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7 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

Ok, I'm going to say it because it is as annoying as Jim Jordan without a suitcoat type of deal. I think Liz needs to start adding nice bulky necklaces and better shoes to her outfits. She was wearing desert boot looking shoes. And I understand wanting to keep to shell blouses but add accessories or better jewelry. Even Broaches! It is starting to bug me a bit. She looks good because she is nice looking but come on, lady. 



When should we expect polling that will include the debate and its potential bump? Interested to see if it translated to anything. Also and word on a fundraising bump? I am constantly blasted with Bloomberg and Bernie commercials.

When should we expect polling that will include the debate and its potential bump? Interested to see if it translated to anything. Also and word on a fundraising bump? I am constantly blasted with Bloomberg and Bernie commercials.

Polling will be tough to tell. A decent poll takes a few days. Today was the first day a post debate sample could be taken. Nevada is Saturday, so any post debate polls will also partially have those results baked in, and 75k or however many voted before the debate. That doesn't bode well for Warren and could make a sustained bump difficult if she doesn't finish 2nd.

Fundraising, I forget the actual number but they definitely cashed in. I seent it around somewhere.
8 hours ago, gmr548 said:

Polling will be tough to tell. A decent poll takes a few days. Today was the first day a post debate sample could be taken. Nevada is Saturday, so any post debate polls will also partially have those results baked in, and 75k or however many voted before the debate. That doesn't bode well for Warren and could make a sustained bump difficult if she doesn't finish 2nd.

Fundraising, I forget the actual number but they definitely cashed in. I seent it around somewhere.

In addition, California started voting prior to the debate so that may also reduce her votes. The filing deadline for $$ was last night I believe and from here on in, the deadlines are monthly IIRC.


Warren lost me for a bit there, but every time I sit and decide who I’m in favor of, she keeps coming up first for me. I think she would be a fantastic president. I’m waiting for the Nevada results before I vote, but she’s my #1 so far. 

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18 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

Warren lost me for a bit there, but every time I sit and decide who I’m in favor of, she keeps coming up first for me. I think she would be a fantastic president. I’m waiting for the Nevada results before I vote, but she’s my #1 so far. 

I haven't voted yet for the same reason: Nevada. But I'm coming around to not caring about Nevada, mostly because any post-debate bump in favor of Warren won't show up. Most Nevadans had already voted by Wednesday night.

I guess it depends on your number 2. I'm looking for polling showing Liz approaching viability in Texas. If not, I might vote Bernie to help push him over.

3 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:


I guess I don't get the waiting to see what other states do.  I'm just voting my conscience and my conscience says Warren is far and away the best candidate.  I don't care what other people think.  My vote is for me and represents what I think is best.

I'm all kinds of split right now. I hate pundit brain and generally think people should just vote for their favorite rather than trying to game out how everything else might play out and who has more "electability" and all that shit, and Warren is my favorite. However, I'd enormously prefer Bernie over Bloomberg and if Bloomberg could mount a serious challenge then Bernie seems the better vote. That looks less likely today than it did a few days ago though, and a more successful Warren campaign, even if Bernie eventually gets the most delegates, is better for the left than Warren flaming out early.

Of course, that calculus dismisses the possibility that the DNC might try to ratfuck Bernie if Bernie has a solid lead in delegates but not a majority. I wish I could say they're not stupid enough to do that, but we're talking about the Democrats here so maybe Bernie really does need to get to a majority.

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18 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:


I guess I don't get the waiting to see what other states do.  I'm just voting my conscience and my conscience says Warren is far and away the best candidate.  I don't care what other people think.  My vote is for me and represents what I think is best.

Hear hear. When I step into the booth, it is me and my vote and I'm leaving the pundits and all that noise behind. This is the primary and I am voting for Liz Warren. I will unite with the Democratic Party after the dust settles, but until then, I'm voting for the candidate that I rank first.

  • Like 4
2 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Very cool of Warren to kneecap other candidates (including women and POC) in this primary for a whole year with bullshit purity tests before fully pivoting to embracing a Super Pac. 

It's about feminism now, dummy.

