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14 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

i'm not gonna sit here all afternoon arguing about something that's blatantly obvious. if my two posts had been made by literally anyone besides me then either blacklab or immamac would have come into the thread and said, "he's been warned. use the report post button if he doesn't it again." end of story. zero fuss.

but, because it was me, immamac had to start shit. end of story. there's no need for the insultingly disingenuous "why can't you just act like everybody else derka", when a)i did, and b)you immamac are the one who's gone way out of his way to treat me differently than everyone else. just stop. just do your regular job without any of the personal issues, just as you would have for literally anyone else. period. i'm done talking about this stupid shit.

No one besides you would make a bunch of posts wanting someone who isn't a troll to be banned. It's not like the basketball board is some paragon of measured discourse to begin with.

Yeah, the wall of text shit was troll-level. Besides that, who cares. It's one post. Everything else is just you getting personally offended. Just ignore the motherfucker. 

1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

actually how about you stop being such a giant fucking twat when it comes to me and do your goddamn job without being so dramatic about me every time. This entire is thread is full of people personally tagging you in matters like this and yet you literally never once have pulled this whiny twat stuff with any of them. Not once. This entire thread is also full you publicly responding to people to let them know that you've heard/acknowledged what they've said and taken action on it, yet when you don't respond to me at all and i simply follow up to see if it's being desktop it you AGAIN act like the faggoty twat that you are because you can't help yourself.

and third and finally, you have such a glaring, blatant track record of going way out of your way to fuck with me and bam me for for personal reasons, that it's absolutely laughable that you think you have right to bitch about me doing anything towards you. you lost that right before this site which is u fortunately your was even in existence. if this were still blacklab's site then could not in good conscience even let you deal with me you fucking penis wrinkle of a human being. you live for these interactions. i would bet that you purposely don't respond to my posts just so you can act like the twat that you are when i follow up asking if anything is being done:  you're one of the worst people on this site and have been forever. you also somehow have even thinner skin than i do, and literally nobody could stand you until you got your own website. you want me to do "what everyone else does"? then how about you start by responding to me and letting me know that you're looking into like you do for everyone else ya fuckin genius. 


But I'm the abusive "stalker"....lol ok

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

i'm not gonna sit here all afternoon arguing about something that's blatantly obvious. if my two posts had been made by literally anyone besides me then either blacklab or immamac would have come into the thread and said, "he's been warned. use the report post button if he doesn't it again." end of story. zero fuss.

but, because it was me, immamac had to start shit. end of story. there's no need for the insultingly disingenuous "why can't you just act like everybody else derka", when a)i did, and b)you immamac are the one who's gone way out of his way to treat me differently than everyone else. just stop. just do your regular job without any of the personal issues, just as you would have for literally anyone else. period. i'm done talking about this stupid shit.


Welcome back.  

7 hours ago, Continental Op said:

I am still confused as to why someone would continue to participate in a forum that frequently makes them this angry on a not infrequent basis.  



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On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 3:37 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:

Please please please pretty please with sugar on top. Go wash your sandy vagina, and quit whining about people coming after you. How do you not realize that you are the reason why you get trolled. You create the issue with posts like this ^^^^


Can't you just say fuck you, and move on like a normal human being ?

Do you know what year this is? It's the 15th anniversary of Derka whining on a message board. We should celebrate his Quinceanera. He's a woman now.

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20 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:

and what would constitute trolling? would it be like posting completely off-topic in a thread specifically to insult someone, and then topping it off with a dozen random pictures? 

This sounds like something a mole troll would say. What are you hiding?

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

and what would constitute trolling? would it be like posting completely off-topic in a thread specifically to insult someone, and then topping it off with a dozen random pictures? 

those aren't random pictures aggy boi.

  • Like 2
  • Haha 1
and what would constitute trolling? would it be like posting completely off-topic in a thread specifically to insult someone, and then topping it off with a dozen random pictures? 

PM Derka.
Posted (edited)

it's interesting how other people reporting trolls here = SOP, but me doing it = whining. even down to the numerous instances where posters have repeatedly tagged the site owner and asked him if he was following up on their issue. it isn't me who draws the attention towards my general direction.

nope, that continues to be the very people who whine about me seeking the attention that they routinely go out of their way to give me. and that's including/especially our thin skinned, childish site owner. you guys spend plenty of time talking about/obsessing over me without me even posting here but once in a blue moon, but hey, whatever you gotta tell yourselves to feel better about it. this is simply the new iteration of the people who hid out in SSS keeping a running conversation about everything i did while also whining about me and the attention i supposedly crave as i spend 90% of my time here confined to one board talking about one subject. but hey, kudos to you all for being so above the fray, unlike me. 


