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Posted (edited)

IDF sniper shot this 16 yo girl in the head at the Gaza border protest. She died a few hours later. Huge threat right? Your tax dollars at work 


In other events, Israel, a beacon of democracy and freedom has their army escort the settler fanatics on riots against Arab villages. The IDF protects the vandals, Arabs dare not come outside or they will be shot as terrorists.  Nice trick. 


March 19, go to 1:02, the settler is destroying a telephone junction box . After the Jewish vandals have their fun, the IDF tells to leave, but only after the fanatics set fire to the Palestinian orchard 

edit: i just noticed that one of the fanatics ^ is wearing the olive pants of the IDF.. didn't put much thought into disguising his identity. 

edit 2 : also notice the US AID sign in the back.. ironically, the IDF is destroying property paid by US tax dollars!  

Edited by NowThis
18 minutes ago, Chrispy said:


Gaza Militants fired 200 rockets. I thought they just threw rocks, interesting. 




the Arabs have a right to attack their oppressor. We should all support the Gaza militants, who are defending their populations against Israeli brutality. To say that the Arabs don't have a right to fire upon Jews is racism. 

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19 minutes ago, NowThis said:

the Arabs have a right to attack their oppressor. We should all support the Gaza militants, who are defending their populations against Israeli brutality. To say that the Arabs don't have a right to fire upon Jews is racism. 

Thankfully you’re in the lunatic fringe. 

27 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

Thankfully you’re in the lunatic fringe. 

no, you are in the white supremacist majority, a big problem. 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Chrispy said:

Thankfully you’re in the lunatic fringe. 

Do you really think people can’t catch on to this assert-the-opposite routine?

24 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

Do you really think people can’t catch on to this assert-the-opposite routine?

My opinion of this topic is in the majority. Process this information however you deem appropriate. 

4 hours ago, Chrispy said:

My opinion of this topic is in the majority. Process this information however you deem appropriate. 


What majority are you claiming to represent?


“Protester”?   I’m sure she was just standing there waving a flag peacefully.  The Palestinians made their bed.  They have to lay in it.  

Hamas “protesters” at the border are chunking rocks at the heads of soldiers and throwing fire bombs.  They get shot for doing it.  Hamas loves the political value of that.  

If Israel wanted to, they could kill every Arab in Gaza.  They don’t. Despite rockets being fired at them by the elected government.  They show remarkable restraint. 

  • Like 1
29 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

“Protester”?   I’m sure she was just standing there waving a flag peacefully.  The Palestinians made their bed.  They have to lay in it.  

Hamas “protesters” at the border are chunking rocks at the heads of soldiers and throwing fire bombs.  They get shot for doing it.  Hamas loves the political value of that.  

If Israel wanted to, they could kill every Arab in Gaza.  They don’t. Despite rockets being fired at them by the elected government.  They show remarkable restraint. 

no, shooting civilians is crowd control, meant to terrorize them to go away.  Many videos show people just being shot who are doing nothing (see upthread). 

I love the part about "restraint" lol.. they only killed 350 people when they could have murdered everyone! How sensitive! 


Israel : rouge Israeli destroys a phone booth and burns a farm 

Palestine - Shoots 450 rockets at Jewish civilians.

But yea, we who support Israel and the the right of Jewish people to live are the supremacists and bad guys. 

1 hour ago, Enchubben said:

Israel : rouge Israeli destroys a phone booth and burns a farm 

Palestine - Shoots 450 rockets at Jewish civilians.

But yea, we who support Israel and the the right of Jewish people to live are the supremacists and bad guys. 

Not only that, but does anyone seriously/rationally think that even if the US somehow helped secure Palestinian sovereignty, that the Palestinians wouldn't turn on the US, probably with a vengeance? The Palestinians have killed their own and then blamed Israel. That is fucked up. 

There is value in protecting human life (something both sides of this conflict seem to miss at times). 



Lol CNN is just so incredibly bad at their job: 

Palestinians shoot rockets at Israel, one misfires and kills a Palestinian toddler and pregnant mother in Gaza and this is the title.

1 hour ago, Asithappens said:

Not only that, but does anyone seriously/rationally think that even if the US somehow helped secure Palestinian sovereignty, that the Palestinians wouldn't turn on the US, probably with a vengeance? The Palestinians have killed their own and then blamed Israel. That is fucked up. 