The men were all manspreading and mansplaining SuperPACs, so now Liz is reclaiming spaces and Leaning In.

identity politics in the hands of the inept/corrupt are so fucking painful




Warren has staked her entire fucking candidacy on "anti-corruption" and fundraising purity tests, and people want to give her a free pass for this heel turn. 

Proof that all her supporters who championed her purity test and shat all over any candidate that raised money in a way that wasn't agreeable to Elizabeth Warren are just as disingenuous as she is.

I'd vote for Klobuchar over Warren if I had the choice. At least Amy owns her shittiness. 


Posted (edited)

I dont know why you want to bitch about Warren allowing PACs to spend on her now that she was getting left behind by Pete and others in the fund raising. I mean Bernie has PACs helping him like the sunshine pac or whatever they are called and also his revolution movement that functions like one. That is cool and she needs to get with the program and get help. In my opinion, the longer she stays in, the harder for Bloomberg to gain traction. He has the money but he isnt talented like her. She is never going to play nice with him and that helps Bernie. Look, her or Bernie over Bloomberg. Even Amy and Pete are way better choices. 

Liz staying in the race helps Bernie. If she rubs you the wrong way then fine. Bernie Bros are so fucking bitchy even though you aint got the overies to hold Liz's water. Calm down and take some midol already. Liz isnt hurting Bernie at all.

Edited by burntorangebongos
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2 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

I dont know why you want to bitch about Warren allowing PACs to spend on her now that she was getting left behind by Pete and others in the fund raising. I mean Bernie has PACs helping him like the sunshine pac or whatever they are called and also his revolution movement that functions like one. That is cool and she needs to get with the program and get help. In my opinion, the longer she stays in, the harder for Bloomberg to gain traction. He has the money but he isnt talented like her. She is never going to play nice with him and that helps Bernie. Look, her or Bernie over Bloomberg. Even Amy and Pete are way better choices. 

Liz staying in the race helps Bernie. If she rubs you the wrong way then fine. Bernie Bros are so fucking bitchy even though you aint got the overies to hold Liz water. Calm down and take some midol already. Liz isnt hurting Bernie at all.

 - I'm a Pete supporter. Bernie is my # 2.  And Pete is struggling with fundraising as well. 

- She constantly complained abut a wine cave fundraiser implying Pete is corrupt. Then the incessant soap box preaching about never taking Super PAC money and disavowing it and requiring that all candidates disavow them as well. 

- She kneecapped candidates like Booker, Kamala, Gillibrand, and Beto with her fundraising purity tests. 

- No one has flip-flopped more on fundraising than Elizabeth Warren. She sucks. 


10 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

I dont know why you want to bitch about Warren allowing PACs to spend on her now that she was getting left behind by Pete and others in the fund raising. I mean Bernie has PACs helping him like the sunshine pac or whatever they are called and also his revolution movement that functions like one. That is cool and she needs to get with the program and get help. In my opinion, the longer she stays in, the harder for Bloomberg to gain traction. He has the money but he isnt talented like her. She is never going to play nice with him and that helps Bernie. Look, her or Bernie over Bloomberg. Even Amy and Pete are way better choices. 

Liz staying in the race helps Bernie. If she rubs you the wrong way then fine. Bernie Bros are so fucking bitchy even though you aint got the overies to hold Liz water. Calm down and take some midol already. Liz isnt hurting Bernie at all.

 - I'm a Pete supporter. Bernie is my # 2.  And Pete is struggling with fundraising as well. 

- She constantly complained abut a wine cave fundraiser implying Pete is corrupt. Then the incessant soap box preaching about never taking Super PAC money and disavowing it and requiring that all candidates disavow them as well. 

- She kneecapped candidates like Booker, Kamala, Gillibrand, and Beto with her fundraising purity tests. 

- No one has flip-flopped more on fundraising than Elizabeth Warren. She sucks. 


2 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

 - I'm a Pete supporter. Bernie is my # 2.  And Pete is struggling with fundraising as well. 

- She constantly complained abut a wine cave fundraiser implying Pete is corrupt. Then the incessant soap box preaching about never taking Super PAC money and disavowing it and requiring that all candidates disavow them as well. 

