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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Mikey4

  1. There are no n95 masks on Amazon. Walmart Home Depot Lowe’s etc. 
    When there are mass amounts of masks available people will wear them. 
    Not sure who you are responding to. A homemade mask out of a t-shirt is effective at preventing people from touching their faces and catching a lot of the droplets from sneezes and coughs. If we wait until there are N95 masks for medical workers and the public, we will be waiting forever
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  2. Under.  And I'm talking about those who actually died of it vs. those who had it and also died.  To that point, I am dubious as to the accuracy of numbers coming from Italy, Louisiana and China.  The first two being potential overcounts and China undercounting.  My suspicions relate from  them being outliers in the deaths per million in population stats (plus, I don't trust the ChiComs.)   

    Wait... you think the reported numbers are... too HIGH? That's some shit right there. Why the fuck would any country or state OVERCOUNT the positives? I understand undercounting for a variety of reasons. But overcounting? No.
    • Haha 1
  3. I think we are bailing out and heading to the ranch until this blows over.  Won't be anyone within miles.  Nearest town is 20 miles away.  Going to pack all the food in the fridge and deep freezer into coolers and take off.  We are working from home and kids are schooling from home.  Staying in the house is driving me nuts.  At least we can fish and turkey hunt there.  And look for sheds, hunt rattlers, and walk around outside all we want without worrying about getting this virus.

    If I had a ranch, I would be there. Go have fun and be safe.
  4. If masks were easily available, we should do like Japan and other countries, and sick folks would wear them without stigma.   And maybe covid will break that stigma.    Our flu and cold seasons would dramatically improve.   For now it’s nice to think about, but masks need to be going to healthcare/first responders/covids /elderly.  

    Agreed, and even without real masks, there's a lot we could do if leaders would encourage it (no CR). Studies show that even homemade cloth masks are fairly effective at preventing spread. They make it harder for people to accidentally touch their own faces and help contain droplets when people cough or sneeze.


    • Like 1
  5. Was this close enough, genius?
    On February 5 the CDC began to send out coronavirus test kits, but many of the kits were soon found to have faulty negative controls (what shows up when coronavirus is absent), caused by contaminated reagents. This was probably a side effect of a rushed job to put the kits together. Labs with failed negative controls had to ship their samples to the CDC itself for testing.
    Yeah, we should have rushed it a little more. Sent out on February 5th means they had been working on it for some time. Rushing it fucked it up.
    Look around, genius. No, our response was not "close enough."
  6. But as has already been pointed out ad nauseam in this thread, it was too late by that point.  The virus was around in mid-November.  We had direct flights from Wuhan to at least 2 major US cities daily for at least 2 months before that was stopped.  Christmas vacations happened where many Chinese citizens living in the US went home and vise versa for US citizens. 

    Oh, I agree it was too late to stop it. This thread is moving so fast, but if you back up, the point I am responding to is the claim that we were justified to wait on developing and circulating test kits. My point is that we should have been laser-focused on ramping up testing capacity by the end of January because everything we are experiencing now was foreseeable back then.


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  7. We knew end of Jan that this was person to person transmitting.  China kept telling everyone it wasn't up until they had to.

    Agreed. On January 23, Wuhan went on lockdown. Between the time the lockdown was announced and the time it went into effect, hundreds of thousands of people streamed out of Wuhan by train and car. This was known and publicized in late January.






    Around January 24 is when the viral (no pun intended) videos of Wuhan hospitals being overrun began to circulate.




    By late January, it was obvious that the virus had escaped Wuhan, gone person to person, was extremely contagious, and was causing severe, life-threatening illness.


  8. We are testing more than any country in the world by a very wide margin, I would also mention that the rate of positive test is about 7% in Texas and lower in many of the less affected states. So yes, you are seeing tests being prioritized by being shipped to higher percentage areas like New York and New Jersey, which are both well over 30% positive rate. So I think the tests are being allocated properly to catch as many people as possible. You cant send thousands of tests to every city in America, logistically speaking. So yes, I am sure cases are being missed logically, but I mean, for the size and spread of our country, I would say we are doing a pretty damn good job. 
    We shouldn't be in this position. We are the greatest country on earth. We should have made test preparation and allocation THE national priority at least by late January. By late March, we should have the infrastructure to test anyone who wants a test and isolate All the positive cases, even asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic ones.
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  9. Relative felt symptoms. Went in and tested positive for flu B and strep. Dr. Said he woulda been sent for covid testing if he didnt test positive for flu b and strep. Dr prescripted azithrom. No mention of self quarantine needed.
    What are chances he could still be covid positive?
    Is it possible to have flu b and covid?