There is value in protecting human life (something both sides of this conflict seem to miss at times). 


they've had 70 years to kill Americans, but aside for 1 or 2 incidents, it's been nothing. In fact, American civilians are treated well when they get into Palestinian Arab areas. 

For example, here is an elderly American man meeting the head of Hamas in Gaza 2010.  



kind of cool to see US Secret Service mix with Hamas. 

3 hours ago, Enchubben said:

Israel : rouge Israeli destroys a phone booth and burns a farm 

Palestine - Shoots 450 rockets at Jewish civilians.

But yea, we who support Israel and the the right of Jewish people to live are the supremacists and bad guys. 

they have chopped down thousands of trees in the last few years, demolished hundreds of homes, many schools, cut off the water supply, imprisoned thousands, many without trial.  

There is a reason for the rockets, and they are justified against this military dictatorship which most Americans support because Arabs are the enemy, the vermin, see 9/11 , Iraq War.  

Did i mention the 350 unarmed protestors murdered by IDF snipers (who are among the best in the world).  To say the Arabs cannot fire upon Jews is racism. but but democracy! Holocaust! lolz. 

41 minutes ago, NowThis said:

they've had 70 years to kill Americans, but aside for 1 or 2 incidents, it's been nothing. In fact, American civilians are treated well when they get into Palestinian Arab areas. 

For example, here is an elderly American man meeting the head of Hamas in Gaza 2010.  



kind of cool to see US Secret Service mix with Hamas. 

You ever been there?  I have.  Many times.  Had rocks thrown at us at Hebron on multiple occasions.  We were minding our own business.  Guess which side?

3 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

You ever been there?  I have.  Many times.  Had rocks thrown at us at Hebron on multiple occasions.  We were minding our own business.  Guess which side?

You poor thing. Nothing like that has ever happened to a Palestinian at the hands of the IDF.

6 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

You ever been there?  I have.  Many times.  Had rocks thrown at us at Hebron on multiple occasions.  We were minding our own business.  Guess which side?

they knew your posting history. Bravo to them. 


Let's all use this time to remember a highly ironic historical fact: the modern state of Israel was founded, in part, because of the actions of literal terrorists, one of whom actually served as prime minster.


37 minutes ago, NowThis said:

they have chopped down thousands of trees in the last few years, demolished hundreds of homes, many schools, cut off the water supply, imprisoned thousands, many without trial.  

There is a reason for the rockets, and they are justified against this military dictatorship which most Americans support because Arabs are the enemy, the vermin, see 9/11 , Iraq War.  

Did i mention the 350 unarmed protestors murdered by IDF snipers (who are among the best in the world).  To say the Arabs cannot fire upon Jews is racism. but but democracy! Holocaust! lolz. 

Israel left Gaza.  No open air prison.  Then those fucksticks elected Hamas, who starred shooting rockets into Israel.  Israel then shuts down its part of the border.  Egypt does same.  Those were in response to attacks.  Israel has a right to defend itself.  

And yes, when you’re at war with someone and their citizens approach the border throwing rocks and fire bombs at your soldiers, you’re going to get your dumbass shot.  In other words:


25 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

Israel left Gaza.  No open air prison.  Then those fucksticks elected Hamas, who starred shooting rockets into Israel.  Israel then shuts down its part of the border.  Egypt does same.  Those were in response to attacks.  Israel has a right to defend itself.  

And yes, when you’re at war with someone and their citizens approach the border throwing rocks and fire bombs at your soldiers, you’re going to get your dumbass shot.  In other words:


except they are randomly shooting everyone, rocks or not, as standard procedure for crowd control . In addition to 350 murdered in cold blood, about 7000 have been wounded many had legs amputated.  You see, Israel is a military dictatorship, with no moral right to claim self defense.  

3 minutes ago, NowThis said:

except they are randomly shooting everyone, rocks or not, as standard procedure for crowd control . In addition to 350 murdered in cold blood, about 7000 have been wounded many had legs amputated.  You see, Israel is a military dictatorship, with no moral right to claim self defense.  

Israel has free and fair elections. Gaza is a neighbor that elected Hamas. Who attacks Israel.  Israel has the moral right to defend itself.  

Stop fucking with them and there would be peace.  Just like they have peace with Jordan and Egypt.  

5 minutes ago, NowThis said:

except they are randomly shooting everyone, rocks or not, as standard procedure for crowd control . In addition to 350 murdered in cold blood, about 7000 have been wounded many had legs amputated.  You see, Israel is a military dictatorship, with no moral right to claim self defense.  