Edited by Goo Punch
it's interesting how other people reporting trolls here = SOP, but me doing it = whining. even down to the numerous instances where posters have repeatedly tagged the site owner and asked him if he was following up on their issue. it isn't me who draws the attention towards my general direction.
nope, that continues to be the very people who whine about me seeking the attention that they routinely go out of their way to give me. and that's including/especially our thin skinned, childish site owner. you guys spend plenty of time talking about/obsessing over me without me even posting here but once in a blue moon, but hey, whatever you gotta tell yourselves to feel better about it. this is simply the new iteration of the people who hid out in SSS keeping a running conversation about everything i did while also whining about me and the attention i supposedly crave as i spend 90% of my time here confined to one board talking about one subject. but hey, kudos to you all for being so above the fray, unlike me. 

It’s the children who wrong...for like a decade
Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Homercles said:


It’s the children who wrong...for like a decade


That's exactly right. Maybe not for a decade now, but for several years, and that's a fact. immamac goes out of his way to single me out for doing exactly what everyone else in this thread has done. I didn't provoke that. nor did i provoke him when he was locking my threads, banning me, and inventing stories about me to share on his podcast.

like ive said, i spend nearly all of my time on one board talking about one thing, and the overwhelming majority of posters who post on my regular subjects (hoops, baseball, and varsity) never have problems with me. at all. yet this same specific group of posters/site owners who don't ever even interact with me find themselves constantly talking/complaining about me, even when i'm not doing anything out of the ordinary, and often when i'm not even around. hence the SSS reference. I know that these facts mean nothing to you, but they're here for posterity if nothing else.

Edited by Goo Punch
Posted (edited)
On 3/8/2019 at 10:24 AM, Dr. Beeper said:

A. Most people have a problem with you. They may not say anything because they don’t want to poke the bear. 

B. Clearly you’re unhappy here. Go some place else. 

A. Unhappy mostly because he doesn't just let it go. He has very good takes on sports, but doesn't know how to not take it so personally.

B.  He's got as much right to be here as the next poster (guy with 371 posts).  He doesn't troll, he takes it waaaaay too seriously IMO, but Derkas a fixture here so STFU.

Edited by Onboard 2.0
  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Dr. Beeper said:

B. Clearly you’re unhappy here. Go some place else. 

so your advice is, let people who don't like you chase you off?

I agree that if you hate a site or a forum, you should avoid it. I don't post on or read the Politics board. But Goo clearly likes the basketball board, just not the trolling.

17 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:

so your advice is, let people who don't like you chase you off?

I agree that if you hate a site or a forum, you should avoid it. I don't post on or read the Politics board. But Goo clearly likes the basketball board, just not the trolling.

and the people who actually post in the same threads as me on hoops, varsity, and baseball generally like posting with me, and hate the trolling/callouts. y'all aren't the ones complaining about in the first place. 

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

If you have an issue with something repeatedly to the point you drone on and on and on about it at every manic episode, nobody is chasing you off; you’re running yourself ragged. And the idea that anyone is out to get Derka is preposterous. 

I’ve witnessed these meltdowns for a decade on two boards, OnBoard. I don’t recall Derka melting down on Hornfans. I do not care about post counts or fixture status in the eyes of a self-important poster (you). If Derka is a fixture, it’s a fixture in entertainment value, and that alone. 

it's simply bizarro world on this forum. do you hear how sensationalized everything you're saying is? can you be more specific about this supposed manic meltdown i'm having right now?  also, what constitutes "droning on and on" about something? i've made handful of posts in this forum over the last few days, probably fewer than even the average poster, and yet you're describing it as if i'm in here, well, "melting down" as you said. it's pretty strange to me that this is your perception of my recent posts. in fact i would describe it as "wildly inaccurate", and another great example of the hype you guys give me exceeding anything i actually say or do. 

Edited by Goo Punch
17 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

If you have an issue with something repeatedly to the point you drone on and on and on about it at every manic episode, nobody is chasing you off; you’re running yourself ragged. And the idea that anyone is out to get Derka is preposterous. 

I’ve witnessed these meltdowns for a decade on two boards, OnBoard. I don’t recall Derka melting down on Hornfans. I do not care about post counts or fixture status in the eyes of a self-important poster (you). If Derka is a fixture, it’s a fixture in entertainment value, and that alone. 

yadda yadda yadda ... self important ??  yadda yadda yadda ..........