    The conventional wisdom is to act like you have it if you have symptoms consistent with it. So self-quarantine. I read somewhere that you can have flu and covid. The odds seem pretty low, but who knows.

    As far as the chances that he could be covid positive... Where does he live? Has he traveled to a hot spot or had sustained contact with someone who tested positive? Has he been going to CV parties in NYC or holed up at home in rural south Texas?
  10. So China, with 1.4 BILLION people, and no time to prepare, limited cases to 80K, but the U.S., with 325 million people, and several weeks' advance notice, it going to be ravaged by this virus. What an epic failure.

    And yes, I know that China's numbers are way understated, but so are ours, and there's no denying that China handled this virus exceptionally well compared with the blundering idiocy that we employed.
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  11. Having another soon.  Right now hospital is saying spouses will be allowed in delivery but that may not stand.  No kids under 18 allowed in maternity ward so my 2 won't be able to meet their new brother until we bring him home.  I'm not too worried about anything (if it was my first I'd be freaking out) but wife is getting antsy. 

    It's going to be strange having a baby in this environment. At least you'll be able to be there. I hear some hospitals aren't allowing even spouses out of concern that they'll bring in covid.
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  12. Had a tele-visit with my PCP yesterday morning and he thought with my symptoms and contact with confirmed COVID-19 positive case, I should probably try and get tested. He directed me to Baylor Scott & White and I did their online survey and the follow-up if you ticked a few boxes. My treatment plan didn't include a COVID test so FML. With no fever, they won't spare a test. Oddly, I felt substantially better yesterday afternoon -- the best I've felt in more than a week -- but as the evening wore on, I felt worse and worse. A hot shower made me feel better -- as per usual -- and I got in bed with a nagging cough but was able to sleep through the night (odd that this cough doesn't keep me from sleeping).
    Woke up this morning, feeling like I did yesterday so improvement. PCP called me this afternoon and asked about my Baylor screening. He suggested some others. I did Medical City's this afternoon and it's the exact same template, same questions -- just has a Medical City branding on it. Answered the questions the same and they think it's a viral upper respiratory infection, aka a cold. No test.
    I feel like I'm either about to completely clear this shit or I'm in for hell on earth if/when the fever sets in. I'm on Day 8 of feeling shitty. I will definitely wind up taking the antibody test if/when that ever comes on line because I'd really like to know for sure whether I had it or not.
    Again, this is just flat out insane that everybody in a situation like mine can't take a fucking test.
    I too am interested in the antibody test (assuming my symptoms don't get to the point where I get tested in the immediate future). I'm almost certain mine is just a cold, but only time will tell.
  13. My daughter (no pictures) who has 3 kids at home, been fevery, coughing, sore throat, did online Dr visit - they said go get tested.
    She goes in for her Covid test - but they give her flu & strep tests first to rule that out, and less then 10 minutes later she gets great news.
    She "only" has strep, she said she had never prayed to have the flu before but she feels like she won by not having CV-19 - so that's my good news for the day
    and yet all I can think of is "I hope its not both" (I may be on the internet just a little bit too much)
    So strange that being diagnosed with strep is actually great news. Glad to hear it's not covid.
  14. That's where I am. I started feeling off last Tuesday. No fever ever though it was creeping up on Saturday night. Took a long, hot shower and that seemed to have knocked it all out. Still haven't really felt very well since then, though. Just general malaise, weakness, minor cough, headache and pressure in head (particularly the eyes) and some minor body aches (though that's probably as much from all the laying around). But yet no fever. I felt pretty good for a good bit of today but regressed some in the afternoon. I'm supposed to have a tele-visit with my PCP tomorrow morning.
    How are you doing? For me, the last 2 days have been the same. In the morning, I feel like shit, have no energy, and need to cough a lot. By 11 or so, I feel almost 100% and stay like that for the rest of the day. And no fever, even in the morning. It's gotta be something else... allergies, or I'm fighting a different bug.
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