And bullshit they aren’t random shooting.  They are shooting at people who are throwing rocks and fire bombs at them.  Get that propaganda out of here. 

13 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

And bullshit they aren’t random shooting.  They are shooting at people who are throwing rocks and fire bombs at them.  Get that propaganda out of here. 

nope, this is standard crowd control procedure. Lots of women have been hit and killed including a medic shot in the back at about 30 meters.  One man, with no legs, shot in the head at close range too.  9 Medics were shot in consecutive days. Do you think medics were throwing fire bombs? lolz. 

16 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

Israel has free and fair elections. Gaza is a neighbor that elected Hamas. Who attacks Israel.  Israel has the moral right to defend itself.  

Stop fucking with them and there would be peace.  Just like they have peace with Jordan and Egypt.  

Israel is a military dictatorship on the Palestinian people, hence they have no moral right to anything. 

  • Like 1
31 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

Israel has free and fair elections. Gaza is a neighbor that elected Hamas. Who attacks Israel.  Israel has the moral right to defend itself.  

Stop fucking with them and there would be peace.  Just like they have peace with Jordan and Egypt.  

When do the free and fair elections in the West Bank take place?

1 hour ago, NowThis said:

nope, this is standard crowd control procedure. Lots of women have been hit and killed including a medic shot in the back at about 30 meters.  One man, with no legs, shot in the head at close range too.  9 Medics were shot in consecutive days. Do you think medics were throwing fire bombs? lolz. 

Probably hard to tell when so many of the hamas members approaching the border are shooting at israeli forces defending their border.  Maybe approaching the Israeli fence to throw rocks and shoot at soldiers isn’t the best idea.

The last pro Palestinian article I saw accused 4 Israelis of killing an innocent Palestinian.  Turned out it was a Hamas terrorist was trying to stab Israeli soldiers.  It’s not like Israel is indiscriminately shooting hundreds of rockets into civilian neighborhoods.

Maybe the medics aren’t actually medics and the innocent women and children protesting at the fence aren’t exactly  innocent women and children.


They had their chance.  But instead tried to push Israel in the sea.  They are living with their bad decision.  

They had another chance with the deal Clinton brokered.  And fucked that up too.  

Maybe they will get another chance one day.  Not much reason for optimism with any Muslim country in the Middle East.  Bunch of backward shit holes.  

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, HenryJames said:


'This is our land. God says so. We may have to tolerate them in our land for a while, even pretend they have a sovereign state if necessary. Got to play it smart. But whether it takes 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 years...ultimately this land will be ours and they will be gone. It's God's will and therefore it's moral. Any injustice is moral if it's God's will.'

11 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

'This is our land. God says so. We may have to tolerate them in our land for a while, even pretend they have a sovereign state if necessary. Got to play it smart. But whether it takes 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 years...ultimately this land will be ours and they will be gone. It's God's will and therefore it's moral. Any injustice is moral if it's God's will.'

You ever bitch and moan about all the Jews getting ethnically cleansed from all the Arab countries in the Middle East?

39 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

You ever bitch and moan about all the Jews getting ethnically cleansed from all the Arab countries in the Middle East?

that was after the creation of Israel. They were seen as spies, and some did in fact become spies. Nevertheless, that too was a tragedy but set in motion by zionism. 

On 5/4/2019 at 1:50 PM, NowThis said:

IDF sniper shot this 16 yo girl in the head at the Gaza border protest. She died a few hours later. Huge threat right? Your tax dollars at work 




I can find no information on any 16 year old girl being by the IDF. I searched on the picture itself and still nothing. I can't even get a name. Can you provide the source of this information?

Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, NowThis said:

that was after the creation of Israel. They were seen as spies, and some did in fact become spies. Nevertheless, that too was a tragedy but set in motion by zionism. 

So it's OK to genocide jews because they're Jewish?  It's the Jews who are to blame for being genocided? You are a sick fuck man.

Edited by Thetexashammer
1 hour ago, Thetexashammer said:

So it's OK to genocide jews because they're Jewish?  It's the Jews who are to blame for being genocided? You are a sick fuck man.

it's not because they are Jewish. Besides, wtf are you talking about? 

2 hours ago, NowThis said:

that was after the creation of Israel. They were seen as spies, and some did in fact become spies. Nevertheless, that too was a tragedy but set in motion by zionism. 

