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Doesn't matter where they're from, but when they use the word "like" as every third word in a sentence, they need to veer into oncoming traffic with everyone else in their vehicle.  

Any woman, despite any geographic accent at all, that can speak without using the word "like" seven times in a sentence" is wonderful and should be treated as such.  

Most women in this country need to stop talking.  Or drink Dominican rum.  Either, like, or.  

7 minutes ago, Kennythetiger said:

North Dakota 

I love the Midwestern accent and my wife is from Fargo. 

Can't fucking stand the New York Italians or Boston Irish catholic women's accents 

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Lakota (a.k.a. Sioux) women have a very flat, monotone speech pattern (accent?) that makes it very hard to detect any emotion or mood.  They make Senator Hirono sound lively.  That may sound like a good thing as a contrast to female shrillness, but it's really not pleasant.

If this is only about white women, put me down as a Boston accent hater.

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Theres hardly a ND accent at all. Theres a thick northern Minnesota accent in the sticks which you see in Fargo the movie... but NODakers in general... there's much worse

Yeah, there’s a general north central US accent centered around Minnesota. You hear it in the Dakotas, and far northern reaches of Iowa. My wife definitely has it, and I have it to a lesser extent.

Wisconsin has a distinct accent that’s half this and half Chicago.

Schaumburg, IL.  Briefly dated a girl from there.  She was a very pretty Illini cheerleader. Very smart and great attitude  

But the voice.  Deal killer.  Poor thing. 

  • Like 1
Schaumburg, IL.  Briefly dated a girl from there.  She was a very pretty Illini cheerleader. Very smart and great attitude  
But the voice.  Deal killer.  Poor thing. 

If her initials were A.L., then that’s the Chicago reference I made earlier, and we’ve got a definite conversation starter my friend.

Ah yes, the Coen Bros. tribute to LaVerne & Shirley.  

9 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:
10 hours ago, Kennythetiger said:
North Dakota 

Theres hardly a ND accent at all. Theres a thick northern Minnesota accent in the sticks which you see in Fargo the movie... but NODakers in general... there's much worse

This is completely untrue. I spend tons of time with people from Fargo and various other parts of North and South Dakota. There is definitely a big accent, however you are correct in that it's not as in your face as the northern Minnesota accent. 

9 minutes ago, immamac said:

This is completely untrue. I spend tons of time with people from Fargo and various other parts of North and South Dakota. There is definitely a big accent, however you are correct in that it's not as in your face as the northern Minnesota accent. 

Compare ND/SD to the rest of flyover country, some folk enunciate with hard "Rs" and Yaw instead of Yeah...but the rest is pretty much the same. And its definitely not as defiant of an accent as a Texan, deep south hick, Northeasterner or maybe the casual cali surfer bum. 



I work with a woman who grew up in Chicago and moved to Boston for college and stayed there. She's also got the Millenial Uptalker/ Vocal Fry thing going on. It's seriously the most cringy thing ever. For 6 months I had to listen to her every week on team conference calls and I'd have to take my headset off while she was talking because it hurt my ears. I finally met her in person at a business review, and she's drop dead gorgeous. Thick dark hair, blue eyes, great tits...but my god that voice. She sounds like a millenial Fran Drescher. 


Not sure I understand the Aussie accent hate. Those girls may use terms we’re not familiar with, but the ones I encountered did a hell of a job explaining it fast enough without having to use verbal terminology. Plus, they’re hot as hell for the most part.


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Love the Boston accent...  wicked smaht. 

The stereotypical jersey shore is tough to handle. 

The people up here in upstate ny get a kick out of my twang, lay it on thick if she’s hot. Of course most mispronounce my name due to said twanginess. 

35 minutes ago, Homesickhorn said:

Not sure I understand the Aussie accent hate. Those girls may use terms we’re not familiar with, but the ones I encountered did a hell of a job explaining it fast enough without having to use verbal terminology. Plus, they’re hot as hell for the most part.


How does "hot as hell" mean "I'd like to listen to her talk"?  To me that's kind of the point.  

Hot chicks who lose a point or two when they start talking. 

But then I realized a few posts up that's pretty much all of them.

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