- She kneecapped candidates like Booker, Kamala, Gillibrand, and Beto with her fundraising purity tests. 

- No one has flip-flopped more on fundraising than Elizabeth Warren. She sucks. 


I wouldn't say she "flip-flopped."  She just did a massive flop.

In the final analysis, she's not a very good national politician.  She sticks to her principles until the realities of the election and national politics sink in and then she panders and deviates from her previously strongly held principles.

For the record, the conversation about campaign finance needs to happen.  Citizens United is not getting undone in our lifetime, nor are any other serious curbs on campaign financing.

The remedy is to talk about it.  


She has flip flopped. 

When she created her purity test pledge last year, she stated that it was "only for the primaries" and that she would be "all in" for any type of fundraising in the general. Then she changed her mind  and said she would continue her fundraising pledge in the GE. Here's an article about it: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/09/us/politics/elizabeth-warren-fundraising.html

Also one of her mega donors from her Senate days paid $100k to the DNC in April 2019 so she'd have access to the database.  https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rubycramer/elizabeth-warren-fundraising-dnc





Waa waa, Warren is a better fucking politician than those that dropped out? That is what you got against her? Okay.

I'm for one am glad she's got razor sharp teeth and a  D behind her name because that kind of talent and fight is going to be needed against Bloomberg and Trump. As far as I am concerned Bloomberg still has an R behind his name.

  • Like 2
Just now, burntorangebongos said:

Waa waa, Warren is a better fucking politician than those that dropped out? That is what you got against her? Okay.

Apparently she's just another typical politician willing to heel turn in order to preserve her own personal interests. 



Posted (edited)

Yikes. The shine is really off of her. Between that little run she went on that was like a month of her pandering and promising everything to everyone to this "it's only okay if I do it" thing, she's mostly exposed herself as someone who will do and say anything to get votes. This is the type of behavior you'd expect from a white girl who put "Native American" as her race to get ahead, of course.

It's all good though, she's got a bright future. Perhaps her focus groups will show her that she has an easier path to the presidency by running as a Republican in 2024, and she can switch back for that primary. Liz Warren - Native American Conservative Constitutionalist!

Edited by BradInATX
1 hour ago, burntorangebongos said:

I dont know why you want to bitch about Warren allowing PACs to spend on her now that she was getting left behind by Pete and others in the fund raising. I mean Bernie has PACs helping him like the sunshine pac or whatever they are called and also his revolution movement that functions like one. That is cool and she needs to get with the program and get help. In my opinion, the longer she stays in, the harder for Bloomberg to gain traction. He has the money but he isnt talented like her. She is never going to play nice with him and that helps Bernie. Look, her or Bernie over Bloomberg. Even Amy and Pete are way better choices. 

Liz staying in the race helps Bernie. If she rubs you the wrong way then fine. Bernie Bros are so fucking bitchy even though you aint got the overies to hold Liz's water. Calm down and take some midol already. Liz isnt hurting Bernie at all.

It's really quite amusing.


10 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

Yikes. The shine is really off of her. Between that little run she went on that was like a month of her pandering and promising everything to everyone to this "it's only okay if I do it" thing, she's mostly exposed herself as someone who will do and say anything to get votes. This is the type of behavior you'd expect from a white girl who put "Native American" as her race to get ahead, of course.

It's all good though, she's got a bright future. Perhaps her focus groups will show her that she has an easier path to the presidency by running as a Republican in 2024, and she can switch back for that primary. Liz Warren - Native American Conservative Constitutionalist!


Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:


She's full of shit and completely morally pliable based on what's good for her ambition at any given moment. That better?

Edited by BradInATX

Well, as long as you don't think she is unqualified or mentally unfit, I'm good. Her moral pliability would never make her a traitor or sell out the middle class. If she takes that no prisoner bitchiness to hold corporations accountable and shore up the middle class then I'll live with her kind of morals since it puts her in the same ilk as a lot of presidents who have done well by this country. I got no quarrel with your feels.

14 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

Well, as long as you don't think she is unqualified or mentally unfit, I'm good. Her moral pliability would never make her a traitor or sell out the middle class. If she takes that no prisoner bitchiness to hold corporations accountable and shore up the middle class then I'll live with her kind of morals since it puts her in the same ilk as a lot of presidents who have done well by this country. I got no quarrel with your feels.

