an ape comparison is racist OR realize an ape comparison is inline with their scientific beliefs. They can't have it both ways. 

Now for clarification I do not think that comparison should be made. But I say that on the grounds that we did NOT evolve from apes. That we are ALL God's creations from Adam who was made from dirt and not a monkey. Therefore I find such comparison as demeaning and inconsistent with moral behavior.


7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Pretty cool of Roseanne to fuck it all up for everyone else trying to make a career of it so she can be racist on Twitter. Good work.

Yep, a whole bunch of people are now unemployed. People who work on lighting, set design, makeup, logistics, catering etc and are pretty much living paycheck to paycheck. 


For the record for the aggy question above. Humans are apes. We are genetically closer to gorillas and chimpanzees than any of us are to orangutans.

That is a scientific definition that doesn't soften the racial connotations of referring to a black person as an ape. 

Posted (edited)

Yes, Roseanne was alluding to the theory of evolution when she referenced "Planet of the Apes".  Right.

Anyone who doesn't see that tweet as 100% racist needs a fucking lobotomy.

Edited by jimmyjazz
Not aimed at you, Pods.
Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Pods said:

For the record for the aggy question above. Humans are apes. We are genetically closer to gorillas and chimpanzees than any of us are to orangutans.

That is a scientific definition that doesn't soften the racial connotations of referring to a black person as an ape. 


Edited by JBJ
Terrible joke
Just now, JBJ said:

Pods, I generally respect your posts, but this really exposes your hatred of prehensile tails.

Prehensile tails are the shit until you go to lay back on a recliner. 

8 minutes ago, kevwun said:

Ha, one of the texags idiots is sure that Obama and/or Clinton personally called ABC to have the show cancelled.

Yet they have no problem with an in-power president threatening governmental reprisal to compel the NFL into punishing an exercise of free speech by its employees.  One is fantasy, the other is reality.  One is private action, the other involves the head of state invoking government resources.  This is where we are right now. 

16 minutes ago, Pods said:

For the record for the aggy question above. Humans are apes. We are genetically closer to gorillas and chimpanzees than any of us are to orangutans.

Except for Trump. 

24 minutes ago, Pods said:

Yep, a whole bunch of people are now unemployed. People who work on lighting, set design, makeup, logistics, catering etc and are pretty much living paycheck to paycheck. 

Aside from the horrible actors that haven't had a job since the original the rest of the "crew" will be fine. They will be on to another project, it's the nature of the beast. 

1 minute ago, JimmyHoffa said:

Aside from the horrible actors that haven't had a job since the original the rest of the "crew" will be fine. They will be on to another project, it's the nature of the beast. 

Not necessarily. I have a bunch of friends that work on film crews. I've heard lots of stories from them and their friends. It's a really rough business. They are underpaid and overworked unless they are union and that's really hard to break into. Lots of shows don't make it and they're off for a good stretch. 

When they finally get a gig like a Rosanne reboot, they feel safe for a bit, because the show is probably going to get renewed. This is a real kick in the nuts for them. 

Just now, Pods said:

Not necessarily. I have a bunch of friends that work on film crews. I've heard lots of stories from them and their friends. It's a really rough business. They are underpaid and overworked unless they are union and that's really hard to break into. Lots of shows don't make it and they're off for a good stretch. 

When they finally get a gig like a Rosanne reboot, they feel safe for a bit, because the show is probably going to get renewed. This is a real kick in the nuts for them. 



The transformation of her TV character pretty much sums up what's happening with the boomers in places like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsyltucky.

Thirty years ago they were racist, blue collar, lower middle-class democrat voting dumbasses.  Today they are racist, blue collar, lower class republican voting dumbasses.

  • Like 1

One thing I will give Trump credit for, making the racists feel safe to come out.  Which is a good thing.  Now at least it's not a dog whistle and pretending NOT to be racist.  It's full on racist.  You know who's who.

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:

Aside from the horrible actors that haven't had a job since the original the rest of the "crew" will be fine. They will be on to another project, it's the nature of the beast. 

Yeah i was kind of surprised the chick from Shameless was even on Rosanne.  She and Goodman will be fine, but the others were already done

39 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

so far, this is my favorite reply:


It really is a nice summation of your alt-righter, dumb, racist, aggie, close-minded all wrapped in an American flag and shielded by the bible. 

43 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

jesus f christ, take a look at that thread. they know they are all racist together, so they don't even bother with the dog whistle code. trump's america, people.

Texags lamenting the fact that if you call a black person an ape you are somehow labeled a “racist.”

Sucks having an aggy president but those dumbasses on texags are a good window into why our current president is a complete piece of shit. 

Guest Lobo

Wasn't "Planet of the Apes" supposed to be some kinda racial metaphor?  And no, I don't condone Roseanne, I don't watch the show, I don't watch ABC, I'm not on twitter, and I'm not a Disney shareholder.  Because I'm an adult with shit to do.

1 hour ago, Lat22 said:

So the NFL shouldn’t have fired Kapernick for freedom of speech but it’s OK when ABC fires Roseanne? Got it.

Not a free speech issue. Shoot yourself in the dick, idiot.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, R2D2 said:

Fox News is disgustingly racist. As are all the Trump supporters. As is Trump. What a foul brood of vile individuals.

it's a big chunk of America. What does that say about this culture?

1 minute ago, SimonBolivar said:

You know I make a lot of Aggie jokes, but I'm honestly surprised at their overt racism. Sickening stuff.

I'm not.  Their students on their campus were telling a group of visiting black high school students to "go back where you came from" just a year or two ago.  While wearing dixie flag earrings.  This is always who they've been.

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