I’m sure they were seen as spies.  By the same group of goat fuckers convinced the Mossad did 9-11.  You can convince those ignorant imbeciles whatever you want.  

1 minute ago, Johnny Sack said:

I’m sure they were seen as spies.  By the same group of goat fuckers convinced the Mossad did 9-11.  You can convince those ignorant imbeciles whatever you want.  


The Jewish Spies Who Posed as Arabs

Called the “Ones Who Become Like Arabs,” they were Arab-born Jews put to work as spies and saboteurs in enemy territory. Theirs was a haunting task, where the simplest act could escalate into disaster.

47 minutes ago, NowThis said:


The Jewish Spies Who Posed as Arabs

Called the “Ones Who Become Like Arabs,” they were Arab-born Jews put to work as spies and saboteurs in enemy territory. Theirs was a haunting task, where the simplest act could escalate into disaster.

so how much of the Jewish population over the last 50-70 years that is now not in the Arab countries fit this "spies" description?

5 minutes ago, zork said:

so how much of the Jewish population over the last 50-70 years that is now not in the Arab countries fit this "spies" description?

You see that’s okay.  Genocide and ethnic cleansing of Jews from damn near every Arab country is just fine to the modern left. But Israel keeping land it gained in a war it didn’t start is pure evil.  

Israel should continue to do what it does.  The restraint they exercise is admirable.  Never again. 

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

You see that’s okay.  Genocide and ethnic cleansing of Jews from damn near every Arab country is just fine to the modern left. But Israel keeping land it gained in a war it didn’t start is pure evil.  

Israel should continue to do what it does.  The restraint they exercise is admirable.  Never again. 

It does seem like the Palestinian deal they will be able to make at any given time does seem to get worse and worse.  Maybe not hitching their wagon to HAMAS might prove more successful for them?  Or to whomever is supplying the rockets to the people shooting them into Israel?  Maybe the spy-like, sneaky, Israelis are shooting rockets into Israel themselves to justify continually taking even more land back around Israel proper? (/sarc if you couldn't tell)

Edited by zork
  • Like 1
41 minutes ago, zork said:

so how much of the Jewish population over the last 50-70 years that is now not in the Arab countries fit this "spies" description?

similar to the Jap internment in WW2 which you won't condemn.  Personally, I wish they hadn't kicked out the Arab Jews, times were in a state of paranoia. I want the Arab Jews to go back to their home nations. Sound good? 

Israel is supposed to be better than the military junta Arab regimes. Clearly it's not, so this farce about human rights and democracy needs to be exposed and dealt with. 

5 minutes ago, NowThis said:

similar to the Jap internment in WW2 which you won't condemn.  Personally, I wish they hadn't kicked out the Arab Jews, times were in a state of paranoia. I want the Arab Jews to go back to their home nations. Sound good? 

Israel is supposed to be better than the military junta Arab regimes. Clearly it's not, so this farce about human rights and democracy needs to be exposed and dealt with. 

I don't believe Israel is saying they are a democracy for everyone in the region, only for the people they are allowing to vote.  While it might not be the best system, it is the system they are and have been operating for some time as far as I know.  

I don't know the answer to this:  Have the voting laws changed markedly in the past 3-5 years wrt Arabs voting in Israeli elections?  When did they change if they did change to restrict Arabs recently as opposed to the restrictions that might have been in place for X amount of years?

Israel gets a lot of leeway from me for sure.  While certainly not a paragon of virtue, they seem to be doing what is necessary for them to survive and respond to changes affecting them  given the region they are surrounded by in my opinion.(which is just a layman opinion)  Constant war might tend to make people warlike and able to accept things that peacetime people would not?

I bet they regret giving Gaza back and don't surrender a single acre more unless it is taken by force.


Israel isn't in a fight for survival, a common myth, and what they are doing is for the sake of Jewish cultural right wing domination in oppressing the Palestinians. They have no desire to give the Pals autonomy whatsoever. So I give the Pals a pass and strongly favor violence against their oppressor, as all good people should. 

3 minutes ago, NowThis said:

Israel isn't in a fight for survival, a common myth, and what they are doing is for the sake of Jewish cultural right wing domination in oppressing the Palestinians. They have no desire to give the Pals autonomy whatsoever. So I give the Pals a pass and strongly favor violence against their oppressor, as all good people should. 

Seems like the same strategy since at least the first intifada in '87.  Not working out so well for them.  


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