Fair enough. 

And I think she'd probably be a pretty effective and good president. But it irks me that she tried to draft off of Bernie and attack everyone else from the left, and now that she's desperate and flailing she's attacking Bernie and doing the exact things she attacked other "shitlib" candidates for. It's a bad look imo.

12 minutes ago, horncyclist said:

She needs a strong second place in Nevada. I'm gonna start making calls for her today. Who else is in?


I let one of her TX campaign workers crash in my spare bedroom for a few days, which was a cool experience, but I'm ready to make calls as well. Do you know what the process is?

1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:

Just voted for her.  Feels good man, feels good.

Same here. Very excited to see how the Super Tuesday results shake out one way or another.

23 hours ago, BradInATX said:

She's full of shit and completely morally pliable based on what's good for her ambition at any given moment. That better?

Not any moreso than your average politician, really.

The big difference is that she was self-righteous about certain shit that she had to give on to stay in the race, namely campaign finance.

The pandering that she did or is doing is pretty inauthentic, but standard politician fare.

So those criticizing her self-righteousness turned out to have a point other than sexism.

I'm glad she made an issue of campaign finance sourcing.  It needs to stay a hot topic from here on out.

I was quite disappointed in her pandering, but she's still my favorite candidate.

I'll tell ya what, I've always wanted a Pres candidate to call for gubmint funding for sex-change operations for those poor souls in federal prison, and to have a trans teenager vet the future Sect'y of Education.
God Bless Elizabeth Warren. Where would we be without her? /sarcasm off
She's a brain dead fucking idiot. Bloomberg has the best chance of beating Trump. When will the Dems stop being the party of stupid? Probably never.

I tell ya what, I’ll run circles around you in just about any intellectual or professional success category you want to try.

-Signed one of those trannies conservatives love to hate and paint as some kind a freak outlier scourge on society.

There’s no such thing as normal. The view in your mirror shoulda told you.

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I tell you what, Liz gave me something to think about last night. Early last year I was about 70/30 Liz/Bernie. After Liz went on the attack against Bernie (which came off insincere and unnecessary to do in public), I swung over to about 70/30 Bernie/Liz. After last night I think I'm leaning 55/45 Bernie. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she hired some DNC/Hillary dopes that shifted her campaign to the wrong track. Her takedown of Bloomberg was a sight to behold, and reminded me how great a public speaker she is.

However, the one statement last night that gives me pause is that she called herself a staunch capitalist. With all the progressive ideals she espouses and all her "plans" she's put forth, if she truly believes she can be a true capitalist and a true progressive/liberal at the same time, I think that's a problem for me. I don't believe that capitalism and the type of social welfare programming she wants to do can co-exist, and the fact that she even calls herself that, tells me there's at least a chance that she'll get into office and take those meetings and those "compromises" with corporate America, who will only have one goal, dilute the plans that she's been running on all along. She was a republican before '95, and apparently switched over when she realized that republicans didn't represent working families,  but her capitalism statement tells me she still has some of that confusion in her, like she still doesn't see the big picture.

I’m a staunch capitalist and think her programs absolutely can co-exist. I don’t think confiscating company equity to give to employees is capitalist but that’s not her plan. The problem is marginal tax rates were lowered too low for too long and it has lead to insane wealth concentration. We have to restore regulated and well functioning capitalism. Access to education to cannot be a barrier to entry to be a part of the shrinking middle class and the cost of education can’t be a barrier to joining the upper middle class or even first generation wealth class. But it is.

Healthcare costs cannot be the stressor that keeps people up at night, causes erosion of wealth and bankruptcy or leads someone to stay in a job they hate.

The list of issues that need to be dealt with to make capitalism work is impressive but Liz’s plans are thorough and restorative not revolutionary.

I have no qualms with her plans and her statement she’s a capitalist.
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Just did 30 minutes of calls to California. Got 4 confirmed Warren votes and one lady voting for Buttigieg. Chatted with the Buttigieg voter for a bit who said Warren was too old. Anyway, feels good. Others should join.



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