Posted (edited)

here's the facts:

theres some poster who keeps creating a bunch of socks and then blatantly trolling a ton of threads, and for weeks i would come to this thread and see people posting about him and tagging immamac in those posts. when immamac would take days to reply they would continue to tag him to see that he had been notified and if he was able to do anything about it. routinely he would come back and say something to the effect of, "sorry guys, been super busy, he's a troll and i'm on top of it." he never told anyone to use the report button, and he never told anyone to stop drawing attention to themselves. period.

then i kept being trolled, and when ignoring the problem wasn't doing anything to deter immortal i came to this thread and did the same thing. i even tagged blacklab and hayden so that one of them could deal with it. after i didn't get a response i posted a follow up,  and immamac called me out and told me to stop drawing attention to myself. he started some shit with me because that's what he does. 

his behavior, your behavior, immortal's behavior, and the behavior of several other posters in this forum who do in fact obsess over me, is far more childish and sensational than anything that i'm doing. that's a fact. you might be incapable of seeing it, but it's true. i have zero interest in going back and forth all day with any of you about any of this, i'd just appreciate the site owner treating me like anyone else here instead of acting like a petulant child any time i deign to post anything here. that's it. same goes for you guys. you guys are so much more sensational and dramatic than me and it's just crazy that you don't see it.


Edited by Goo Punch

You're the child, derka. And clearly you crave the attention with your repeated attempts to draw attention to yourself and claim some kind of victim status. The problem with your strategy is that everybody KNOWS YOU AND HOW YOU ARE. Shit, I used to take up for you on the old board until I realized that you were the cause of the problem and deserved what you got. And apparently you suck at math because no one is agreeing with you. 

The reason I haven't been banned or otherwise disciplined, despite your claims, is that I haven't broken ANY RULES. So, as I and others have said, if you don't like another poster or what they post, use the ignore feature. If you choose not to, then that is your problem. Move on with life, bro.

11 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

it's interesting how other people reporting trolls here = SOP, but me doing it = whining. even down to the numerous instances where posters have repeatedly tagged the site owner and asked him if he was following up on their issue. it isn't me who draws the attention towards my general direction.

nope, that continues to be the very people who whine about me seeking the attention that they routinely go out of their way to give me. and that's including/especially our thin skinned, childish site owner. you guys spend plenty of time talking about/obsessing over me without me even posting here but once in a blue moon, but hey, whatever you gotta tell yourselves to feel better about it. this is simply the new iteration of the people who hid out in SSS keeping a running conversation about everything i did while also whining about me and the attention i supposedly crave as i spend 90% of my time here confined to one board talking about one subject. but hey, kudos to you all for being so above the fray, unlike me. 


Ever asked yourself "Why? Why me?". Just curious.

28 minutes ago, Homercles said:


I watched your avatar episode the other night. It's the one where they go to Duff Gardens, and while there they meet the "7 duffs" one of whom is Surly.

I thought about screen-capping the surly duff and changing my avatar. 

  • Like 2
I watched your avatar episode the other night. It's the one where they go to Duff Gardens, and while there they meet the "7 duffs" one of whom is Surly.
I thought about screen-capping the surly duff and changing my avatar. 

“Hey Surly only looks out for one guy...Surly”
“Sorry, Surly”
“...shut up”
6 minutes ago, Homercles said:


“Hey Surly only looks out for one guy...Surly”
“Sorry, Surly”
“...shut up”



Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

That's exactly right. Maybe not for a decade now, but for several years, and that's a fact. immamac goes out of his way to single me out for doing exactly what everyone else in this thread has done. I didn't provoke that. nor did i provoke him when he was locking my threads, banning me, and inventing stories about me to share on his podcast.

like ive said, i spend nearly all of my time on one board talking about one thing, and the overwhelming majority of posters who post on my regular subjects (hoops, baseball, and varsity) never have problems with me. at all. yet this same specific group of posters/site owners who don't ever even interact with me find themselves constantly talking/complaining about me, even when i'm not doing anything out of the ordinary, and often when i'm not even around. hence the SSS reference. I know that these facts mean nothing to you, but they're here for posterity if nothing else.

Persecution complex much? Goo, I've tried to refrain commenting on this type of thing for the better part of 11 years but jesus dude, enough's enough. If there are people legitimately attacking you I can understand it. But my God going on and on and on for years is ridiculous. I would learn to ignore it change counselors do something cuz whatever you're doing to deal with it is not working. There's always going to be those at pick up at us but you cannot make it worse by over-inflating it and screaming all the time. That being said...















Shut the fuck up please.

Edited by SHOOTER12
Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Homercles said:


I know you’re new but you can totally say ‘fuck’ and spell it out here.

Voice to Text met that correction not me sir. As a matter of fact I didn't notice it until you mentioned it.

Edit: fixed

Edited by SHOOTER12

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