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So, I posted about this on another threat about a year ago, but my 7yo tested as ridiculously smart in most categories, but also borderline ADD.  They said normally this wouldn't be an issue, but due to her intelligence, it is.  Was recommended some ADHD coaching/therapy.  Left this in charge of my soon to be ex and we ended up at a place call the Peak Performance Institute.  They did a Quantitative EEG analysis that showed that basically her brain kind of misfires.  I researched it some and this thing seems largely legit.  The place that did her testing last year confirmed its legit.  It was also suggested we do Heart Rate Variability Training.  Again, original place said its a good idea.

Sooooo, they don't take insurance.  I've found one other place, Austin Biofeedback, that does this, but also doesn't take insurance.  We can file after the fact with insurance (BCBS for us), but the insurance wants to pre-approve and they've dragged their heals.  The new thing is they say they need something from Peak Performance Institute (which those people say they never have had to provide before).  Total cost of the therapy if we can't get anything covered is between $10k and $17k.  

So, anyone do this before?  I'm no doctor, but what they've said makes sense and I haven't found anyone calling total bullshit on it.  


We did it for my kid that has epilepsy. 

It seemed to help but not enough to justify the cost. It really does work well for some people. 

The lady we went to was the wife of my boss at the time. I’ll reach out to her and see if she’s still doIng it, she may be lower cost than the others. 


Doing this right now with my 6 YO son.  Not sure he is as ridiculously smart as your prodigy but we're giving it a shot.

smart GIF

He goes 2 or 3 times per week for about an hour at a time.  He puts a little headband on and watches a movie (Airbud 3 was the most recent choice).  My understanding is if he loses 'focus' that the visual becomes blurry and it only becomes clear when he re-focuses.  I kind of picture the ESP scene from Ghostbusters. 



Honestly, no idea how effective it is or will end up being, but for us it was worth a shot.  Our program is more in the $3-5k range though. We are using a place called PeakBrain in Dallas.

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